Japan's Official Development Assistance White Paper 2010

<2> Japan’s Medium-Term Policy on Official Development Assistance

February 4, 2005

1. Introduction

(1) The Official Development Assistance Charter (“ODA Charter”) approved by the Cabinet in August 2003 states that “Pursuant to this Charter, the Medium-Term Policy and Country Assistance Programs will be formulated, and ODA policies will be formulated and implemented in accordance with them.” The previous Medium-Term Policy on ODA was formulated in August 1999 under the previous ODA Charter, and five years have passed since its formulation. Accordingly, the previous Medium-Term Policy has been reviewed thoroughly and the new Medium-Term Policy on ODA (hereafter referred to as the “New Medium-Term ODA Policy”) is set forth herein.

(2) In order to address development challenges such as the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and global issues, to prevent frequent outbreaks of conflicts and terrorism, and to build peace, the international community is strengthening its actions urgently and in concert. Furthermore, it is an important priority for Japan to pursue sustainable growth in developing countries, including through promoting economic partnership with those developing countries that have close relations with Japan. The ODA Charter defines the purpose of ODA as being “to contribute to the peace and development of the international community, and thereby help ensure Japan’s security and prosperity.” In line with this purpose, Japan is determined to play a role appropriate to its position in the international community in addressing these urgent issues confronting the international community through strategic and effective use of its ODA.

Based on the above, the New Medium-Term ODA Policy sets forth Japan’s positions and actions, focusing mainly on issues that Japan needs to present its position at home and abroad with a view to implementing ODA more strategically in accordance with the ODA Charter. More specifically, the New Medium-Term ODA Policy describes Japan’s positions, approaches and specific actions in the following areas: the “perspective of human security,” which is one of the basic policies stipulated in the ODA Charter, the four priority issues of “poverty reduction,” “sustainable growth,” “addressing global issues,” and “peace-building,” and “measures to ensure the efficient and effective implementation of assistance.”

(3) Country Assistance Programs will be formulated on the basis of the ODA Charter and the New Medium-Term ODA Policy, which fleshes out the ODA Charter. Whether or not a matter included in the ODA Charter is referred to in the New Medium-Term ODA Policy does not affect its importance or necessity. The New Medium-Term ODA Policy will be effective during the next three to five years and will be revised at an earlier stage if necessary bearing in mind the domestic and international situation after evaluation of its implementation.

(4) In order to gain public understanding and support for ODA, efforts will be made to ensure sufficient transparency and to actively promote public information regarding Japan’s ODA as well as to promote public participation in aid activities. In addition, evaluation will be enhanced and efforts will be made to ensure the effective implementation of ODA.