Japan's Official Development Assistance White Paper 2010

(4) Securing the Safety of Personnel Engaged in Development Assistance

Security situations in developing countries where ODA personnel are involved in development operations vary considerably and change constantly. In addition, since the terrorist attacks in the United States on September 11, 2001, tensions in the Middle East and South Asia have increased and frequent global terrorist activities still exist as well. In peacebuilding activities, how to safeguard ODA personnel has become a considerably critical issue.

Japan examines the domestic security situation in the country through mainly Japanese embassies, provides travel information, and exchanges and shares information among people engaging in ODA. JICA takes measures such as providing particular training and seminars before they leave Japan, ensuring means of communication in emergency situations in the destination, deploying safety officers (Note 45), and installing security equipment in the living quarters of ODA personnel. In addition, JICA prepares security manuals tailored to the security conditions of the various countries and regions by exchanging information with Japanese embassies and local offices of international organizations, and it implements other appropriate and timely security measures. In addition, efforts are being made to enhance safety, as joint training for emergency and risk management is conducted with JICA and the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). In terms of grant aid, JICA provides information for consultants and construction contractors, while also improving the system for communication during emergencies. As for loan aid, efforts are made to ensure the safety of Japanese corporations that take on projects through such measures such as the provision of information.


(45) In order to strengthen safety measures in the field, since before the merger, JICA has employed people who are well versed in the security and safety measures of the country concerned to serve as safety officers. In this way, JICA ensures the collection and offering of information and around-the-clock response to a wide range of tasks from housing security to traffic accidents.