Japan's Official Development Assistance White Paper 2010

(2) Ensuring Appropriate Procedures

In the implementation of aid, confirmation is made on whether consideration has been paid to the impact that project-implementing organizations elicit on the environment and local society, such as on the involuntary relocation of residents or infringements on the rights of native populations and women. Traditionally, for loan aid and technical cooperation a vast range of views would be acquired from advisors such as academics and NGOs, and guidelines would be created in order to confirm considerations paid to the local environment and society. For grant aid, as well, assistance has been provided based on the Grant Aid Screening Guidelines. In line with the launch of the new JICA in October 2008, the old JICA and old JBIC guidelines were integrated, and on April 1, 2010 the new JICA Guidelines for Environmental and Social Considerations were issued. These undertakings lead to ensuring transparency, predictability, and accountability related to considerations of environmental problems.

In addition, meetings of the Committee for the Appropriate Implementation of Grant Aid are held for grant aid projects to achieve more efficient and transparent ODA projects. The meeting consists of specialists from the fields of international finance, development economics, law, accounting, and information, as well as NGO-related parties. The opinions of these third parties are incorporated into the selection processes for grant aid projects. Also, for the effective and efficient implementation of aid, much effort is exerted for the appropriate and efficient procurement of equipment and consulting services in terms of quality and price.