Japan's Official Development Assistance White Paper 2010

(2) Information and Communication Technology (ICT)

The dissemination of ICT contributes to sustainable economic development through advancement of industries and improvement of productivity. It also contributes to improving medical care, education, energy, the environment, and natural disaster management. The active utilization of ICT is very important as it facilitates information disclosures by the government and improvement of governance through improved broadcast media, which is a cornerstone of democratization, and strengthening civil society by improving the availability and the quality of services.

<Japan’s Efforts>

Japan provides active support to eliminate the disparities in ICT between regions and nations in order to enhance the quality of life for all people. More specifically, the main focus of support centers around the establishment of communication and broadcasting infrastructure in developing countries, introducing legislation and fostering human resources. In addition, Japan aims to provide comprehensive assistance including infrastructural, human resource, and institutional aspects, such as the promotion of the Japanese style of digital broadcasting system abroad. In this operation, Japan takes into consideration the realization of the rich potential of each and every human being in developing countries and economic development in Japan.

●Support for South American countries for the introduction of terrestrial digital TV broadcasting

Countries in South America which have adopted Japanese ISDB-T standards for terrestrial digital TV have experience only in analog broadcasting, and therefore, lack expertise and equipment for the startup of digital broadcasting, including the creation of a master plan, the selection and procurement of terrestrial digital broadcasting equipment, and its operation and management. For this reason, Japan dispatched an expert on supporting the introduction of terrestrial digital broadcasting to Peru, Chile, Argentina, and Venezuela in FY2009. Japan also invited government officials, private-sector technicians, and other stakeholders to Japan and implemented such programs as the South America Terrestrial Digital Broadcasting Seminar and Training on Support for Introduction of Terrestrial Digital Broadcasting. These programs have led to the implementation of Japanese standards by other South American countries and have bolstered ties between South American countries and Japan.