Japan's Official Development Assistance White Paper 2010

Section 4 Securing Financial Resources for Development

In order to carry out more strategic and effective aid by securing the financing needed to meet the vast and diverse development needs, efforts will be strengthened to mobilize and secure ODA and other sources of funding.

1. Efforts Towards Expanding ODA

In today’s globalized world, Japan needs to pursue the common interests of the international community together with major countries and sufficiently implement ODA as the core of development cooperation.

Even under difficult economic and fiscal conditions, Japan will strive to expand ODA, fulfilling its commitments including assistance to Afghanistan and Africa and staving off the declining trend of ODA from the standpoint that ODA is investment for the future. On that premise, Japan will continue to eliminate inefficiencies and promote cost-reduction efforts.

Amid the declining trend of ODA in recent years, Japan has maintained a sizable number of aid programs through the ODA budget (initial budget) and supplementary budget. As the supplementary budget is designed to meet unforeseen needs at different times, Japan will seek to allocate in the initial budget, to the extent possible, the ODA portions whose necessity and scale can be reasonably and reliably estimated.