Japan's Official Development Assistance White Paper 2010
3. Three Pillars of Development Cooperation
The “ODA Review” identified the following three pillars, or the priority areas of the development cooperation to be undertaken based on this philosophy.
(1) Poverty reduction — Contributing to the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)
Japan will reach out to the people of developing countries as fellow human beings and work with them to realize human security (Note 1). With a view to achieving the MDGs, Japan will place priority on sustainable growth that leads to poverty reduction, health, and education.
Literacy class for women in District 4, Kabul City (Afghanistan) (Photo: JICA)
(1)To realize a society or country in which people are free from fear and want and are able to live their lives with dignity, the concept focuses on each and every person and attaches importance to: (1) protecting and empowering people; (2) comprehensively addressing mutually related issues; and (3) forming partnerships with various stakeholders.