Japan's Official Development Assistance White Paper 2010

Section 2 Enhancing Enlightened National Interest — A New Development Cooperation Philosophy

In light of the question of the meaning of development assistance, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs presents a new ”development cooperation” concept. It places ODA at its core as a tool for pursuing the common interests of the world, and identifies three pillars (priority areas).

1. ODA as the Core of “Development Cooperation”

Along with the changes in the international environment noted earlier, the stakeholders involved in development issues have diversified, as well as financial flows to developing countries. In that context, it is necessary and appropriate to consider that assistance to developing countries is implemented through ODA as well as other official flows (OOF), programs of non-public sectors (private companies, NGOs, citizens), and other development cooperation. Thus, the ”ODA Review” presents the concept of ”development cooperation” as a paradigm for development assistance. This concept places ODA at the core of development cooperation, and considers its role within the context of coordination with OOF and non-public sectors and in the larger framework of ”international cooperation”.

Chart II-1 Development Cooperation Concept