Japan's Official Development Assistance White Paper 2010
The UN Summit on the MDGs was held over three days from September 20 to 22, 2010, just before the general debate started at the 65th Session of the UN General Assembly. The Summit was attended by approximately 140 heads of state and government. Unlike the UN summit of a similar style held in 2005, where discussion took place on wide-ranging topics related to the UN Millennium Declaration as a whole, the focus was narrowed to the MDGs for the 2010 summit.
From Japan, Prime Minister Naoto Kan and Minister for Foreign Affairs Seiji Maehara attended. Prime Minister Kan delivered an address at the High-level Plenary Meeting and announced the “Kan Commitment”, which sets out Japan’s specific contributions towards the achievement of the MDGs. Japan pledged to provide a total of US$8.5 billion of assistance over five years beginning in 2011 for the areas of health and education where progress is particularly slow. In addition, Minister for Foreign Affairs Maehara attended a roundtable on the theme of “addressing the special needs of the most vulnerable”. He demonstrated that the notion of human security is vital for responding to the diverse needs of the most vulnerable, including those living in slums and remote villages, minorities, and persons with disabilities, and introduced Japan’s “School for All” education assistance model.
At the UN Summit on the MDGs, various events were held in parallel with the Summit comprised of the High-level Plenary Meeting and roundtable sessions, in which Japan actively participated. Minister for Foreign Affairs Maehara attended the Focus Group on MDGs in Asia spearheaded by Japan, and highlighted the importance of sharing Asia’s experience of economic growth and giving attention to the disparities originating from the growth. In addition, he attended the High-level Side Event on Innovative Financing hosted by the Leading Group on Innovative Financing for Development, and expressed Japan’s wish to expand international discussions on innovative financing.
The UN Summit on the MDGs was attended not only by government delegations but also by representatives from the civil society, NGOs, and the private sector. From Japan’s private sector, Mr. Hiromasa Yonekura, Chairman of Nippon Keidanren (Japan Business Federation) and member of the UN’s MDG Advocacy Group (Note 3), participated in (the Summit and attended) the roundtable attended by Minister for Foreign Affairs Maehara and other events. From civil society and NGOs, two representatives participated as members of the government delegation.
(3) The MDG Advocacy Group is co-chaired by President Paul Kagame of Rwanda and President José Luis Rodriguez Zapatero of the Government of Spain and consists of 21 eminent personalities. Members include Nobel Peace Prize laureates Muhammad Yunus (Bangladesh) and Wangari Maathai (Kenya), former Chilean President Michelle Bachelet Jeria, former First Lady of the Republic of South Africa Graca Machel, and U.S. entrepreneurs Bill Gates and Ted Turner. From Japan, Chairman of Nippon Keidanren Hiromasa Yonekura was inducted. Members display global leadership in promoting the implementation of the MDGs through the eradication of poverty and hunger and advancing education, health, gender equality, and environmental sustainability.