Official Development Assistance (ODA)

March 31, 2004
Region Country Project Date of E/N
(Local time)
(100 million yen)
East Asia Cambodia Food Aid through WFP March 16, 2004 8.00
The project for Improvement of Water Supply System in Siem Reap Town January 20, 2004 0.74
The project for Human Resource Development Scholarship January 20, 2004 1.53
The project for Infectious Disease Prevention August 18, 2003 3.95
The project for Support to Strengthening of Emergency Obsteric Care Servicethe project for Rural Drinking Water Supply in Peri-Urban of Phnom Penh City June 25, 2003 4.42
The project for Human Resource Development Scholarship June 25, 2003 0.57
China The project for Human Resource Development Scholarship January 8, 2004 1.66
The project for Tuberculosis Control in Poor Areas (Phase III) August 14, 2003 4.49
The project for Afforestation for Conservation of Middle Stream of Huang He August 14, 2003 3.71
The project for Afforestation for Conservation of Middle Stream of Huang He (Phase II) August 14, 2003 5.19
The project for improvement of Solid Waste Management in Xian City August 14, 2003 13.23
The project for Human Resource Development Scholarship June 24, 2003 0.93
The project for Supply of Equipment for the Secondary Vocational Schools (Phase II) April 18, 2003 12.68
The project for Improvement of Equipment for Emergency Centers in Interior Regions April 18, 2003 9.95
Indonesia The Project for Improvement of Pump Drainage in Poverty District in Jakarta March 19, 2004 3.35
Food Aid March 19, 2004 6.00
The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship February 12, 2004 1.17
The Project for Improvement of Broadcasting Equipment for Television of the Republic of Indonesia (TVRI) Makassar Station November 5, 2003 4.59
Sector Program Grant Aid November 5, 2003 25.00
The project for Human Resource Development Scholarship August 8, 2003 0.72
The project for Bridge Construction in the Central and North Sulawesi Provinces May 29, 2003 10.46
Laos Food Aid through WFP March 16, 2004 4.00
Sector Program Grant Aid March 4, 2004 10.00
The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship January 30, 2004 1.75
The project for Construction of Primary Schools August 15, 2003 3.33
The project for Improvement of International Telephone Switching System June 27, 2003 2.19
The project for Human Resource Development Scholarship June 27, 2003 0.62
Food Aid April 4, 2003 5.00
Mongolia The project for Improvement of Primary Education Facilities (Phase II) August 11, 2003 9.44
The project for Improvement of Meteorological Information Network August 11, 2003 5.78
The project for Rehabilitation of Railway Facilities (Phase II) June 23, 2003 6.68
The project for Human Resource Development Scholarship June 23, 2003 0.58
Myanmar The Project for Improvement of Maternal and Child Health Care Services (Phase V) (through UNICEF) March 1, 2004 6.62
The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship January 16, 2004 1.59
Philippines Grant Aid for Increase of Food Production March 31, 2004 4.77
The project for Improvement of Educational Facilities (Phase VI) August 8, 2003 9.47
The project for Improvement of Water Quality in Local Areas August 8, 2003 7.39
The project for Rehabilitation of Cagayan Irrigation Facilities August 8, 2003 9.06
The project for Establishment of the Automated Fingerprint Identification System June 30, 2003 9.75
The project for Human Resource Development Scholarship June 30, 2003 0.64
Thailand The Project for the Construction of the Asia-Pacific Development Center on Disability June 5, 2003 4.91
Timor-Leste Non-Project Grant Aid March 8, 2004 5.00
The Project for Improvement of Roads between Dili and Cassa January 23, 2004 0.40
The Project for Improving Maternal and Child Health Care in the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste (through UNICEF) December 18, 2003 1.61
The Project for Rehabilitation of Power Distribution Network in Dili November 13, 2003 2.26
The Project for Reconstruction of Primary Schools and Junior High Schools November 13, 2003 0.40
Viet Nam The project for Human Resource Development Scholarship February 27, 2004 1.96
The project for Improvement of Facilities of Primary Schools in Northern Mountain Region (Phase II) November 25, 2003 4.94
The project for the Groundwater Development in Rural Part of Northern Provinces July 29, 2003 6.87
The project for Improvement of Rural Living Conditions in Nam Dan District in Nghe An Province July 29, 2003 4.72
The project for Improvement of Equipment of National Hospital of Pedeatrics July 18, 2003 3.14
The project for Human Resource Development Scholarship June 27, 2003 0.74
The project for the Construction of the Facilities for Measles Vaccine Production June 24, 2003 21.41
The project for Reconstruction of Bridges in the Central District (Phase II) June 23, 2003 10.10
South Asia Bangladesh Food Aid through WFP March 16, 2004 2.00
The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship January 27, 2004 1.47
The project for Construction of Multipurpose Cyclone Shelters (Phase II) November 19, 2003 0.33
The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship June 22, 2003 0.62
The project for Support to Strengthening of Emergency Obsteric Care Service June 15, 2003 4.71
The project for the Eradication of Poliomyelitis (through UNICEF) May 29, 2003 4.30
Grant Aid for Debt Relief April 16, 2003 42.14
Bhutan The project for Improvement of Equipment for Road Construction and Maintenance February 27, 2004 6.03
Grant Aid for Increase of Food Production April 7, 2003 4.00
India The project for Improvement of Medical Equipment for Sir J.J Hospital and Cama & Albless Hospital August 28, 2003 7.59
Grant Aid for Debt Relief August 28, 2003 0.85
The project for the Eradication of Poliomyelitis (through UNICEF) May 29, 2003 8.31
Maldives Food Aid April 24, 2003 1.70
Nepal Sector Program Grant Aid March 18, 2004 5.00
The project for Improvement of Expanded Program on Immunization October 16, 2003 2.62
The project for Construction of Primary Schools in Support of Education for All October 1, 2003 6.83
The project for Improvement of Kathmandu Water Supply Facilities August 21, 2003 2.77
The project for the Extension and Reinforcement of Power Transmission and Distribution System in Kathmandu Vally (Phase III) July 22, 2003 13.80
The project for Emergency Rehabilitation of Shindhuli Road (Section IV) July 11, 2003 4.34
Grant Aid for Debt Relief April 24, 2003 0.80
Grant Aid for Increase of Food Production April 21, 2003 5.00
Pakistan Sector Program Grant Aid March 16, 2004 40.00
The project for Improvement of Basic Health Care System in Balochistan March 16, 2004 2.89
The project for the Eradication of Poliomyelitis (through UNICEF) December 18, 2003 10.83
The Project for Improving Maternal and Child Health Care in the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste December 18, 2003 1.61
The project for Improvement of Islamabad Children's Hospital August 6, 2003 6.25
The project for Expansion of Immunization against Neonatal Tetanus August 6, 2003 2.40
Sri Lanka Food Aid through WFP March 16, 2004 2.00
Grant Aid for Increase of Food Production (through FAO) March 1, 2004 1.51
Non-Project Grant Aid March 1, 2004 15.00
The project for improvement of water supply system in Matara district August 4, 2003 14.98
Grant Aid for Debt Relief April 21, 2003 0.20
Central Asia and the Caucasus Armenia Grant Aid for Increase of Food Production March 22, 2004 2.00
Azerbaijan The Project for Improvement of Equipment for Amelioration and Irrigation March 30, 2004 6.24
Georgia Food Aid through WFP March 16, 2004 1.00
The Project for Improvement of Medical Equipment of Primary Health Care Facilities in the Field of Mother and Child Health February 2, 2004 2.47
Kazakhstan The Project for Rural Communities Water Supply November 5, 2003 5.25
Kyrgyz The project for Improvement of Child Health Care in Rural Areas January 16, 2004 3.99
Tajikistan Food Aid through WFP March 16, 2004 1.00
The Project for Improving Maternal and Child Health Care in the Republic of Tajikistan March 1, 2004 1.57
Uzbekistan Grant Aid for Increase of Food Production March 19, 2004 4.20
The project for Improvement of Training Teachers in the Secondary Specialized and Vocational Education January 23, 2004 7.07
The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship December 22, 2003 1.34
The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship July 4, 2003 0.58
The project for Improvement of Nursing Education System April 11, 2003 2.92
Middle East Afghanistan The Project for Improvement of Equipment of the Universities in Kabul March 18, 2004 4.16
The Programme for Improvement of Trunk Road from Kandahar toward Heart March 18, 2004 84.00
The Programmefor Improvement and Constructionof Roads inKandahar and its environs March 18, 2004 18.00
Afghanistan's New Beginnings Programme (through UNDP) March 18, 2004 30.00
The project for Infectious Disease Prevention for Children (through UNICEF) December 18, 2003 5.40
The Research Project for Developing Mine Clearance Related Equipment November 5, 2003 6.46
The Project for Improvement of TV Broadcasting Facilities in Kabul June 10, 2003 7.94
The Project for Improvement of Equipment of the Kabul International Airport May 3, 2003 3.41
Road Sector Programme Grant Aid May 3, 2003 30.00
The Project for Improvement of the Equipments for Afghan Police April 10, 2003 2.89
The Research Project for Developing Mechanical Demining Machines in Afghanistan April 10, 2003 0.72
Egypt The Project for Supporting the Civil Defense Administration with Fire Trucks March 25, 2004 7.46
The Project for Providing Ambulance Mobile Units for Emergency Medical Services March 25, 2004 9.16
Non-Project Grant Aid March 2, 2004 30.00
The project for Water Supply Development in Northwestern Part of Sharqiya Governorate (Detailed Design) December 7, 2003 0.44
The project for Rehabilitation and Improvement of Sakoula Regulator on Bahr Yusef Canal (Detailed Design) December 7, 2003 0.96
The project for the Eradication of Poliomyelitis (through UNICEF) November 3, 2003 3.62
Grant Aid for Increase of Food Production April 15, 2003 9.68
Iraq Food Aid (through WFP) April 16, 2003 14.00
Jordan The Project for Improvement of the Water Supply System for the Zarqa District July 2, 2003 7.53
Non-Project Grant Aid April 6, 2003 60.00
Morocco Projet d'Approvisionnement en Eau Potable des Populations Rurales dans la Province de Benslimane September 17, 2003 0.93
Le de Projet Developpement d'un Village de peche a Sidi Hsaine July 22, 2003 2.19
Palestinian Authorities Non-Project Grant Aid March 17, 2004 5.00
Food Aid (through UNRWA) March 1, 2004 5.00
The project for the Expansion of Immunization Program in the Palestinian Administrated Areas (through UNICEF) October 31, 2003 2.34
Sudan Food Aid through WFP March 16, 2004 1.00
The Project for Infectious Disease Prevention for the children in the Sudan (through UNICEF) May 29, 2003 2.98
Syria The project for Development of Hydrological and Meteorological Observation Network December 10, 2003 6.05
The project for Supplying Medical Equipment to Golan Hospital December 3, 2003 4.52
The Project for Rehabilitation of Water Distribution Pipelines in Damascus City: Phase2 April 2, 2003 3.34
Yemen The project for Supplying School Textbook Printing Equipment December 3, 2003 6.10
The project for Construction of School Facilities of Basic Education June 14, 2003 7.43
Africa (Great Lake Region) Food Aid through WFP March 16, 2004 1.99
Angola Food Aid March 19, 2004 2.00
The project for Infectious Disease Prevention for Children (through UNICEF) March 18, 2004 4.45
Reintegration Assistance Programme to Angolan Returnees (through UNHCR) October 31, 2003 2.13
Food Aid (through WFP) October 31, 2003 3.65
The Project for Improvement of Josina Machel Hospital May 29, 2003 28.47
Food Aid April 17, 2003 5.00
Benin Projet de Construction des Ecoles Primaires September 12, 2003 10.33
Projet d'Amenagement du Port de peche September 12, 2003 7.62
Food Aid April 8, 2003 2.00
Burkina Faso Food Aid April 10, 2003 3.00
Burundi Grant Aid for Debt Relief December 22, 2003 0.20
Cameroon Projet de construction d'ecoles primaires phase II June 18, 2003 13.45
Cape Verde Food Aid March 25, 2004 1.50
du project de Developpement des eaux souterraines et d'Approvisionnement en eau dans l'ile de Santiago February 3, 2004 0.40
Food Aid April 9, 2003 2.50
Congo, Democratic Republic of The Project for Infectious Diseases Prevention for Children in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (through UNICEF) March 1, 2004 2.97
The Program for Support of the Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration of Ex-Combatants in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (through UNDP) October 31, 2003 4.08
Congo, Republic of Food Aid through WFP March 16, 2004 2.00
Cote d'Ivoire Food Aid through WFP March 16, 2004 2.00
Djibouti Projet de Renforcement de l'Enseignement Fondamental August 29, 2003 7.87
Ethiopia Non-Project Grant Aid December 19, 2003 5.00
The Project for Consolidation of Educational Television and Radio Recording Studios, Phase II November 18, 2003 1.96
The project for Infectious Diseases Prevention for Children (through UNICEF) May 29, 2003 3.60
Gabon Le Projet d'amenagement d'un centre de peches artisanales a Lambarene December 10, 2003 4.67
Gambia Food Aid March 26, 2004 1.80
Food Aid April 14, 2003 2.10
Ghana The Project for Rural Electrification August 8, 2003 3.06
The project for Infectious Disease Prevention for Children (through UNICEF) July 29, 2003 1.16
Guinea Le projet de construction des ecoles primaires dans la ville de Conakry July 2, 2003 5.94
Grant Aid for Debt Relief June 13, 2003 2.59
Food Aid April 11, 2003 3.50
Kenya Food Aid through WFP March 16, 2004 1.00
The project for Improvement of Facilities for control of Infectious and Parasitic Diseases at Kenya Medical Research Institute (Detailed Deseign) February 20, 2004 0.82
Non-Project Grant Aid December 1, 2003 5.00
Lesotho Food Aid through WFP March 16, 2004 1.00
Liberia Food Aid through WFP March 16, 2004 2.00
Madagascar The Project for the Expansion of Immunization Program August 21, 2003 2.51
Projet de construction d'un By Pass de la Route Nationale n°7 August 21, 2003 2.51
Projet de l'exploitation des eaux souterraines dans la region sud-ouest de Madagascar, Phase II August 21, 2003 4.75
Malawi Food Aid through WFP March 16, 2004 1.00
The Project for Malaria Control December 16, 2003 2.77
Grant Aid for Debt Relief September 10, 2003 5.25
Mali Grant Aid for Increase of Food Production March 12, 2004 2.00
Grant Aid for Debt Relief May 21, 2003 1.41
Mauritania Grant Aid for Increase of Food Production March 31, 2004 1.74
Food Aid May 2, 2003 3.00
Grant Aid for Debt Relief May 2, 2003 0.92
Mozambique Non-Project Grant Aid November 21, 2003 10.00
Niger Projet de construction des ecoles primaires dans les regions de Dosso et de Tahoua June 21, 2003 7.05
Nigeria The project for Infectious Disease Prevention for Children (through UNICEF) July 28, 2003 4.00
Rwanda Grant Aid for Debt Relief November 3, 2003 0.03
Senegal Food Aid March 29, 2004 2.50
Grant Aid for Increase of Food Production March 29, 2004 2.71
Projet d'extension du Centre de Formation Professionnelle et Technique SENEGAL/JAPON May 14, 2003 7.59
Projet de construction des salles de classe de l'enseignement elementaire Phase IV May 14, 2003 11.08
South Africa The Project for Construction of Primary and Junior Secondary Schools in the Limpopo Province November 14, 2003 8.39
Swaziland Food Aid through WFP March 16, 2004 1.00
Grant Aid for Increase of Food Production March 26, 2004 1.43
The Project for Rural Water Supply, Phase II October 8, 2003 5.17
Tanzania Non-Project Grant Aid March 19, 2004 5.00
Food Aid March 19, 2004 3.10
Grant Aid for Increase of Food Production (through FAO) March 1, 2004 1.30
The Project for Rural Water Supply in Lindi and Mtwara Regions September 1, 2003 3.31
The Project for Infectious Diseases Control July 29, 2003 4.89
Food Aid April 17, 2003 6.00
Uganda Food Aid through WFP March 16, 2004 1.00
The Project for Rural Water Supply, Phase II December 2, 2003 2.77
The project for Improvement of Trunk Roads in Kampala, Phase II June 24, 2003 3.32
Zambia Food Aid through WFP March 16, 2004 1.00
The Project for Infectious Diseases Control September 9, 2003 5.10
Grant Aid for Debt Relief September 9, 2003 3.36
Zimbabwe Food Aid through WFP March 16, 2004 1.00
Latin America and the Caribbean (Central America Region) Food Aid through WFP March 16, 2004 1.00
Antigua and Barbuda The Project for Construction of Fisheries Center March 16, 2004 1.68
Bolivia Non-Project Grant Aid March 18, 2004 5.00
El Proyecto de Desarrollo de Aguas Subterraneas en las Areas Rurales (Fase III) July 1, 2003 9.65
Dominican Republic El Proyecto del Desarrollo de Aguas Subterraneas en los Asentamientos y Antiguas Areas Caneras August 12, 2003 4.40
Ecuador Grant Aid for Increase of Food Production March 24, 2004 5.20
El Proyecto para el Fortalecimiento del Servicio Basico de Salud August 8, 2003 3.59
El Proyecto de Desarrollo de Aguas Subterraneas en la Provincia del Azuay June 2, 2003 6.52
Guatemala Grant Aid for Increase of Food Production April 30, 2003 4.00
Guyana The Project for Reconstruction of the New Amsterdam Hospital July 15, 2003 7.50
Haiti Food Aid through WFP March 16, 2004 3.00
Projet d'Amelioration de Services de Soins de Base February 18, 2004 2.93
Food Aid April 21, 2003 3.00
Grant Aid for Increase of Food Production April 21, 2003 2.80
Honduras Non-Project Grant Aid March 18, 2004 5.00
Grant Aid for Increase of Food Production March 18, 2004 5.50
El Proyecto de Fortalecimiento de la Red Hospitalaria de la Region Sanitaria III June 13, 2003 4.67
El Proyecto de Desarrollo de Aguas Subterraneas en la Region Sanitaria VII June 13, 2003 4.16
Nicaragua Grant Aid for Increase of Food Production March 18, 2004 5.15
Non-Project Grant Aid March 18, 2004 5.00
The Project for the Expansion of Immunization Program in the Republic of Nicaragua (through UNICEF) March 18, 2004 6.05
El Proyecto de Rehabilitacion de Instalaciones Escolares de la Educacion Basica y Media del Departamento de Managua July 3, 2003 5.47
Grant Aid for Increase of Food Production April 9, 2003 3.70
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines The project for Re-modeling of New Kingstown Fish Market August 27, 2003 7.55
Sao Tome and Principe Food Aid April 16, 2003 1.50
Suriname The Project for Improvement of Basic Medical Equipment for Mother and Child Health Care Facilities December 9, 2003 3.27
Oceania Marshall The Project for Improvement of the Majuro Hospital July 25, 2003 6.14
Micronesia The Project for Improvement of the Circumferential Road in the Pohonpei Island June 11, 2003 4.54
Papua New Guinea The project for Improvement of Equipment of the National Broadcasting Corporation August 27, 2003 8.20
Europe Albania Grant Aid for Increase of Food Production March 24, 2004 1.70
Grant Aid for Increase of Food Production April 12, 2003 1.60
Bosnia and Herzegovina The project for Construction of Doboj Bridge and Modrica Bridge (Detailed Design) December 15, 2003 0.38
The project for Improvement of Osanica Bridge and Bogatici Bridge August 7, 2003 4.91
Macedonia The project for Improvement of Water Supply in Skopje Outskirts (Detailed Design) January 26, 2004 0.53
The project for Improvement of Medical Equipment for Respiratory Facility in Skopje April 14, 2003 1.06
Moldova Grant Aid for Increase of Food Production March 11, 2004 2.60
Serbia and Montenegro The Project for Rehabilitation of the Bajna Basta Pumped Storage Hydroelectric Power Plant May 27, 2003 6.45
The Project for Improvement of Medical Equipment for Main Hospitals in Republic of Serbia April 15, 2003 13.92
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