Official Development Assistance (ODA)

May 20, 2022
Date of E/N
(Local time)
Country Project (100 million yen)
March 29, 2021 Tanzania The Project for Development of Malindi Fish Landing and Marketing Facilities in Zanzibar 9.35→12.85
March 26, 2021 India The Project for the Improvement of Power Supply in Andaman and Nicobar Islands 40.16
March 23, 2021 Cabo Verde The Economic and Social Development Programme 3
Malawi The Project for Expanding and Upgrading the Domasi College of Education 19.47→23.09
Samoa The Economic and Social Development Programme 2
Sierra Leone The Project for Promoting Youth Employment through Automotive Maintenance Skills Training 4.05
March 22, 2021 Ethiopia The Project for Improvement of Water Supply in Bahir Dar City 18.36 → 20.72
Sierra Leone The Project for Strengthening Children’s Hospital in Freetown 23.83
March 19, 2021 Cameroon The Econimic and Social Development Programme 1
Pakistan The Project for the Improvement of Water Treatment Plant and Water Distribution System in Faisalabad 40.94
March 18, 2021 Guinea The Project for Development of Kaporo Fishing Port 12.19→13.91
Guinea-Bissau The Project for Building Strong Institutions for Sustaining Peace (through UNDP) 2.59
Mozambique The Economic and Social Development Programme 5
March 16, 2021 Nicaragua The Economic and Social Development Programme 3
March 15, 2021 Afghanistan The Project for Strengthening the Response Capacity for Infectious Diseases 1.84
March 11, 2021 Mali Food Assistance Programme (through WFP) 3.0
Syria The Project for Enhancing Food Security and Livelihoods in North-eastern Area (through UNDP) 9.5
March 10, 2021 Eswatini The Economic and Social Development Programme 2
Mongolia The Project for Strengthening Capacity of Mongolia to Cope with the COVID-19 and Other Public Health Emergencies 10
Sri Lanka The Project for Supporting the Socioeconomic Reintegration of Sri Lankan Migrant Workers Repatriated due to the COVID-19 Outbreak 1.87
March 9, 2021 Egypt The Project for Supporting the Promotion of Circular Economy Practices on Single-use Plastic Value Chain 3.72
March 8, 2021 Belize, Guyana, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago The Project for Enhancing the Health System through the Provision of Medical Equipment (through UNOPS) 4.99
March 5, 2021 South Sudan The Project for the Improvement of Water Supply System of Juba in South Sudan 65.08
Turkmenistan The Project for Enhancing the Healthcare System through the Provision of Medical Equipment 2.98
March 1, 2021 Cambodia The Project for the Development of Vessel Traffic System (VTS) in Sihanoukville Port 11.32
Namibia Food Assistance 3
February 28, 2021 Bangladesh The Project for the Improvement of the Water Supply and Distribution System for Host Communities and Displaced Persons from Myanmar in Teknaf Upazila, Cox’s Bazar District 9.86
Sudan The Project for Improvement of Water Treatment Plant in Kosti City 43.28
February 27, 2021 Burkina Faso The Economic and Social Development Programme 3
February 26, 2021 Cambodia, Laos, Viet Nam, Thailand The Project for Flood Management Capacity Building in the Mekong River Basin 3
February 25, 2021 Burkina Faso The Project for the Construction of Lower-Secondary Schools in the Centre and Centre-Sud Regions 13.5
Palestine The Project for Reinforcing Conducive Learning Environment at Schools towards Quality and Inclusive Education for Palestine Refugee Children 9.87
February 24, 2021 Laos The Project for Enhancing Border Management Capacity in the Lao P.D.R. through Technology Improvement 2.2
Mali The Economic and Social Development Programme 3.0
The Project for the Improvement of Equipment of Technical and Professional Institutions in Bamako District 9.94
Somalia The Project for Promoting Security through Enhancing the Explosive Disposal Capacity of the Somali Police Force 4.4
February 23, 2021 Bosnia and Herzegovina The Economic and Social Development Programme 1
Honduras The Economic and Social Development Programme 5
Project for Reconstruction of Bridge on National Road No.1 (Detailed Design) 0.62
February 22, 2021 Cambodia The Project for Food Security and Community-based Recovery Support to Flood-affected Communities(through WFP) 2.09
Pakistan The Project for Protection, Education and Livelihood Assistance for Afghan Refugees and Host Communities 3.84
Mauritius The Economic and Social Development Programme 6
February 19, 2021 Laos The Project for the Enhancement of Food Supply and the Rehabilitation of Agricultural Infrastructure in Floods Affected Areas (through WFP) 1.8
Nepal The Project for the Improvement of Maternal and Child Health and Nutrition 3.64
February 18, 2021 Cameroon The Project for Recovery in the South-west Region through Rehabilitation of Health Centers and Water Points 2.91
February 17, 2021 Iran The Project for Promoting Inclusive and Sustainable Development of the Yellowfin Tuna Value Chain in Chabahar 3.63
The Project for Promoting Environmental Management and Sustainable Livelihoods in Lake Urmia and Other Wetlands 3.13
Maldives The Project for Strengthening the Capacities of the Maritime Rescue Coordination Centre (MRCC) 3.89
February 16, 2021 Syria The Project for Strengthening Access to WASH, Maternal and Child Health Services in East Ghouta (through UNICEF) 4.89
Yemen The Project for Promoting Access to Quality Learning for Yemeni Children(through UNICEF) 4.17
February 15, 2021 Vanuatu The Project for the Construction of Hydropower Station in Espiritu Santo Island (Detailed Design) 0.63
February 12, 2021 Syria The Project for Strengthening Health Care Services in North-eastern Area (through WHO) 6.34
February 11, 2021 Uganda The Project for the Improvement of National Road in Refugee-hosting Areas of West Nile Sub-region 38.21
February 10, 2021 Kenya The Project for Enhancing Women’s Resilience in Refugee Camps and Host Communities 4.85
February 3, 2021 Albania The Economic and Social Development Programme 1
Malawi The Project for the Improvement of Substations in Lilongwe City (Detailed Design) 0.18
Sudan The Economic and Social Development Programme 3
The Project for the Improvement of Solida Waste Management Equipment for Clean Cities 12.41
January 29, 2021 Papua New Guinea The Project for Rural Electrification with Extension of Power Supply Network 10
January 28, 2021 Kiribati, Palau, Fiji, Marshall, Micronesia The Project for Strengthening Immunization Programs in Pacific Island Countries 10.19
Ukraine The Economic and Social Development Programme 2
January 27, 2021 Botswana The Economic and Social Development Programme 5
Pakistan The Project for the Control and Eradication of Poliomyelitis 4.84
Sierra Leone The Project for Enhancing the Impact of Rural Renewable Energy 3.76
Solomon The Project for Upgrading of Kukum Highway(Phase 2) 31.59
January 26, 2021 Benin The Project for the Construction of the Flyover of Vêdoko Intersection in Cotonou City 35.52
The Project for the Reinforcement of Drinking Water Supply System in Couffo and Plateau Department (Detailed Design) 1.29
Ethiopia The Economic and Social Development Programme 5
Niger The Economic and Social Development Programme 3
January 25, 2021 Pakistan The Project for the Installation of Weather Surveillance Radar in Sukkur City 19.86
January 22, 2021 Malaysia The Economic and Social Development Programme 5
Solomon The Project for Strengthening the Capacities to Combat Corruption 1.89
January 19, 2021 Palau The Economic and Social Development Programme 5
January 18, 2021 Jordan The Project for Improvement of the Zai Water Supply System 23.79
January 15, 2021 Madagascar The Economic and Social Development Programme 5
January 14, 2021 Angola The Economic and Social Development Programme 2.1
December 23, 2020 Guinea The Project for Construction of National Institute of Public Health (Detailed Design) 1.43
December 22, 2020 Myanmar The Project for Nutrition Improvement for Internaly Displaced Persons and Neighboring Communities in Ethnic Minority Areas Affected by Conflicts(through WFP) 4.97
The Project for Health, Water and Sanitation and Education Assistance for Internaly Displaced Persons and Neighboring Communities in Ethnic Minority Areas Affected by Conflicts(through UNICEF) 4.98
Moldova The Economic and Social Development Programme 1
December 21, 2020 Peru The Project for Humanitarian Assistance and Durable Solutions for Venezuelan Migrants, Refugees and Host Communities (through IOM) 3.01
December 20, 2020 Sudan The Project for Improvement of Operation and Maintenance of Water Supply System 10.04
December 18, 2020 Venezuela The Project for Enhancing Access to Essential Vaccines under the Expanded Program on Immunization (through UNICEF) 5.17
December 17, 2020 Burundi Food Assistance 3.5
Costa Rica The Project for Enhancing the Health System through the Provision of Medical Equipment (through UNOPS) 3
December 15, 2020 Pakistan The Economic and Social Development Programme 10
December 13, 2020 Mauritius The Economic and Social Development Programme 6
December 11, 2020 Mozambique The Project for the Construction of Rural Water Supply Facility in Niassa Province 20.76
The Economic and Social Development Programme 2
The Economic and Social Development Programme 2
Sao Tome and Principe Food Assistance 2.5
December 10, 2020 Haiti The Project for Strengthening the Routine Immunization Programme (through UNICEF) 3.41
December 9, 2020 Argentina The Economic and Social Development Programme 5
Tunisia The Project for the Construction of Fishery Surveillance Vessels 12.09
December 7, 2020 Yemen Food Assistance Programme (through WFP) 3
December 4, 2020 Bolivia The Economic and Social Development Programme 5
December 3, 2020 Togo Food Assistance 3
December 2, 2020 Yemen The Project for Rebuilding Livelihoods and Capacities of Conflict-Affected Small-Scale Fisheries Households in Aden and Hadhramout (through UNDP) 3.7
December 1, 2020 Grenada The Economic and Social Development Programme 2
November 30, 2020 Antigua and Barbuda The Economic and Social Development Programme 2
Guatemala The Project for Economic Reintegration Assistance to Potential and Returned Migrants Youth (through IOM) 4.83
November 27, 2020 Chad Food Assistance (through WFP) 3
November 26, 2020 Central Africa Food Assistance (through WFP) 3
November 25, 2020 Cambodia The Project for Combating Marine Plastic Litter (through UNDP) 3.16
November 22, 2020 Maldives The Economic and Social Development Programme 8
November 20, 2020 Cameroon Food Assistance (through WFP) 2
Gambia Food Assistance Programme 2.5
November 17, 2020 Afghanistan, Tajikistan The Project for Livelihood Improvement Promotion in Tajik-Afghan Cross-Border Areas 9.91
November 15, 2020 Afghanistan The Project for the Construction of the Air Navigation Service Facility and the Control Tower at Hamid Karzai International Airport 19.95
November 12, 2020 Afghanistan The Project for Improving WASH Environment in Schools 4.22
November 11, 2020 Congo, Republic of The Economic and Social Developmet Programme 1.5
Food Assistance 3
November 10, 2020 Afghanistan The Project for Infectious Diseases Prevention for Children  9.4
November 6, 2020 Cambodia The Economic and Social Development Programme 3
November 5, 2020 Azerbaijan The Economic and Social Development Programme 2
October 29, 2020 Brazil The Project for Enhancing the Health System through the Provision of Medical Equipment (through UNOPS) 5.03
Fiji The Project for the Reconstruction of Tamavua-i-wai Bridge (Detailed Design) 0.6
October 26, 2020 Zimbabwe The Economic and Social Development Programme 4
October 21, 2020 Bangladesh The Project for Support for Displaced Persons from Myanmar and Host Community in Cox's Bazar District 5.28
Egypt The Economic and Social Developmet Programme 10
Mexico The Project for Enhancing the Health System through the Provision of Medical Equipment (through UNOPS) 5.98
Palestine The Project for the Construction of Schools for the Improvement of Quality and Environment of Education 24.64
The Programme for the Improvement of Refugee Camps 10
October 20, 2020 Palestine Food Assitance Programme (through WFP) 3
October 19, 2020 Haiti Food Assistance 4
Palestine Food Assitance Programme (through UNRWA) 4.5
Viet Nam The Economic and Social Development Programme 3
October 15, 2020 Congo, Democratic Republic of Food Assistance 3
October 9, 2020 Burkina Faso The Economic and Social Development Programme 3
Food Assistance 3
October 6, 2020 North Macedonia The Economic and Social Development Programme 1
October 2, 2020 Pakistan The Project for the Improvement of Disaster Resilient School Infrastructure in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa 4.71
Tajikistan The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship 2.6
September 29, 2020 Nigeria The Economic and Social Development Programme 10
September 25, 2020 Sao Tome and Principe The Economic and Social Development Programme 1.5
September 24, 2020 Namibia The Economic and Social Development Programme 3
September 23, 2020 Mozambique Food Assistance (through WFP) 2
September 22, 2020 Uganda The Economic and Social Development Programme 4
September 21, 2020 Kosovo The Economic and Social Development Programme 1
September 18, 2020 Eswatini Food Assistance (through WFP) 2
Kenya The Project for the Improvement of Power Distribution System in and around Nakuru City and around Mombasa City 18.87
Lesotho Food Assistance (through WFP) 2.5
September 17, 2020 Marshall The Project for Improvement of Water Reservoir at Majuro Atoll 17.57
Sierra Leone Food Assistance (through WFP) 2.5
September 16, 2020 Cuba The Economic and Social Development Programme 5
September 11, 2020 Angola The Economic and Social Development Programme 3
September 10, 2020 Viet Nam The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship 7.74
September 9, 2020 Malawi The Project for the Improvement of Main Roads in the City of Lilongwe 30.99
September 8, 2020 Chile The Economic and Social Development Programme 5
Pakistan The Economic and Social Development Programme 5
September 7, 2020 Montenegro The Economic and Social Development Programme 1
Viet Nam The Economic and Social Development Programme 20
September 4, 2020 Comoros The Economic and Social Development Programme 1
El Salvador The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship 1.85
Kenya The Economic and Social Development Programme 10
The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship 2.39
September 2, 2020 Namibia The Economic and Social Development Programme 3
August 31, 2020 India The Economic and Social Development Programme 10
August 27, 2020 Bangladesh The Fourth Primary Education Development Programme 5
Niger Food Assistance 4
The Economic and Social Development Programme 1
Timor-Leste The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship 1.49
August 26, 2020 Tonga The Economic and Social Development Programme 1
August 25, 2020 Mauritania Food Assistance 3
August 23, 2020 Laos The Project for Improving Teacher Training Colleges 19.12
The Economic and Social Development Programme 5
August 20, 2020 Zambia The Economic and Social Development Programme 2
August 19, 2020 Cabo Verde Food Assistance Programme 2.5
August 18, 2020 Uzbekistan The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship 2.91
August 17, 2020 Senegal Food Assistance Programme 2.5
August 14, 2020 Myanmar The Project for Electoral Assistance (through UNDP) 1.81
August 13, 2020 Kyrgyz Republic The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship 3.05
Lesotho The Economic and Social Development Programme 1
August 12, 2020 Guinea-Bissau Food Assistance Programme (through WFP) 2.5
August 7, 2020 Ecuador The Economic and Social Development Programme 7
August 6, 2020 Congo, Democratic Republic of The Economic and Social Developmet Programme 5
Liberia Food Assistance 2.5
The Economic and Social Development Programme 1
Madagascar The Economic and Social Development Programme 4
Pakistan The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship 3.18
August 5, 2020 Comoros Food Assistance 2
Honduras The Project for Improving the Livelihood Resilience for Food Security to Prevent Migration and Reintegrate Returned Migrants in the Dry Corridor (through WFP) 4.31
Maldives The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship 1.28
Mauritius The Economic and Social Development Programme 3
Paraguay The Economic and Social Development Programme 3
Serbia The Economic and Social Development Programme 1
August 4, 2020 Guatemala The Economic and Social Development Programme 3
August 3, 2020 Colombia The Economic and Social Development Programme 5
Djibouti The Project for the Construction of Primary and Secondary School in Nassib in Balbala Quarter 20.92
Mozambique The Economic and Social Development Programme 5
July 31, 2020 Sri Lanka Food Assistance Programme (through WFP) 3
July 30, 2020 Eswatini The Economic and Social Development Programme 1
Rwanda The Economic and Social Development Programme 3
July 29, 2020 Seychelles The Economic and Social Development Programme 1
July 28, 2020 Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Afghanistan The Project for Improvement of Locust Management (Phase2) 7.98
Senegal The Economic and Social Development Programme 5
July 27, 2020 Gambia The Project for Rural Water Supply (Phase IV) 15.91
Jordan The Economic and Social Development Programme 4
July 23, 2020 El Salvador The Economic and Social Development Programme 3
Ethiopia The Economic and Social Development Programme 15
Kiribati The Economic and Social Development Programme 2.5
Nepal The School Sector Development Program 3
July 22, 2020 Georgia The Economic and Social Development Programme 3
Malawi The Economic and Social Development Programme 3
July 21, 2020 Peru The Economic and Social Development Programme 9
July 20, 2020 Indonesia The Economic and Social Development Programme 20
July 16, 2020 Bangladesh The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship 4.46
The Economic and Social Development Programme 10
Gabon The Economic and Social Development Programme 3
Laos The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship 3.17
July 15, 2020 Mauritania The Economic and Social Development Programme 1
July 14, 2020 Kyrgyz Republic The Economic and Social Development Programme 5
Zambia The Project for Upgrading Health Centres to District Hospitals in Copperbelt Province 26.54
July 13, 2020 Djibouti The Economic and Social Development Programme 5
Sri Lanka The Economic and Social Development Programme 2
The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship 2.69
July 10, 2020 Morocco The Economic and Social Development Programme 5
July 9, 2020 Madagascar The Project for Nutritional Improvement through a Multi-sector Approach 1.52
July 8, 2020 Nepal The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship 3.65
Sierra Leone The Economic and Social Development Programme 4
Sri Lanka The Economic and Social Development Programme 8
July 7, 2020 Benin The Economic and Social Development Programme 3
Guinea The Economic and Social Development Programme 3
July 6, 2020 Côte d'Ivoire The Economic and Social Development Programme 4
Myanmar The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship 6.27
Tonga The Economic and Social Development Programme 1.5
July 3, 2020 Bolivia The Economic and Social Development Programme 3
July 2, 2020 Cameroon The Economic and Social Development Programme 3
Ghana The Project for the Improvement of the Tema Motorway Roundabout (Phase 2)(Detailed Design) 1.09
The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship 2.63
The Economic and Social Development Programme 5
Myanmar The Project for the Rehabilitation of Vessel Traffic Navigation Aids in Yangon River 13.99
The Economic and Social Development Programme 7
The Economic and Social Development Programme 1
June 30, 2020 Armenia The Economic and Social Development Programme 4
June 29, 2020 Fiji The Economic and Social Development Programme 5
June 25, 2020 Dominican Republic The Economic and Social Development Programme 3
Nepal The Economic and Social Development Programme 3
Papua New Guinea The Economic and Social Development Programme 10
The Economic and Social Development Programme 9
June 23, 2020 Nauru The Economic and Social Development Programme 1
Bhutan The Economic and Social Development Programme 3
June 22, 2020 Panama The Economic and Social Development Programme 6
Vanuatu The Economic and Social Development Programme 3
June 19, 2020 Haiti The Economic and Social Development Programme 3
Tajikistan The Economic and Social Development Programme 6
June 18, 2020 Niue The Economic and Social Development Programme 1
Tuvalu The Economic and Social Development Programme 1
June 17, 2020 Central Africa The Project for Electoral Assistance 2.48
Cook The Economic and Social Development Programme 1
Mongolia The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship 2.49
The Economic and Social Development Programme 10
Solomon The Economic and Social Development Programme 3
Uzbekistan The Economic and Social Development Programme 5
June 16, 2020 Jamaica The Economic and Social Development Programme 2
Timor-Leste The Economic and Social Development Programme 5
June 15, 2020 Côte d'Ivoire The Project for Electoral Assistance 2.06
Palau The Economic and Social Development Programme 3
The Economic and Social Development Programme 1
June 12, 2020 Botswana The Economic and Social Development Programme 3
Honduras The Economic and Social Development Programme 3
Micronesia The Economic and Social Development Programme 3.82
June 11, 2020 Marshall The Economic and Social Development Programme 3.31
Samoa The Economic and Social Development Programme 1.5
June 9, 2020 Tunisia The Economic and Social Development Programme 5
June 8, 2020 Philippines The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship 3.37
The Economic and Social Development Programme 20
The Economic and Social Development Programme 8
June 7, 2020 Maldives The Economic and Social Development Programme 6
June 5, 2020 Cambodia The Project for Improvement of Referral Hospitals in Siem Reap Province 21.53
The Economic and Social Development Programme 20
The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship 3.48
Laos The Economic and Social Development Programme 15
Myanmar The Economic and Social Development Programme 20
May 27, 2020 Bhutan The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship 1.74
May 25, 2020 Nepal The Project for the Development of Digital Elevation Model and Orthophoto 11.7
May 22, 2020 Yemen The Project for Improving Mental Health and Psychological Support in Health Facilities and Local Communities (through WHO) 3.28
May 21, 2020 Maldives The Economic and Social Development Programme 5
April 24, 2020 Kiribati The Economic and Social Development Programme 1.48
April 20, 2020 Botswana The Economic and Social Development Programme 1.5
Back to Official Development Assistance (ODA)