Official Development Assistance (ODA)

March 22, 2011
Date of E/N
(Local Date)
Country Project (100 million yen)
March 22, 2011 Sri Lanka Greater Colombo Urban Transport Development Project (Phase 2) (II) 316.88
Vavuniya-Kilinochchi Transmission Line Project (II) 14.22
March 10, 2011 Indonesia Third Infrastructure Reform Sector Development Program 82.91
March 8, 2011 Liberia Debt Relief 159.70
March 4, 2011 Cameroon The Project to Strengthen and Extend the Electricity Transmission and Distribution Networks 29.39
February 17, 2011 India Himachal Pradesh Crop Diversification Promotion Project 50.01
Tamil Nadu Biodiversity Conservation and Greening Project 88.29
Yamuna Action Plan Project (III) 325.71
January 28, 2011 Philippines Road Upgrading and Preservation Project 408.47
January 21, 2011 Viet Nam Nhat Tan Bridge (Vietnam-Japan Friendship Bridge) Construction Project (II) 248.28
Nghi Son Thermal Power Plant Construction Project (II) 298.52
Ninth Poverty Reduction Support Credit 35.00
Pakistan Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Emergency Rural Road Rehabilitation Project 147.00
Emergency Import Support Loan 50.00
December 13, 2010 Tanzania Iringa-Shinyanga Backbone Transmission Investment Project 60.48
December 10, 2010 Kenya Olkaria-Lessos-Kisumu Transmission Lines Construction 124.10
Indonesia Seventh Development Policy Loan 83.91
November 23, 2010 Seychelles Debt Relief 4.51
November 22, 2010 Turkey Bosphorus Rail Tube Crossing Project (II) (additional aid *) (420.78 *)
November 19, 2010 Mongolia Two-Step-Loan Project for SMEs Development and Environmental Protection (Phase 2) 50.00
November 1, 2010 Uganda Construction of a New Bridge Across River Nile at Jinja Project 91.98
October 22, 2010 Guatemala Proyecto de Mejoramiento de la Carretera en ZONAPAZ (II) 99.39
September 28, 2010 Thailand Chao Phraya River Crossing Bridge at Nonthaburi 1 Road Construction Project 73.07
Mass Transit System Project in Bangkok (Purple Line) (II) 166.39
August 10, 2010 Kazakhstan CAREC Transport Corridor (Zhambyl Oblast) Improvement Project 63.61
July 26, 2010 Kenya Mwea Irrigation Development Project 131.78
India Dedicated Freight Corridor Project (Phase 2) 16.16
July 8, 2010 Mauritius Grand Baie Sewerage Project 70.12
July 1, 2010 Brazil Sanitation Improvement Project for Baixada Santista Metropolitan Region (II) 191.69
June 30, 2010 Paraguay Rural Roads Improvement Project 48.22
June 23, 2010 Indonesia Climate Change Program Loan (III) 271.95
May 14, 2010 Viet Nam Saigon East-West Highway Construction Project (V) 140.61
Ho Chi Minh City Water Environment Improvement Project (III) 43.27
Support Program to Respond to Climate Change (I) 100.00
May 1, 2010 Uzbekistan The Talimarjan Thermal Power Station Extension Project 274.23
April 26, 2010 Philippines Post Ondoy and Pepeng Short-Term Infrastructure Rehabilitation Project 99.12

* Due to the rising cost of construction materials and equipment, etc., the total amount of "Bosphorus Rail Tube Crossing Project (II)" was changed from ¥98.732 billion to ¥140.81 billion. The original exchanged note is dated February 18, 2005.

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