Official Development Assistance (ODA)
Exchange of Notes in Fiscal Year 2008
Grant Aid by Date
March 31, 2009
Date of E/N (Local time) |
Country | Project | (100 million yen) |
March 31, 2009 | Cameroon | Le projet de construction d'ecoles primaires (Phase IV) | 10.98 |
Niger | Programme d'urgence pour l'approvisionnement en eau pour faire face au changement climatique | 4.00 | |
Food Aid | 8.20 | ||
Grant Assistance for Underprivileged Farmers | 4.90 | ||
March 30, 2009 | Philippines | The Project for Improvement of the Meteorological Radar System | 0.23 |
The Project for the Bridge Construction for Expanded Agrarian Reform Communities Development | 0.13 | ||
Grant Assistance for Underprivileged Farmers | 4.80 | ||
Malaysia | The Project for Improvement of Equipment for Maritime Security Enhancement | 2.78 | |
The Project for Strengthening the Capabilities for Preventing Sea Smuggling and Other Illegal Activities | 7.14 | ||
Gambia | Food Aid | 4.80 | |
Senegal | Grant Assistance for Underprivileged Farmers | 3.90 | |
Food Aid | 8.60 | ||
Programme d'urgence pour l'approvisionnement en eau pour faire face au changement climatique | 10.00 | ||
Mozambique | The Programme for Emergency Water Supply for Addressing Climate Change | 10.00 | |
Food Aid | 9.20 | ||
March 27, 2009 | Marshall Islands | The Project for Construction of Fish Market Center at Majuro Atoll | 8.25 |
Cape Verde | Food Aid | 3.70 | |
Projet d'approvisionnement en eau dans l'île de Santiago | 8.29 | ||
March 25, 2009 | Commonwealth of Dominica | The Project for Construction of Portsmouth Fisheries Center | 7.44 |
March 23, 2009 | Uganda | The Project for Construction of Rice Research and Training Centre | 6.51 |
Egypt | Grant Assistance for Underprivileged Farmers | 4.70 | |
March 19, 2009 | Sri Lanka | Grant Assistance for Underprivileged Farmers | 5.20 |
Maldives | Grant Assistance for Underprivileged Farmers | 3.80 | |
Mali | Projet de construction d'un institut de formation des maîtres à Kati | 6.87 | |
March 18, 2009 | Mozambique | The Programme for Support to Village Environment through Community Participation (throuth UNDP) | 5.85 |
Cambodia | The Project for Improvement of Equipment for Demining Activities (Phase V) | 5.48 | |
March 17, 2009 | Afghanistan | Non-Project Grant Aid | 15.00 |
March 16, 2009 | Palestinian Authorities | The Programme for Construction of Sewage System for Promoting Mutual Confidence (through UNDP) | 5.66 |
March 15, 2009 | Syria | The Programme for Camp Rehabilitation and Community Development in Neirab Camp (through UNRWA) | 3.89 |
March 13, 2009 | Benin | Projet d'approvisionnement en eau potable dans la region rurale (Phase VI) | 0.60 |
Food Aid | 6.70 | ||
Bhutan | The Project for Construction of Bridges (Phase III) | 0.62 | |
Grant Assistance for Underprivileged Farmers | 1.80 | ||
Non-Project Grant Aid | 2.00 | ||
Indonesia | The Project for Improvement of Bridges in Nias Island | 0.33 | |
March 12, 2009 | Tuvalu | Non-Project Grant Aid | 2.00 |
March 10, 2009 | Ethiopia | The Project for the Improvement of Equipment for Groundwater Development | 5.57 |
Ghana | Grant Aid for Poverty Reduction Strategy | 3.50 | |
Democratic Republic of the Congo | The Programme for Demining Activities in Central African Countries (through UNMAS) | 7.62 | |
Chad | |||
March 3, 2009 | Rwanda | Grant Assistance for Underprivileged Farmers | 3.00 |
Tanzania | Grant Aid for Poverty Reduction Strategy | 5.20 | |
The Project for Rural Water Supply in Mwanza and Mara Regions | 0.23 | ||
The Project for Reinforcement of Transmission and Distribution Facilities in Oyster Bay Substation (Phase II) | 5.20 | ||
February 27, 2009 | Ghana | The Project for Improvement of the National Road Route 8 | 1.10 |
Non-Project Grant Aid | 10.00 | ||
February 26, 2009 | Honduras | Non-Project Grant Aid | 6.00 |
Tanzania | The Project for Zanzibar Urban Water Supply Development (Phase II) | 14.19 | |
Palestinian Authorities | The Project for Establishment of New Schools in the West Bank | 9.00 | |
February 25, 2009 | Nepal | Food Aid | 6.50 |
February 24, 2009 | Peru | Proyecto de construcción de la Nueva Sede del Instituto Nacional de Rehabilitación "Dra. Adriana Rebaza Flores" | 0.90 |
February 20, 2009 | Nauru | Non-Project Grant Aid | 2.00 |
Burundi | Le projet d'amélioration des équipements médicaux dans la province de Bujumbura Mairie | 2.30 | |
February 19, 2009 | Kyrgyz | The Project for Reconstruction of Bridges in Chui Oblast | 6.35 |
Uzbekistan | The Project for Improvement of Equipment for National Center of Rehabilitation and Prosthesis of Invalids | 4.41 | |
Burundi | The Programme for the Sustainable Reintegration of Ex-Combatants (through UNDP) | 2.23 | |
February 18, 2009 | Bangladesh | The Programme for Improvement of Solid Waste Management in Dhaka City toward the Low Carbon Society | 12.15 |
February 17, 2009 | Burkina Faso | Projet d'approvisionnement en eau potable dans les Régions du Plateau Central et du Centre-Sud | 0.67 |
February 13, 2009 | Pakistan | Non-Project Grant Aid | 25.00 |
Philippines | Non-Project Grant Aid | 7.00 | |
February 12, 2009 | Nepal | The Project for Construction of Sindhuli Road (Section III) | 0.50 |
Laos | The Project for Improvement of School Environments in the Three Southern Provinces | 6.85 | |
February 11, 2009 | Kiribati | Non-Project Grant Aid | 4.00 |
Sierra Leone | The Project for Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases in Sierra Leone (through UNICEF) | 2.66 | |
Haiti | The Project for the Reinforcement of the Immunization Programme in the Republic of Haiti (through UNICEF) | 2.06 | |
February 10, 2009 | Guinea-Bissau | Non-Project Grant Aid | 4.00 |
Armenia | The Project for Improvement of Fire Equipment in Yerevan City | 8.81 | |
February 6, 2009 | Mali | Le projet de renforcement du système de vaccination | 1.46 |
Le projet de Construction des ponts sur le Corridor du Sud en République du Mali et en République du Sénégal (phase II) | 0.15 | ||
February 5, 2009 | Bolivia | El Proyecto de Mejoramiento del Sistema de Agua Potable en la Zona Sudeste de la Ciudad de Cochabamba | 0.38 |
El Proyecto de Desarrollo de Agua Potable Sistema del Río San Juan en Potosí | 0.38 | ||
Non-Project Grant Aid | 6.00 | ||
February 4, 2009 | Syria | The Project for Upgrading Emergency Services | 8.61 |
February 3, 2009 | Papua New Guinea | The Project for the Urgent Rehabilitation of Markham Bridge | 9.96 |
The Project for Construction of Bridges on Bougainville Coastal Trunk Road | 0.50 | ||
Togo | The Programme for Support to Child-Friendly Environments through Community Participation in the Savanes, Kara and Maritimes Regions (through UNICEF) | 4.58 | |
February 2, 2009 | Solomon Islands | The Project for Reconstruction of Gizo Hospital | 0.72 |
January 30, 2009 | Azerbaijan | Grant Assistance for Underprivileged Farmers | 3.50 |
Zambia | The Project for Improvement of Ndola and Kitwe City Roads | 0.37 | |
Rwanda | The Project for Support to Child-Friendly Environments through Community Participation in Western Province (through UNICEF) | 6.70 | |
January 29, 2009 | Pakistan | The Project for the Eradication of Poliomyelitis in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan (through UNICEF) | 4.22 |
Sri Lanka | The Project for Improvement of Anuradhapura Teaching Hospital (Phase II) | 3.90 | |
January 28, 2009 | Liberia | Enhancement of Armed Violence Control Programme (through UNDP) | 1.57 |
Kenya | The Project for HIV/AIDS Control | 3.35 | |
The Project for Augmentation of Water Supply System in Kapsabet Town | 0.90 | ||
January 27, 2009 | Senegal | Le projet d'aménagement des infrastructures sanitaires dans les régions de Tambacounda et Kédougou | 0.63 |
Le projet de Construction des ponts sur le Corridor du Sud en République du Mali et en République du Sénégal (phase II) | 0.15 | ||
Liberia | The Project for Rehabilitation of the Liberian-Japanese Friendship Maternity Hospital | 3.64 | |
January 23, 2009 | Kenya | The Programme for Shelter and Livelihoods for Peace and Reconciliation (through IOM) | 6.70 |
Zimbabwe | The Project for Infectious Diseases Prevention for Children in the Republic of Zimbabwe (through UNICEF) | 2.21 | |
Haiti | Non-Project Grant Aid | 6.00 | |
Ethiopia | The Project for Rural Water Supply in Oromia Region | 0.28 | |
Non-Project Grant Aid | 10.00 | ||
Food Aid (through WFP) | 8.60 | ||
Philippines | Food Aid (through WFP) | 8.60 | |
Tajikistan | Food Aid (through WFP) | 4.50 | |
Nicaragua | Food Aid (through WFP) | 5.00 | |
Bolivia | Food Aid (through WFP) | 4.50 | |
Myanmar | Grant Assistance for Underprivileged Farmers (through FAO) | 2.00 | |
January 22, 2009 | Afghanistan | The Project for Construction of Educational Facilities in Kabul City (through UNICEF) | 21.83 |
Mongolia | The Project for Construction of Railway Fly-over in Ulaanbaatar City | 0.94 | |
The Project for Improvement of Primary Education Facilities (Phase IV) | 0.79 | ||
The Project for Improvement of Water Supply Facilities in Darkhan City | 0.43 | ||
Non-Project Grant Aid | 12.00 | ||
January 21, 2009 | Niger | Projet de lutte contre le paludisme | 4.10 |
Projet d'approvisionnement en eau potable en vue de l'éradication du ver de Guinée dans la Région de Tillabéri | 0.59 | ||
Micronesia | Non-Project Grant Aid | 2.00 | |
January 20, 2009 | Paraguay | El Proyecto de Desarrollo para el Suministro de Agua en la Zona Rural | 8.64 |
January 19, 2009 | Marshall Islands | Non-Project Grant Aid | 2.00 |
January 16, 2009 | Guyana | The Project for Water Supply in Corriverton (Phase II) | 8.67 |
January 14, 2009 | Tajikistan | The Project for the Improvement of Dusty-Nizhniy Pyandzh Road | 13.24 |
January 11, 2009 | Cambodia | The Project for Improvement of Roleang Chrey Headworks (Detailed Design) | 0.25 |
The Project for Infectious Diseases Control | 2.30 | ||
Laos | Non-Project Grant Aid | 12.00 | |
January 8, 2009 | Sudan | The Sudan Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration Programme (through UNDP) | 15.75 |
December 25, 2008 | Georgia | Non-Project Grant Aid | 12.00 |
December 23, 2008 | Palestinian Authorities | The Project for Improvement of Internal City Roads in Jericho | 8.09 |
November 20, 2008 | Viet Nam | The Project for Afforestation on the Coastal Sandy Area in Southern Central Viet Nam (Phase II) | 0.39 |
November 19, 2008 | Tanzania | The Project for HIV/AIDS Control | 2.30 |
November 7, 2008 | Indonesia | The Project for Development of Vessel Traffic Service in Malacca and Singapore Straits | 15.73 |
October 29, 2008 | Palestinian Authorities | Non-Project Grant Aid | 11.00 |
October 20, 2008 | Chad | The Project for Polio Eradication Initiative in the Republic of Chad (through UNICEF) | 2.18 |
Honduras | Grant Assistance for Underprivileged Farmers | 3.60 | |
October 15, 2008 | Viet Nam | The Project for the Reinforcement of Custom Functions at the Tan Cang Cat Lai Port of Ho Chi Minh City | 8.67 |
October 13, 2008 | Philippines | The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship | 3.55 |
The Project for Improvement of Flood Forecasting and Warning System in the Pampanga and Agno River Basins | 3.76 | ||
October 10, 2008 | Haiti | Food Aid | 7.80 |
Papua New Guinea | The Project for Construction of Wewak Market and Jetty | 5.03 | |
September 30, 2008 | Nicaragua | Grant Assistance for Underprivileged Farmers | 2.90 |
September 16, 2008 | Nepal | The Project for Construction of Primary Schools in Support of Education for All (Phase II) | 8.70 |
Micronesia | The Project for Improvement of Pohnpei International Airport | 29.13 | |
September 15, 2008 | Guinea | Projet d'amélioration du port de pêche artisanale de Boulbinet | 3.21 |
September 12, 2008 | Myanmar | The Project for Malaria Control in Myanmar | 3.46 |
September 11, 2008 | Kenya | Grant Assistance for Underprivileged Farmers | 7.00 |
September 10, 2008 | Zambia | Grant Assistance for Underprivileged Farmers | 3.80 |
September 9, 2008 | Mali | Grant Assistance for Underprivileged Farmers | 4.80 |
September 4, 2008 | Cambodia | Grant Assistance for Underprivileged Farmers | 3.30 |
September 3, 2008 | Cote d'lvoire | Food Aid | 6.70 |
August 26, 2008 | Benin | Sector Program Grant Aid | 5.00 |
August 25, 2008 | Democratic Republic of the Congo | Food Aid | 8.40 |
August 22, 2008 | India | The Project for the Eradication of Poliomyelitis in India (through UNICEF) | 2.09 |
August 20, 2008 | Jordan | The Project for Improvement of the Water Supply for the Zarqa District (Phase II) | 11.92 |
August 18, 2008 | Liberia | Food Aid | 7.80 |
August 13, 2008 | Sierra Leone | Food Aid | 5.60 |
August 12, 2008 | Nicaragua | Proyecto de Rehabilitación y Equipamiento de Centros Escolares en la Región Norte de Nicaragua | 10.16 |
Sudan | The Project for Infectious Diseases Prevention and Control for Children in the Republic of the Sudan (through UNICEF) | 6.18 | |
Sao Tome and Principe | Food Aid | 4.50 | |
August 5, 2008 | Tajikistan | The Project for the Improvement of Water Supply in Mir Saiid Alii Khamadoni District of Khatlon Region | 9.55 |
August 4, 2008 | Eritrea | Food Aid | 6.30 |
August 1, 2008 | Uganda | The Project for Rural Electrification (Phase II) | 5.74 |
July 29, 2008 | Timor-Leste | Food Aid (through WFP) | 2.40 |
Sri Lanka | Food Aid (through WFP) | 8.20 | |
Bangladesh | Food Aid (through WFP) | 8.50 | |
July 28, 2008 | Afghanistan | The Programme for Enhancement of Border Management Capacity in Takhar Province | 11.30 |
July 25, 2008 | Viet Nam | The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship | 4.41 |
July 23, 2008 | Pakistan | The Project for Improvement of Water Supply System in Faisalabad | 44.42 |
July 18, 2008 | Lesotho | Sector Program Grant Aid | 2.00 |
Guinea | Projet de construction d'écoles primaires et de collèges en zones urbaines | 6.84 | |
Malawi | The Project for Improvement of Blantyre City Road | 5.29 | |
July 17, 2008 | Nepal | The Project for the Improvement of Kathmandu-Bhaktapur Road | 26.89 |
July 11, 2008 | Nigeria | The Project for Rural Electrification in Cross River and Akwa Ibom States | 5.74 |
July 9, 2008 | Cote d'lvoire | The Project for Prevention of Infectious Diseases IV | 2.98 |
July 4, 2008 | Zambia | The Project for the Groundwater Development in Luapula Province | 6.41 |
The Project for Improvement of Livingstone City Road | 9.86 | ||
Myanmar | The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship | 3.92 | |
Mozambique | The Project for Improvement of Infrastructure and Equipment of Training Schools for Health Personnel | 10.45 | |
June 27, 2008 | Tanzania | The Project for Water Supply Development around the Metropolitan Area | 8.87 |
The Project for the Improvement of Masasi-Mangaka Road | 7.58 | ||
June 26, 2008 | Nigeria | The Project for Improvement of Medium Wave Radio Broadcasting Network | 5.26 |
June 25, 2008 | Indonesia | The Project for Improvement of Port Security System | 5.45 |
June 24, 2008 | Seychelles | The Project for Construction of Artisanal Fisheries Facilities in Mahe Island | 10.89 |
June 20, 2008 | Nigeria | The Project for Infectious Diseases Prevention for Children in Nigeria (through UNICEF) | 8.36 |
Gambia | The Project for Construction of Brikama Fish Market | 6.30 | |
Democratic Republic of the Congo | The Project for Infectious Diseases Prevention and Control for Children in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (through UNICEF) | 3.99 | |
June 19, 2008 | Solomon Islands | The Project for Construction of Market and Jetty in Auki | 8.11 |
Palestinian Authorities | The Project for Infectious Diseases Prevention for Palestinian Children (through UNICEF) | 2.50 | |
June 18, 2008 | Afghanistan | The Program for Support of the Integrated Disbandment of Illegal Armed Groups Initiative (Phase 2) | 4.77 |
Malawi | The Rehabilitation of the Bwanje Valley Irrigation System (Phase 2) | 0.35 | |
June 16, 2008 | Yemen | Non-Project Grant Aid | 4.00 |
June 15, 2008 | Egypt | The Project for Rehabilitation and Improvement of Monshat El Dahab Regulator on Bahr Yusef Canal | 21.41 |
June 12, 2008 | Samoa | The Project for Construction of the Inter-Islands Ferry | 13.19 |
Madagascar | Le Projet de Renforcement du Programme Élargi de Vaccination | 2.28 | |
June 9, 2008 | Ethiopia | The Project for Rural Water Supply in Tigray Region | 7.37 |
Bangladesh | The Programme for Construction of Multipurpose Cyclone Shelters in the Area Affected by the Cyclone Sidr | 9.58 | |
June 6, 2008 | Angola | The Project for Infectious Diseases Prevention for Children in Angola (through UNICEF) | 4.49 |
June 5, 2008 | Afghanistan | The Project for Infectious Diseases Prevention for Children in the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan (through UNICEF) | 4.50 |
June 4, 2008 | Tonga | The Project for Construction of the Inter-Islands Vessel | 16.76 |
May 30, 2008 | Bhutan | The Project for Construction of Educational Facilities | 10.64 |
The Project for Improvement of Equipment of Bhutan Broadcasting Service Corporation | 5.94 | ||
May 29, 2008 | Palestinian Authorities | Food Aid (through UNRWA) | 6.00 |
Saint Lucia | The Project for Improvement of Fishery Infrastructure in Anse La Raye | 5.36 | |
May 27, 2008 | Sudan | Food Aid (through WFP) | 10.00 |
Kyrgyz | The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship | 2.94 | |
Tanzania | The Project for Reinforcement of Transmission and Distribution Facilities in Oyster Bay Substation | 18.13 | |
May 26, 2008 | Vanuatu | The Project for Improvement of Port Vila Main Wharf | 17.07 |
May 25, 2008 | Bangladesh | The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship | 2.94 |
May 23, 2008 | Afghanistan | Food Aid (through WFP) | 4.60 |
Palestinian Authorities | Food Aid (through WFP) | 2.70 | |
Uganda | Food Aid (through WFP) | 4.60 | |
Guinea-Bissau | Food Aid (through WFP) | 2.80 | |
Kenya | Food Aid (through WFP) | 7.00 | |
Republic of Congo | Food Aid (through WFP) | 3.40 | |
Swaziland | Food Aid (through WFP) | 1.20 | |
Chad | Food Aid (through WFP) | 3.50 | |
Central African Republic | Food Aid (through WFP) | 3.90 | |
Burundi | Food Aid (through WFP) | 3.90 | |
Lesotho | Food Aid (through WFP) | 2.10 | |
Honduras | Proyecto Urgente para el Abastecimiento de Agua Potable de Tegucigalpa | 13.12 | |
May 22, 2008 | Cambodia | The Project for Improvement of Kampong Cham Hospital in Kampong Cham Province | 10.39 |
The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship | 3.53 | ||
Fiji | The Project for Construction of Information and Communication Technology Center at the University of the South Pacific | 22.01 | |
Madagascar | Le Projet de Construction d'une Bretelle dans la Zone Sud de la Capitale | 7.82 | |
May 20, 2008 | Kenya | Grant Assistance for Underprivileged Farmers | 6.50 |
Benin | Sector Program Grant Aid | 5.00 | |
May 19, 2008 | Djibouti | Le Projet de Renforcement de la Capacié de Transport Maritime à l'Intérieur du Golfe de Tadjoura | 8.65 |
Tajikistan | The Project for Rehabilitation of Kurgan Tyube-Dusti Road | 34.32 | |
May 18, 2008 | Yemen | The Project for Construction of School Facilities of Basic Education in Sana'a | 7.39 |
May 16, 2008 | Mali | Projet d'alimentation en eau potable dans la région de Sikasso | 10.19 |
Projet de Construction des Ponts sur le Corridor du Sud en République du Mali et en République du Sénégal | 9.14 | ||
Angola | The Project for Emergency Rehabilitation of Port Facilities at the Port of Lobito and the Port of Namibe | 39.32 | |
May 13, 2008 | Sri Lanka | The Project for Improvement of Anuradhapura Teaching Hospital | 18.03 |
Non-Project Grant Aid | 13.00 | ||
May 8, 2008 | Sierra Leone | The Project for Urgent Improvement of Electric Power Supply System in Freetown | 16.51 |
May 7, 2008 | China | The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship | 5.77 |
May 5, 2008 | Timor-Leste | The Project for Construction of Mora Bridge | 8.85 |