Official Development Assistance (ODA)

March 17, 2008
Region Country Project Date of E/N
(Local time)
(100 million yen)
East Asia Cambodia Sector Program Grant Aid January 16, 2008 14.00
Grant Assistance for Underprivileged Farmers January 16, 2008 2.70
The Project for Improvement of Kampong Cham Hospital in Kampong Cham Province December 3, 2007 0.60
The Project for Research and Development of Mine Clearance Related Equipment (Phase II) September 6, 2007 4.84
The Project for Flood Protection and Drainage Improvement in the Municipality of Phnom Penh (Phase II) June 14, 2007 25.95
The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship June 14, 2007 3.64
China The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship May 28, 2007 5.85
Indonesia Grant Assistance for Underprivileged Farmers February 15, 2008 4.20
The Programme for Peace Building Assistance in Conflict-Affected Communities in Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam (through IOM) November 28, 2007 10.35
The Project for Improvement of Animal Health Laboratories for Diagnosises of Avian Influenza and Other Major Diseases of Animals September 13, 2007 17.81
The Project for Expansion of Radio Broadcasting Coverage in the Remote Areas July 6, 2007 3.57
The Project for Rural Water Supply in the Province of NUSA TENGGARA BARAT and NUSA TENGGARA TIMUR July 6, 2007 2.45
The Project for Water Supply in Gunungkidul Regency of Yogyakarta Special Territory July 6, 2007 6.35
The Project for Promotion of Sustainable Coastal Fisheries July 6, 2007 10.70
Laos The Project for Expansion of Immunization in the Lao People's Democratic Republic (through UNICEF) January 21, 2008 2.92
Non-Project Grant Aid August 31, 2007 12.00
The Project for the Improvement of District Hospitals June 14, 2007 6.58
The Project for the Construction of Hinheup Bridge May 16, 2007 9.33
The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship May 16, 2007 3.62
Malaysia The Project for Improvement of Equipment for Maritime Security Enhancement January 25, 2008 4.73
Mongolia Sector Program Grant Aid January 25, 2008 8.00
Food Aid December 11, 2007 4.00
The Project for Improvement of Primary Education Facilities June 26, 2007 5.26
The Project for Improvement of Waste Management in Ulaanbaatar City June 26, 2007 10.14
The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship April 30, 2007 3.10
Myanmar The Project for Improvement of Maternal and Child Health Care Services (Phase VIII) in the Union of Myanmar (through UNICEF) January 14, 2008 2.04
The Project for the Afforestation in the Dry Zone June 28, 2007 0.61
The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship June 28, 2007 4.07
Philippines Sector Program Grant Aid March 7, 2008 6.00
The Project for Rural Electrification in Northern Luzon October 10, 2007 7.28
The Project for Improvement of Flood Forecasting and Warning System in the Pampanga and Agno River Basins July 31, 2007 7.79
The Project for Enhancement of Communications System for Maritime Safety and Security July 31, 2007 6.09
The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship July 2, 2007 3.60
Timor-Leste The Project for Improving Maternal and Child Health Care in the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste (through UNICEF) March 4, 2008 1.09
Food Aid (through WFP) December 18, 2007 1.40
The Project for Rehabilitation and Improvement of Maliana I Irrigation System August 27, 2007 7.37
Viet Nam The Project for Empowerment to the Community Damaged by Forest Fire in Ca Mau Province March 12, 2008 9.05
The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship July 2, 2007 4.76
The Project for the Groundwater Development in Central Highland Provinces June 12, 2007 20.12
South West Asia Bangladesh The Project for the Provision of Portable Steel Bridges on Upazila and Union Roads August 15, 2007 6.11
The Project for the Improvement of the Storm Water Drainage System in Dhaka City (Phase II) June 12, 2007 9.19
The Project for the Establishment of the Meteorological Radar System at Moulvibazar June 12, 2007 10.00
The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship June 12, 2007 2.94
Bhutan Grant Assistance for Underprivileged Farmers December 21, 2007 2.10
India The Project for the Eradication of Poliomyelitis in India August 31, 2007 2.12
Maldives Food Aid February 27, 2008 2.30
The Project for Construction of the Second Girls Secondary School in Male' June 3, 2007 6.74
Nepal Food Aid January 28, 2008 4.00
The Project for the Improvement of Kathmandu-Bhaktapur Road September 5, 2007 0.48
The Project for the Construction of New Kawasoti Substation June 8, 2007 8.47
Pakistan Sector Program Grant Aid January 28, 2008 7.00
The Project for the Eradication of Poliomyelitis in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan (through UNICEF) December 3, 2007 4.43
Sri Lanka Livelihood Development Programme in conflict-affected areas in Sri Lanka (through UNDP) March 4, 2008 5.39
The Project for Improvement of Anuradhapura Teaching Hospital February 29, 2008 1.04
Food Aid (through WFP) December 18, 2007 5.00
The Project for Improvement of Meteorological and Disaster Information Network August 27, 2007 8.07
The Project for Construction of New Mannar Bridge and Improvement of Causeway May 23, 2007 18.36
Central Asia and Caucasus Azerbaijan The Project for Improvement of Emergency Medical Equipment in Baku City March 5, 2008 2.22
Kyrgyz The Project for Reconstruction of Bridges in Chui Oblast October 3, 2007 4.76
The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship June 21, 2007 2.99
Tajikistan The Project for Improvement of Water Supply in Mir Saiid Alii Khamadoni District of Khatlon Region December 21, 2007 0.49
The Project for Rehabilitation of Kurgan Tyube-Dusti Road December 21, 2007 0.63
The Project for the Improvement of Dusty-Nizhniy Pyandzh Road July 26, 2007 7.37
Uzbekistan The Project for Improvement of Medical Equipment for Obstetrics and Gynecology Research Institute August 17, 2007 3.67
The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship July 10, 2007 3.07
Middle East Afghanistan Sector Program Grant Aid March 17, 2008 30.00
The Programme for Enhancement of Literacy in Afghanistan (through UNESCO) March 2, 2008 14.92
Food Aid through WFP July 31, 2007 3.90
The Project for Infectious Diseases Prevention for Children in Afghanistan June 10, 2007 4.95
Egypt Grant Assistance for Underprivileged Farmers December 16, 2007 2.90
The Project for Rehabilitation and Improvement of Monshat El Dahab Regulator on Bahr Yusef Canal December 16, 2007 0.76
The Project for Rehabilitation of Floating Pump Stations in Upper Egypt (Phase IV) July 8, 2007 3.08
The Project for Modernization of Agricultural Mechanization Center in Damanhour June 4, 2007 7.92
Iraq The Project for Establishment of a Maternity and Children's Hospital in Fallujah February 26, 2008 18.97
Jordan Non-Project Grant Aid March 9, 2008 15.00
The Project for Improvement of the Water Supply for the Zarqa District (Phase II) July 25, 2007 6.68
Lebanon The Programme for Reconstruction of Palestine Refugee Camp in Lebanon March 17, 2008 5.88
Morocco Projet d'aménagement des équipements de protecion contre les inondations August 3, 2007 7.82
Projet de construction des laboratories centraux de l'Institut National de Recherche Halieutique August 3, 2007 9.68
Palestinian Authorities Non-Project Grant Aid August 15, 2007 USD 11.21 million
Food Aid (through UNRWA) August 15, 2007 USD 4.31 million
Food Aid (through WFP) August 15, 2007 USD 1.98 million
Grant Assistance for Underprivileged Farmers (through FAO) August 15, 2007 USD 1.64 million
Grant Aid for Improving the Control of Infectious Diseases among Palestinian Children (through UNICEF) August 15, 2007 USD 1.15 million
Jericho-Taybeh Road Rehabilitation Project (through UNDP) August 15, 2007 USD 1.32 million
Food Aid through UNRWA August 13, 2007 5.00
The Project for Improving the Control of Infectious Diseases Among Palestinian Children August 7, 2007 1.33
Agriculture Revitalization Action Project in the Palestinian Territories July 31, 2007 1.90
Food Aid through WFP July 31, 2007 2.30
Syria The Project for the Improvement of Equipment for Solid Waste Treatment in Local Cities June 26, 2007 4.49
Yemen The Project for Construction of School Facilities of Basic Education in Sana' a September 1, 2007 8.22
Yemen and Surrounding Countries (including Sudan, Eritrea, and Ethiopia) Emergency Response to Control a Desert Locust Outbreak in the Republic of Yemen and Surrounding Countries July 31, 2007 2.30
Africa Angola The Project for Emergency Rehabilitation of Port Facilities at the Port of Lobito and the Port of Namibe January 15, 2008 0.49
Support to Child-Friendly Environments through Community Participation in Luanda and Benguela December 28, 2007 9.75
The Project for Infectious Diseases Prevention for Children May 31, 2007 5.69
Benin Projet de construction d'écoles primaires (phase IV) December 5, 2007 10.30
Projet de renforcement de l'Hôpital de la Mère et l'Enfant-Lagune May 30, 2007 12.24
Burkina Faso Grant Assistance for Underprivileged Farmers March 14, 2008 1.50
Food Aid February 22, 2008 4.90
The Project for Malaria Control February 22, 2008 1.80
Burundi The Project for Strengthening Malaria Prevention in the Republic of Burundi (through UNICEF) March 4, 2008 2.80
Food Aid (through WFP) February 26, 2008 3.40
Return and Reintegration Programme of Burundian Refugees December 20, 2007 5.42
Cameroon Le projet d'amenagement de l'equipment pour la radiodiffusion August 10, 2007 9.17
Le projet d'hydraulique rurale (Phase IV) August 10, 2007 4.78
Cape Verde Food Aid January 31, 2008 2.30
Projet d'extension des installations du port de peche de Mindelo September 5, 2007 3.06
Central African Republic Food Aid (through WFP) December 18, 2007 3.40
Chad The Programme of Demining Activities in Central and Eastern African Countries (including Democratic Republic of the Congo and Sudan) March 6, 2008 9.97
Food Aid through WFP July 31, 2007 3.00
Congo, Republic of Support to Child-Friendly Environments through Community Participation in Brazzaville, Pool and Plateaux (through UNICEF) March 14, 2008 4.37
Food Aid (through WFP) December 18, 2007 2.90
Congo, Democratic Republic of The Programme for Support to Child-Friendly Environment through Community Participation in the District of Ituri (through UNICEF) March 17, 2008 3.76
The Programme of Demining Activities in Central and Eastern African Countries (including Chad and Sudan) March 6, 2008 9.97
Sector Program Grant Aid January 10, 2008 7.00
Food Aid January 10, 2008 5.20
The Project for Infectious Diseases Prevention for Children in the Democratic Republic of the Congo June 4, 2007 1.51
Cote d'Ivoire Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) Small Arms Control Programme (through UNDP) (including Liberia and Sierra Leone) February 15, 2008 3.35
The Project for Prevention of Infectious Diseases (Phase III) in the Republic of Cote d'Ivoire December 28, 2007 1.93
Djibouti Le Projet de Renforcement de la Capacité de Transport Maritime à l'intérieur du Golfe de Tadjoura January 16, 2008 0.15
Non-Project Grant Aid November 28, 2007 2.00
Eritrea Food Aid December 5, 2007 3.90
The Project for Improvement of Regional Medical Service of the State of Eritrea September 5, 2007 2.96
The Project for Urban Water Supply in Debub Region May 28, 2007 15.24
Ethiopia Food Aid March 4, 2008 5.30
The Project for Rural Water Supply in Tigray Region December 4, 2007 0.26
The Project for Construction of Primary Schools in Oromia Region December 4, 2007 10.41
Grant Assistance for Underprivileged Farmers December 4, 2007 4.50
The Project for Infectious Diseases Prevention for Children in the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia August 20, 2007 1.25
The Project for Water Supply in Afar Region May 23, 2007 5.44
Ghana Food Aid February 27, 2008 6.50
Grant Aid for Poverty Reduction Strategy January 24, 2008 3.37
Sector Program Grant Aid December 17, 2007 15.00
Grant Assistance for Underprivileged Farmers December 17, 2007 3.70
The Project for Rural Electrification August 21, 2007 4.10
The Project for Infectious Diseases Prevention for Children in the Republic of Ghana August 10, 2007 1.22
Guinea Food Aid February 5, 2008 4.70
Projet d'accroissement de la production d'eau potable dans la capitale November 26, 2007 7.45
Projet d'amélioration du port de pêche artisanale de Boulbinet November 26, 2007 4.48
Grant Assistance for Underprivileged Farmers November 26, 2007 3.10
The Project for Strengthening Malaria Control in the Republic of Guinea August 23, 2007 1.54
Guinea-Bissau Food Aid (through WFP) December 18, 2007 2.40
Kenya Food Aid (through WFP) December 18, 2007 6.00
Sector Program Grant Aid November 20, 2007 15.00
The Project for HIV/AIDS Control September 18, 2007 3.65
The Project for Improvement of District Hospitals in the Western Region of the Republic of Kenya May 30, 2007 12.63
The Project for Rural Water Supply May 30, 2007 5.30
Lesotho The Project for Construction of Secondary Schools March 7, 2008 7.15
Food Aid through WFP October 30, 2007 2.20
Liberia The Project for Infectious Diseases Prevention for Children in the Republic of Liberia (through UNICEF) March 10, 2008 2.00
Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) Small Arms Control Programme (through UNDP) (including Cote d'Ivoire and Sierra Leone) February 15, 2008 3.35
Food Aid through WFP July 31, 2007 4.80
Madagascar Non-Project Grant Aid March 11, 2008 9.00
Projet de construction d'une bretelle dans la zone sud de la capitale November 14, 2007 0.33
Projet d'extension et d'aménagement des équipements du Centre de Formation et d'Application du Machinisme Agricole à Antsirabe November 14, 2007 5.78
Malawi Food Aid (through WFP) March 14, 2008 4.20
The Project for the Groundwater Development in Lilongwe West July 18, 2007 2.87
The Project for Improvement of Blantyre City Road July 18, 2007 8.54
Mali Food Aid February 22, 2008 5.20
Projet d'alimentation en eau potable dans la région de Sikasso January 17, 2008 0.77
Projet de Construction des Ponts sur le Corridor du Sud en République du Mali et en République du Sénégal January 17, 2008 0.26
Grant Assistance for Underprivileged Farmers November 16, 2007 3.90
Projet de construction d'un institut de formation des maîtres à Kati August 14, 2007 5.93
Projet de Construction d'Écoles Primaires (Phase III) June 27, 2007 9.83
Mauritania Return and Reintegration Program of Mauritanian Refugees December 18, 2007 1.50
Food Aid November 27, 2007 4.80
Projet de construction de salles de classe des enseignements fondamental et secondaire de base dans les villes de Nouakchott et Nouadhibou August 9, 2007 6.20
Mozambique The Project for Improvement of Infrastructure and Equipment of Training Schools for Health Personal November 19, 2007 0.48
The Project for the Construction of the Cuamba Teacher Training Center June 21, 2007 9.98
The Project for Construction of Bridges on Rural Roads in Zambezia and Tete Provinces May 28, 2007 18.45
Niger Food Aid February 29, 2008 5.00
Nigeria The Project for Water Supply Development in Yobe State October 18, 2007 2.65
The Project for Improvement of Medium Wave Radio Broadcasting Network August 16, 2007 6.42
The Project for Rural Electrification in Cross River and Akwa Ibom States August 16, 2007 8.99
The Project for Infectious Diseases Prevention for Children in the Federal Republic of Nigeria June 8, 2007 11.01
Rwanda Sector Program Grant Aid December 3, 2007 6.00
Project for Rural Water Supply June 20, 2007 6.92
Sao Tome and Principe Food Aid December 10, 2007 2.80
Senegal Non-Project Grant Aid March 7, 2008 8.00
Sierra Leone Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) Small Arms Control Programme (through UNDP) (including Cote d'Ivoire and Liberia) February 15, 2008 3.35
The Project for Urgent Improvement of Electric Power Supply System in Freetown January 15, 2008 0.18
The Project for Infectious Diseases Prevention in the Republic of Sierra Leone November 28, 2007 2.58
The Project for Urgent Improvement of Electric Power Supply System in Freetown August 1, 2007 5.70
Food Aid through WFP July 31, 2007 3.50
Somalia Food Aid (through WFP) December 18, 2007 3.00
Sudan The Programme for Construction of Educational Facilities in South Sudan for Integrating Returnees and Empowering the Host Communities (through UNHCR) March 7, 2008 9.47
The Programme of Demining Activities in Central and Eastern African Countries (including Chad and Democratic Republic of the Congo) March 6, 2008 9.97
The Programme for Return and Reintegration of Sudanese Displaced Persons and Camp Coordination and Camp Management in Darfur January 31, 2008 4.34
The Programme for Road Repair and Mine Clearance of Key Transport Routes in Southern Sudan (through WFP) January 29, 2008 13.07
Food Aid (through WFP) December 18, 2007 10.00
The Project for Infectious Diseases Prevention for Children August 28, 2007 5.96
Food Aid through WFP July 31, 2007 9.70
Swaziland Food Aid through WFP October 30, 2007 1.20
Tanzania Food Aid January 5, 2008 7.10
Grant Aid for Poverty Reduction Strategy January 5, 2008 6.30
The Project for Reinforcement of Transmission and Distribution Facilities in Oyster Bay Substation December 4, 2007 0.20
The Project for HIV/AIDS Control September 18, 2007 3.52
The Project for Water Supply Development around the Metropolitan Area July 3, 2007 8.18
The Project for Improvement of Masasi-Mangaka Road July 3, 2007 6.92
The Project for Zanzibar Urban Water Supply Development June 28, 2007 8.47
The Project for Widening of Kilwa Road May 29, 2007 14.97
Uganda Grant Assistance for Underprivileged Farmers March 14, 2008 1.50
Support to Child-Friendly Environments through Community Participation in Northern Uganda (through UNICEF) March 7, 2008 5.37
Food Aid (through WFP) December 18, 2007 4.70
The Project for Rural Electrification (Phase II) August 23, 2007 7.13
The Project for Improvement of the Medium Wave Radio Broadcasting Network July 5, 2007 11.12
Zambia Grant Assistance for Underprivileged Farmers March 14, 2008 3.20
The Project for the Groundwater Development in Luapula Province (Detailed Design) February 5, 2008 0.70
The Project for Improvement of Ndola and Kitwe City Roads November 13, 2007 7.66
The Project for Infectious Diseases Control, Phase III November 13, 2007 3.45
Zimbabwe The Project for Infectious Diseases Prevention for Children in the Republic of Zimbabwe (through UNICEF) January 9, 2008 2.27
Food Aid through WFP July 31, 2007 4.80
Latin America and the Caribbean Bolivia Grant Assistance for Underprivileged Farmers March 10, 2008 3.00
Proyecto de Construcción de Infraestructuras Educativas de los Municipios de Potosí y de Sucre March 10, 2008 9.69
Proyecto de Mejoramiento de Irrigación en el Departamento de Cochabamba June 15, 2007 3.74
Ecuador Proyecto de la Construcción del Nuevo Puente Internacional Macará June 22, 2007 5.74
El Salvador Proyecto de la Construcción del Puente de la Amistad del Japón y Centroamérica June 11, 2007 6.50
Guyana Non-Project Grant Aid March 10, 2008 5.00
The Project for Water Supply in Corriverton June 25, 2007 7.25
Haiti Support to Child-Friendly Environments through Community Participation in Port-au-Prince (through UNICEF) March 12, 2008 4.62
The Project for the Reinforcement of the Immunization Programme in the Republic of Haiti (through UNICEF) December 3, 2007 1.94
Food Aid December 3, 2007 4.80
Honduras Proyecto Urgente para el Abastecimiento de Agua Potable de Tegucigalpa February 27, 2008 0.30
Grant Assistance for Underprivileged Farmers February 27, 2008 3.70
Sector Program Grant Aid February 27, 2008 6.00
Proyecto Urgente para el Abastecimiento de Agua Potable de Tegucigalpa June 20, 2007 4.86
Proyecto de la Construcción del Puente de la Amistad del Japón y Centroamérica May 23, 2007 6.50
Proyecto de Mejoramiento del Hospital San Felipe May 23, 2007 8.88
Proyecto de Reconstrucción del Puente Guaymón May 23, 2007 9.50
Nicaragua Grant Assistance for Underprivileged Farmers February 1, 2008 2.80
Proyecto para la Reconstrucción de los Puentes Principales en NIC-7 June 13, 2007 9.61
Paraguay El Proyecto del Traslado y del Fortalecimiento del Hospital de Clínicas de la Universidad Nacional de Asunción August 16, 2007 4.19
Peru Programa de Reconstrucción del Área Afectada por el Terremoto en la Región de Ica March 17, 2008 7.85
Proyecto de la Construcción del Nuevo Puente Internacional Macará December 13, 2007 5.74
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines The Project for the Construction of Owia Fishery Center June 29, 2007 8.75
Oceania Fiji The Project for Construction of Information and Communication Technology Center at the University of the South Pacific February 1, 2008 0.75
Kiribati Non-Project Grant Aid December 12, 2007 2.00
Micronesia The Project for Improvement of Pohnpei International Airport January 25, 2008 0.58
Nauru Non-Project Grant Aid February 29, 2008 1.00
Palau The Project for the Rehabilitation of Arterial Roads in the Metropolitan Area May 22, 2007 14.05
Papua New Guinea The Project for the Urgent Rehabilitation of Markham Bridge May 18, 2007 6.20
Solomon Islands The Project for Construction of Market and Jetty in Auki March 12, 2008 0.33
Tuvalu Non-Project Grant Aid December 6, 2007 1.00
The Project for Improvement of Funafuti Port July 3, 2007 9.32
Vanuatu The Project for Improvement of Port Vila Main Wharf January 28, 2008 0.47
Non-Project Grant Aid January 28, 2008 1.00
The Project for Improvement of Sarakata River Hydroelectric Power Station June 6, 2007 7.07
Europe Armenia Grant Assistance for Underprivileged Farmers January 16, 2008 1.70
Bosnia and Herzegovina The Project for Improvement of the Equipment for Road Maintenance September 4, 2007 8.44
Moldova Sector Program Grant Aid March 5, 2008 3.00
Grant Assistance for Underprivileged Farmers March 5, 2008 2.00
The Project for Improvement of Equipment for the National Training Center for Agricultural Mechanization November 12, 2007 5.30
Ukraine The Project for Improvement of Medical Equipment for Children's Hospitals February 12, 2008 4.85
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