Official Development Assistance (ODA)

March 26, 2007
Date of E/N
(Local time)
Country Project (100 million yen)
March 26, 2007 Peru Proyecto de la Construcción del Nuevo Puente Internacional Macará 0.19
March 22, 2007 Haiti Food Aid 3.60
March 20, 2007 Republic of Congo The Project for Strengthening Malaria Control and Preventing Childhood Infectious Diseases (through UNICEF) 2.07
Democratic Republic of Congo Food Aid 3.80
Laos Food Aid 3.20
March 19, 2007 Sudan The Support to Seed Production Systems in Southern Sudan and South Darfur and Promotion of Horticultural Production in North Darfur 1.90
Palestinian Authorities The Horticulture Rehabilitation in the West Bank (through UNICEF) 1.00
Mozambique The Coordination and Management of Services for the Prevention and Disposal of Obsolete Pesticides in Mozambique (Phase III) 1.24
Niger Food Aid 3.80
Grant Assistance for Underprivileged Farmers 3.00
Guinea Food Aid through WFP 1.80
Sao Tome and Principe Food Aid through WFP 1.30
Somalia Food Aid through WFP 3.60
Liberia The Reintegration Assistance Program to Returnees in the Republic of Liberia (through UNHCR) 3.02
Philippines Grant Assistance for Underprivileged Farmers 3.00
March 18, 2007 Afghanistan The Programme for Improvement of Trunk Road from Kandahar toward Herat 24.00
Sector Program Grant Aid 15.00
Palestinian Authorities Food Aid through UNRWA 5.00
March 16, 2007 South Asian Region (including India, Nepal, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Bhutan) Grant Aid for the Earthquake Risk Reduction and Recovery Preparedness Programme for South Asian Region (through UNDP) 5.84
Democratic Republic of the Congo Support to Child-Friendly Environment through Community Participation in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (through UNICEF) 7.86
The Reintegration Assistance Program to Returnees in the Eastern Provinces of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (through UNHCR) 9.07
Mozambique Food Aid 2.15
March 15, 2007 Ecuador Grant Assistance for Underprivileged Farmers 4.50
Eritrea Grant Assistance for Underprivileged Farmers 3.10
Nepal Food Aid 3.00
March 14, 2007 Lesotho Non-Project Grant Aid 2.00
Namibia Grant Assistance for Underprivileged Farmers 1.50
March 12, 2007 Indonesia Grant Assistance for Underprivileged Farmers 2.00
March 10, 2007 Sao Tome and Principe Non-Project Grant Aid 2.00
March 9, 2007 Sri Lanka Sector Program Grant Aid 12.00
Grant Assistance for Underprivileged Farmers 3.30
Tanzania Non-Project Grant Aid 6.00
March 6, 2007 Senegal Food Aid 3.50
Sector Program Grant Aid 5.00
Cape Verde Food Aid 1.70
Gambia Food Aid 2.20
Grant Assistance for Underprivileged Farmers 1.40
Bolivia Non-Project Grant Aid 8.00
Burkina Faso Food Aid 3.40
Yemen Grant Assistance for Underprivileged Farmers 3.30
March 5, 2007 Rwanda Grant Assistance for Underprivileged Farmers 1.30
Mauritania Food Aid 3.80
Grant Assistance for Underprivileged Farmers 3.00
Madagascar Le Projet de Construction de Salles de Classes d'Ecoles Primaires dans les Province d' Antsiranana et de Toliara 10.32
Sector Program Grant Aid 7.00
Moldova Sector Program Grant Aid 3.00
Nepal Grant Assistance for Underprivileged Farmers 3.00
March 1, 2007 Djibouti Non-Project Grant Aid 2.00
Food Aid 1.00
February 28, 2007 Kenya Sector Program Grant Aid 13.00
Central African Republic The Program on Promoting Weapons Collection and Community-Based Development in the Central African Republic (through UNDP) 2.27
February 27, 2007 Republic of Congo The Program on Small Arms and Collection for Development and Reintegration of Ex-Combatants in the Republic of Congo (through UNDP) 2.47
Haiti Grant Assistance for Underprivileged Farmers (through FAO) 0.90
Cambodia Food Aid through WFP 2.10
Bangladesh Food Aid through WFP 4.00
Timor-Leste Food Aid through WFP 1.10
Angola Food Aid through WFP 2.90
Guinea-Bissau Food Aid through WFP 1.10
Cote d'Ivoire Food Aid through WFP 2.20
Republic of Congo Food Aid through WFP 1.30
Tanzania Food Aid through WFP 3.10
Burundi Food Aid through WFP 1.80
Rwanda Food Aid through WFP 1.40
Liberia Food Aid through WFP 2.00
Lesotho Food Aid through WFP 1.00
Nicaragua Food Aid through WFP 1.20
February 21, 2007 Ghana Sector Program Grant Aid 14.00
Tuvalu Non-Project Grant Aid 1.00
February 20, 2007 Egypt Grant Assistance for Underprivileged Farmers 2.90
The Project for Modernization of Agricultural Mechanization Center in Damanhour 0.46
Cote d'Ivoire The Project for Prevention of Infectious Diseases in Cote d'Ivoire-II (through UNICEF) 4.19
February 14, 2007 Tonga Non-Project Grant Aid 1.00
February 11, 2007 Bangladesh The Project for the Improvement of the Storm Water Drainage System in Dhaka City (Phase II) 0.32
February 9, 2007 Burkina Faso Grant Assistance for Underprivileged Farmers 3.30
February 8, 2007 Ukraine The Project for Improvement of Medical Equipment for Children's Hospitals 4.53
February 1, 2007 Niger Projet de Construction des Salles de Classe de l'Enseignement Élémentaire dans les Régions de Maradi et de Zinder 10.18
Kiribati Non-Project Grant Aid 2.00
January 31, 2007 Suriname The Project for Construction of Small-Scale Fisheries Center in Paramaribo 8.17
January 26, 2007 Uzbekistan The Project for Improvement of Primary Medical Services in the Tashkent and Djizak Regions 5.95
Vanuatu Non-Project Grant Aid 1.00
The Project for Improvement of Sarakata River Hydroelectric Power Station 5.73
January 24, 2007 Cameroon Sector Program Grant Aid 5.00
Kiribati The Project for Improvement of Fisheries-Related Roads in South Tarawa 12.85
Indonesia The Project for Water Supply in Gunungkidul Regency of Yogyakarta Special Territory 5.25
Bhutan Grant Assistance for Underprivileged Farmers 2.40
January 23, 2007 Egypt The Project for Improvement of Maternal and Child Health in the Arab Republic of Egypt (through UNICEF) 2.19
Mozambique The Project for Construction on Rural Roads of Bridges in Zambezia and Tete Provinces 0.43
The Project for Malaria Control 4.49
January 22, 2007 Cambodia Sector Program Grant Aid 12.00
The Project for the Flood Protection and Drainage Improvement in the Municipality of Phnom Penh, Phase II 0.49
January 16, 2007 Sri Lanka The Project for Construction of New Manner Bridge and Improvement of Causeway 0.33
Ecuador Proyecto de la Construcción del Nuevo Puente Internacional Macará 0.19
Bolivia Proyecto de Equipamiento para la Ampliación de los Caminos Locales 9.00
January 12, 2007 Honduras Proyecto de Mejoramiento del Hospital San Felipe 0.70
Proyecto de Reconstruccion del Puente Guaymon 0.40
January 11, 2007 Moldova Grant Assistance for Underprivileged Farmers 2.30
Zimbabwe The Project for Infectious Diseases Prevention for Children in the Republic of Zimbabwe 2.23
January 10, 2007 Kenya The Project for Improvement of District Hospitals in the Western Region of the Republic of Kenya 0.70
December 21, 2006 El Salvador Proyecto de la Construcción del Puente de la Amistad del Japón y Centroamérica 0.20
December 20, 2006 Montenegro The Project for Improvement of Medical Equipment for Main Hospitals 4.41
China The Project for the Establishment of the Monitoring Network for Acid Deposition, Dust and Sandstorm 7.93
December 15, 2006 Angola The Program on Capacity Development of the National Institute for Demining in the Republic of Angola (through UNDP) 4.64
Malawi Food Aid through WFP 2.00
Sierra Leone Food Aid through WFP 1.70
Swaziland Food Aid through WFP 1.00
Zambia Food Aid through WFP 1.50
Zimbabwe Food Aid through WFP 1.50
Palestinian Authorities Food Aid through WFP 1.60
Nepal Sector Program Grant Aid 11.00
Pakistan The Project for the Eradication of Poliomyelitis (through UNICEF) 4.50
December 12, 2006 Maldives Food Aid 1.40
December 11, 2006 Egypt The Project for Rehabilitation of Floating Pump Stations in Upper Egypt (Phase IV) 4.32
December 6, 2006 Benin Le Projet de Renforcement de l'Hôpital de la Mère et l'Enfant-Lagune 0.71
December 5, 2006 Senegal Projet de Construction de Salles de Classe de l'Enseignement Elémentaire et Moyen 9.96
December 4, 2006 Nauru Non-Project Grant Aid 1.00
November 29, 2006 Honduras Proyecto de la Construccion del Puente de la Amistad del Japon y Centroamerica 0.20
Rwanda Sector Program Grant Aid 8.00
Guinea Projet d'extension du port de pêche artisanale de Boulbinet 4.05
November 28, 2006 Ghana The Project for Improvement of Fundamental Medical Equipment in Upper West Region 1.63
November 27, 2006 Laos The Project for the Construction of Hinheup Bridge 0.35
November 23, 2006 El Salvador Non-Project Grant Aid 5.00
Mongolia Food Aid 2.00
Sector Program Grant Aid 8.00
November 22, 2006 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines The Project for the Construction of Owia Fishery Center 5.55
Myanmar The Project for Improvement of Maternal and Child Health Care Services (Phase VII) in the Union of Myanmar (through UNICEF) 3.10
November 17, 2006 Haiti The Project for the Reinforcement of the Immunization Programme (through UNICEF) 2.04
Mali Food Aid 2.90
November 16, 2006 Zambia The Project for Malaria Control 3.08
November 15, 2006 Sierra Leone The Project for Infectious Diseases Prevention for Children (through UNICEF) 2.29
November 13, 2006 Liberia The Project for Infectious Diseases Prevention for Children (through UNICEF) 1.87
November 9, 2006 Viet Nam The Project for the Groundwater Development in Central Highland Provinces 0.35
Malawi The Project for Improvement of Rural Health Care Facilities 7.17
Palau The Project for the Rehabilitation of Arterial Roads in the Metropolitan Area 0.22
November 6, 2006 Ethiopia The Project for the Water Supply in Afar Regional State 0.23
October 31, 2006 Philippines Food Aid (through WFP) 1.40
Afghanistan Food Aid (through WFP) 3.50
October 18, 2006 Serbia The Project for the Improvement of Water Supply System in Belgrade City 4.54
September 29, 2006 Tanzania The Project for HIV/AIDS Control 3.41
September 28, 2006 Viet Nam The Project for Improvement of Safety Laboratory for National Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology 8.91
September 13, 2006 Nepal The Project for the Improvement of Short Wave and Medium Wave Radio Broadcasting Stations 9.37
September 12, 2006 Eritrea The Project for Urban Water Supply in Debub Region 0.51
Food Aid 3.50
September 10, 2006 Jordan Non-Project Grant Aid 13.00
September 7, 2006 Burkina Faso Le Projet de Construction d'Écoles Primaires (Phase III) 8.66
September 5, 2006 Tajikistan The Project for the Improvement of Dusty-Nizhniy Pyandzh Road 5.95
September 1, 2006 Kenya The Project for Rural Water Supply 4.97
August 31, 2006 Bolivia Proyecto de Mejoramiento de la Central de Abastecimiento y Suministros de Salud 7.61
Proyecto de Mejoramiento de Irrigación en el Departamento de Cochabamba 3.10
Afghanistan The Program for Support of the Integrated Disbandment of Illegal Armed Groups Initiative (through UNDP) 32.48
August 30, 2006 Cambodia The Project for the Improvement of Security Facilities and Equipment in Main International Ports 9.27
August 29, 2006 Uzbekistan The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship 3.09
August 24, 2006 Ghana The Project for Rural Electrification 6.78
Ethiopia The Project for Infectious Diseases Prevention for Children in the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia (through UNICEF) 5.29
August 23, 2006 Nigeria The Project for Infectious Diseases Prevention for Children (through UNICEF) 4.95
Sudan The Project for Infectious Diseases Prevention for Children (through UNICEF) 5.17
Ethiopia Food Aid 4.60
August 21, 2006 Laos The Project for the Improvement of District Hospitals 4.13
August 17, 2006 Myanmar The Project for the Afforestation in the Dry Zone 3.30
August 15, 2006 Indonesia The Project for the Reconstruction for the Area Affected by the Earthquake in Yogyakarta and Central Java 8.90
August 14, 2006 Nicaragua Proyecto para la Reconstrucción de los Puentes Principales en NIC-7 0.43
August 11, 2006 Zambia The Project for the Improvement of Expanded Program on Immunization (Phase II) 2.83
August 10, 2006 Guatemala The Project for the Improvement of Main National Hospitals in Metropolitan Area in Guatemala 8.99
The Project for the Support for the Reconstruction Efforts after Hurricane Stan Disaster 8.34
Mongolia The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship 3.16
Kyrgyz The Project for the Improvement of the Equipment for Road Maintenance in Naryn 5.72
August 9, 2006 Morocco Le projet d'amélioration des soins de santé maternelle en milieu rural (Phase II) 9.72
Ghana The Project for Infectious Diseases Prevention for Children (through UNICEF) 2.98
Micronesia The Project for the Improvement of the Weno Harbor 7.25
August 4, 2006 Solomon Islands The Project for the Reconstruction of Bridges in East Guadalcanal 9.13
August 3, 2006 Dominican Republic El Proyecto de Construcción del Centro de Capacitación para el Desarrollo del Comercio Exterior e Inversión 6.41
August 1, 2006 Peru Proyecto de Ampliación y Modernización del Desembarcadero Pesquero Artesanal de Talara 10.22
July 31, 2006 Malawi The Project for the Groundwater Development in Lilongwe West 3.71
July 28, 2006 Sudan Food Aid through WFP 9.80
Chad Food Aid through WFP 1.50
Kenya Food Aid through WFP 5.50
Uganda Food Aid through WFP 3.30
July 25, 2006 Indonesia The Project for Bridge Construction in the Province of West Nusa Tenggara 7.94
The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship 0.33
July 24, 2006 Guyana The Project for Water Supply in Corriverton 6.51
July 23, 2006 Philippines The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship 3.82
July 21, 2006 Uzbekistan The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship 0.26
July 20, 2006 Nigeria The Project for Construction of Additional Classrooms for Primary Schools 8.54
Uganda The Project for the Improvement of Health Facilities and Supply of Medical Equipment in the Eastern Region 8.73
The Project for the Improvement of Traffic Flow in Kampara City 3.16
July 18, 2006 Mongolia The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship 0.34
July 14, 2006 Jordan The Project for Improvement of the Water Supply for the Zarqa District (Phase II) 5.11
July 12, 2006 Gambia The Project for Rural Water Supply (Phase II) 2.96
July 10, 2006 Palestinian Authorities The Project for Improving the Control of Infectious Diseases and the Nutritional Status of Palestinian Children and Preventing the Inner-hospital Infection of Newborn Babies (through UNICEF) 3.74
July 9, 2006 Bangladesh The Project for the Provision of Portable Steel Bridges on Upazila and Union Roads 7.00
July 7, 2006 Guinea Le projet de construction d'écoles primaires et de collèges en zones urbaines 4.63
Le projet d'accroissement de la production d'eau potable à Conakry 6.75
July 6, 2006 Viet Nam The Project for Improvement of Facilities of Primary Schools in Northern Mountain Region (Phase II) 5.11
The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship 5.27
July 5, 2006 Angola The Project for Construction of Primary Schools in Luanda Province, Phase II 9.12
The Project for Emergency Rural Water Supply in Neighboring Provinces of Luanda 4.32
July 4, 2006 Kenya The Project for the Expansion of the Centre for Mathematics, Science and Technology Education in Africa (CEMASTEA) 12.11
July 3, 2006 Mongolia The Project for Improvement of Primary Education Facilities (Phase III) 8.87
June 30, 2006 Macedonia The Project for Improvement of Medical Equipment for Primary Health Care Services (Phase II) 8.10
June 25, 2006 Bangladesh The Project for the Improvement of the Meteorological Radar System at Cox's Bazar and Khepupara 8.03
June 23, 2006 Honduras el Proyecto del Mejoramiento del Puente Agua Caliente 2.89
el Proyecto para el Fortalecimiento de las Unidades del Cuerpo de Bomberos 8.14
Ethiopia The Project for Water Supply in Southern Nations, Nationalities and Peoples' Regional State 5.44
June 22, 2006 Mali Le projet de construction d'ecoles primaires (Phase III) 8.09
Syria The Project for the Improvement of Equipment for Solid Waste Treatment in Local Cities 5.83
June 21, 2006 Nigeria The Project for Rural Electrification in Cross River and Akwa Ibom States 9.32
Paraguay el Proyecto del Traslado y del Fortalecimiento del Hospital de Clínicas de la Universidad Nacional de Asunción 13.70
Ecuador el Proyecto para el Mejoramiento del Sistema de Agua Potable el Cantón Ibarra 3.72
June 20, 2006 Bhutan The Project for Construction of Educational Facilities 3.07
Mauritania Le projet de construction de salles de classe des enseignements fondamental et secondaire de base dans les villes de Nouakchott et Nouadhibou 10.73
Egypt The Project for Upgrading of El Mahala El Kobra Water Treatment Plant 24.23
Cameroon Le projet d'hydraulique rurale (Phase IV) 5.15
Le projet de construction d'écoles primaires (Phase III) 9.32
June 19, 2006 Bangladesh The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship 3.19
June 18, 2006 Yemen The Project for Construction of School Facilities of Basic Education (Phase II) 6.65
June 16, 2006 Guatemala el Proyecto de Rehabilitación de Plantas de Tratamiento de Agua Potable en el Interior (Fase III) 6.60
June 15, 2006 Indonesia The Project for Construction of Patrol Vessels for the Prevention of Piracy, Maritime Terrorism and Proliferation of Weapons 19.21
June 14, 2006 Rwanda The Project for Rural Water Supply 5.51
The Project for the Rehabilitation of Public Transport 3.19
June 13, 2006 Afghanistan The Integrated Child Survival Project in Afghanistan (through UNICEF) 4.49
Solomon Islands The Project for the Improvement of the Honiara Power Supply 7.70
June 12, 2006 Cambodia The Project for the Improvement of the National Road No.1 47.46
The Project for the Rural Electrification on Micro-Hydropower in Rnemote Province of Mondul Kiri 10.66
The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship 3.96
The Project for Rural Drinking Water Supply in Kampong Cham Province 4.31
June 10, 2006 Algeria Projet de Renforcement des Equipements de Formation pour l'Institut de Technologie des Pêches et de l'Aquaculture d'Alger 4.88
June 9, 2006 Nicaragua el Proyecto de Rehabilitación de Infraestructura Escolar en los Departamentos de Rivas, Boaco y Chontales 6.41
India The Project for the Eradication of Poliomyelitis in India (through UNICEF) 4.56
June 8, 2006 Malawi The Project for the Rehabilitation of the Bwanje Valley Irrigation System 9.60
China The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship 6.03
The Project for Afforestation for Conservation of Middle Stream of Huang He (Phase II) 2.18
June 7, 2006 Tanzania The Project for Zanzibar Urban Water Supply Development 12.30
June 6, 2006 Tanzania The Project for Widening of Kilwa Road 11.52
Laos The Project for the Improvement of the Vientiane No.1 Road 25.53
June 2, 2006 Laos The Project for the Vientiane Water Supply Development 28.75
The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship 3.93
May 31, 2006 Azerbaijan The Project for the Improvement of Mushviq Substation in Baku 8.80
Nepal Food Aid 2.70
May 30, 2006 Kyrgyz The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship 3.34
Mongolia The Project for Construction of the Eastern Arterial Road and Improvement of the Related Equipments 24.00
May 24, 2006 Pakistan The Project for the Improvement of Kararo-Wadh Section of National Highway N-25 40.52
The Project for the Enhancement of Training Capabilities of Construction Machinery Training Institute 8.90
May 18, 2006 Timor-Leste The Project for the Rehabilitation of Dili Port 9.22
May 17, 2006 Jordan The Project for Improving Medical Equipment of Southern Region's Hospitals and Al-Basheer Hospital 5.23
May 11, 2006 Ecuador Proyecto para el Mejoramiento del Sistema de Agua Potable para las Ciudades de Huaquillas y Arenillas 20.09
May 4, 2006 Nicaragua el Proyecto para la Construccion del Hospital General en el Departamento de Boaco 13.18
April 28, 2006 Angola The Project for Malaria Control 1.80
April 26, 2006 Laos Food Aid 3.20
April 21, 2006 Maldives Food Aid 1.40
April 17, 2006 Mongolia Food Aid 2.00
April 13, 2006 Haiti Food Aid 3.60
April 4, 2006 Peru Proyecto de Ampliacion y Modernizacion del Desembarcadero Pesquero Artesanal de Talara 2.98
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