Official Development Assistance (ODA)

March 20, 2006
Date of E/N
(Local time)
Country Project (100 million yen)
March 20, 2006 Liberia The Programme on Promoting Weapons Collection and Community-based Development in Liberia (through UNDP) 2.32
Afghanistan Sector Program Grant Aid 26.00
March 19, 2006 Algeria Projet de Renforcement des Equipements de Formation pour l'Institut de Technologie des Peches et de l'Aquaculture d'Alger 1.06
March 18, 2006 Burundi, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Rwanda and Uganda The Program for Rehabilitation of Ex-Child Soldiers in the Great Lakes region (through UNDP) 2.34
March 17, 2006 Palestinian Authorities Food Aid (through UNRWA and WFP) 6.60
Bangladesh Food Aid through WFP 5.00
Timor-Leste Food Aid through WFP 1.00
Nicaragua Food Aid through WFP 1.35
Afghanistan Food Aid through WFP 3.50
Philippines Food Aid through WFP 1.40
Palestinian Authorities Food Aid through WFP 1.60
Malawi Non-Project Grant Aid 6.00
Cambodia The project for Research and Development of Mine Clearance Related Equipment 4.16
Sierra Leone The Programme on Promoting Weapons Collection and Community-based Development in Sierra Leone (through UNDP) 1.92
Kiribati Non-Project Grant Aid 1.00
March 16, 2006 Ukraine Non-Project Grant Aid 3.00
Georgia Sector Program Grant Aid 8.00
March 14, 2006 Democratic Republic of the Congo Programme to Support Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (through UNDP) 6.60
March 13, 2006 Pakistan Non-project Grant Aid for the Reconstruction of the Earthquake-affected Areas in Pakistan 40.00
March 10, 2006 Benin Grant Assistance for Underprivileged Farmers 1.40
Democratic Republic of the Congo The Project for Infectious Diseases Prevention for Children in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (through UNICEF) 6.00
Laos Sector Program Grant Aid 11.00
Tuvalu Non-Project Grant Aid 1.00
March 9, 2006 Burkina Faso Non-Project Grant Aid 6.00
Armenia Grant Assistance for Underprivileged Farmers 1.10
March 8, 2006 Nicaragua Grant Assistance for Underprivileged Farmers 3.80
Bolivia Grant Assistance for Underprivileged Farmers 2.50
March 7, 2006 Ethiopia Grant Assistance for Underprivileged Farmers 4.48
Timor-Leste The Project for Improving Maternal and Child Health Care in the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste (through UNICEF) 2.04
March 3, 2006 Moldova Grant Assistance for Underprivileged Farmers 2.20
Sector Program Grant Aid 4.00
March 2, 2006 Indonesia The Programme for Peace Building and Reintegration Assistance to Amnestied GAM Prisoners Recipients, Demobilized GAM Combatants and Conflict-affected Communities throughout Aceh (through IOM) 10.00
March 1, 2006 Cambodia Sector Program Grant Aid 11.00
February 28, 2006 Eritrea Grant Assistance for Underprivileged Farmers (through FAO) 0.65
Uganda Grant Assistance for Underprivileged Farmers (through FAO) 1.47
February 27, 2006 Indonesia Grant Assistance for Underprivileged Farmers 3.80
February 17, 2006 Guyana Non-Project Grant Aid 5.00
February 10, 2006 Laos The Project for the Improvement of District Hospitals 1.50
The Project for Vientiane Water Supply Development (Detailed Design) 0.42
February 6, 2006 Djibouti Food Aid 1.00
January 27, 2006 Lesotho Non-Project Grant Aid 2.00
January 24, 2006 Nicaragua el Proyecto para la Construccion del Hospital General en el Departamento de Boaco 0.94
Mauritania Food Aid 3.00
Mongolia Grant Assistance for Underprivileged Farmers 3.30
January 23, 2006 Honduras Non-Project Grant Aid 10.00
Grant Assistance for Underprivileged Farmers 3.90
Swaziland Grant Assistance for Underprivileged Farmers 1.09
January 20, 2006 Gambia Food Aid 1.50
January 19, 2006 Ecuador Proyecto para el Mejoramiento del Sistema de Agua Potable para las Ciudades de Huaquillas y Arenillas 0.49
January 17, 2006 Guatemala Grant Assistance for Underprivileged Farmers 4.00
Zambia Grant Assistance for Underprivileged Farmers 2.80
January 13, 2006 Madagascar le Projet d'Amenagement du Complex Mere et Enfant de la Province de Mahajanga 5.14
Non-Project Grant Aid 11.00
Food Aid 3.70
Cape Verde Food Aid 1.70
January 12, 2006 Zimbabwe The Project for Infectious Disease Prevention for Children (through UNICEF) 2.97
January 11, 2006 Kenya Grant Assistance for Underprivileged Farmers 17.60
Democratic Republic of the Congo Food Aid 3.80
January 6, 2006 Ghana Grant Assistance for Underprivileged Farmers 3.60
Senegal Food Aid 2.70
Timor-Leste The project for the Improvement of Mola Bridge (Detailed Design) 0.25
Liberia The Project for Infectious Disease Prevention for Children (through UNICEF) 2.59
January 5, 2006 India The Project for the Development of Groundwater in the State of Uttar Pradesh 6.03
Pakistan The Project for the Enhancement of Training Capabilities of Construction Machinery Training Institute (Detailed Design) 0.27
December 28, 2005 Mali Grant Assistance for Underprivileged Farmers 4.10
December 21, 2005 Bosnia and Herzegovina The Project for Improvement of Medical Equipment in Primary Health Care Institutions (Phase III) 6.08
December 19, 2005 Palau The Project for the Improvement of North Dock of Peleliu State 5.81
December 16, 2005 Burundi Food Aid to African Countries through WFP 1.70
Rwanda Food Aid to African Countries through WFP 1.80
Tanzania Food Aid to African Countries through WFP 3.10
Sierra Leone Food Aid to African Countries through WFP 1.70
Republic of Congo Food Aid to African Countries through WFP 1.10
December 7, 2005 Pakistan The project for the Improvement of Kararo-Wadah Section of National Highway N-25 (Detailed Design) 1.03
Nepal The Project for the Improvement of Water Supply Facilities in Urban and Semi-urban Centres 11.24
November 30, 2005 Benin Food Aid 2.50
November 29, 2005 Mali Non-Project Grant Aid 11.00
Food Aid 2.90
Morocco Non-Project Grant Aid 5.00
November 28, 2005 Afghanistan Road Sector Programme Grant Aid 12.00
Sri Lanka The Project for the Improvement of Central Functions of Jaffna Teaching Hospital 0.90
November 25, 2005 Niger Food Aid 4.10
November 23, 2005 Guinea Food Aid 3.00
Haiti The Project for the Expansion of Immunization Program (through UNICEF) 2.03
November 22, 2005 Sierra Leone The Project for Infectious Disease Prevention for Children (through UNICEF) 3.10
Malawi The Project for the Rehabilitation of the Bwanje Valley Irrigation System (Detailed Design) 0.38
November 10, 2005 Pakistan The Project for the Eradication of Poliomyelitis in Pakistan (through UNICEF) 7.21
Bangladesh The Project for the Provision of Portable Steel Bridges on Upazila and Union Roads 6.79
November 8, 2005 Sudan Interim Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration Programme for Sudan (IDDRP) (through UNDP) 7.64
November 3, 2005 Papua New Guinea Non-Project Grant Aid 3.00
October 29, 2005 Rwanda Non-Project Grant Aid 4.00
October 28, 2005 Sudan Food Aid to African Countries through WFP 3.30
Chad Food Aid to African Countries through WFP 1.50
Cote d'lvoire Food Aid to African Countries through WFP 2.00
Liberia Food Aid to African Countries through WFP 2.00
Swaziland Food Aid to African Countries through WFP 1.00
Zambia Food Aid to African Countries through WFP 1.50
Zimbabwe Food Aid to African Countries through WFP 1.50
October 27, 2005 Djibouti Non-Project Grant Aid 3.00
October 26, 2005 Nicaragua Non-Project Grant Aid 8.00
October 18, 2005 Nigeria Non-Project Grant Aid 5.00
September 29, 2005 Cambodia The Project for the Rural Electrification on Micro-Hydropower in Remote Province of Mondul Kiri (Detailed Design) 0.41
September 21, 2005 Burkina Faso Food Aid 3.00
September 15, 2005 Indonesia The project for Capacity-building of the Indonesian National Police 4.49
September 14, 2005 Angola Food Aid 3.00
September 9, 2005 Paraguay Proyecto de Mejoramiento de Instalacion Educativa para la Capacitacion VocacionalEl 6.47
Uzbekistan The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship 3.00
Samoa Non-Project Grant Aid 1.00
September 2, 2005 Senegal Projet de construction et d'equipement d'une ecole de formation des instituteurs 6.42
September 1, 2005 Guatemala Non-Project Grant Aid 5.00
August 30, 2005 Ecuador Non-Project Grant Aid 5.00
Proyecto para el Mejoramiento del Sistema de Agua Potable el Canton Ibarra 6.81
August 29, 2005 Ghana The Project for Infectious Disease Prevention for Children (through UNICEF) 3.00
Cambodia The Project for the Construction of Primary Schools in Phnom Penh, Phase II 5.10
The Project for Infectious Disease Control 2.78
The Project for the Improvement of Mong Kul Borey Hospital in Banteay Meanchy Province 6.83
Egypt The Project for the Eradication of Poliomyelitis in the Arab Republic of Egypt (through UNICEF) 4.03
Indonesia The project for Bridge Construction in the Province of NUSA TENGGARA TIMUR 9.38
August 26, 2005 Gambia Non-Project Grant Aid 3.00
August 25, 2005 Tanzania The Project for HIV/AIDS Control 3.03
Viet Nam The Project for the Improvement of Hoa Binh General Hospital 9.67
Ghana Non-Project Grant Aid 5.00
August 24, 2005 Bolivia Non-Project Grant Aid 8.00
Proyecto de Mejoramiento para las Unidades de Salud en la Zona Sur de la Prefectura del Beni 8.47
August 22, 2005 Sudan The Project for Infectious Diseases Prevention for Children (through UNICEF) 5.68
August 19, 2005 Nigeria The Project for Infectious Disease Prevention for Children (through UNICEF) 5.81
August 18, 2005 Uganda The Project for the Improvement of Health Facilities and Supply of Medical Equipment in the Eastern Region 7.96
August 17, 2005 El Salvador Non-Project Grant Aid 5.00
Proyecto de Rehabilitacion de la Infraestructura y Equipamiento del Hospital Nacional Rosales 6.30
Honduras Proyecto de Reconstruccon del Puente Las Hormigas 4.99
August 16, 2005 Nepal The project for Construction of Primary Schools in Support of Education for All 5.81
August 15, 2005 Ethiopia The Project for Infectious Diseases Prevention for Children in the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia (through UNICEF) 5.42
August 12, 2005 Ethiopia The Project for the Water Supply in Amhara Regional State 4.99
Food Aid 4.00
Uzbekistan The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship 0.99
August 11, 2005 Rwanda The project for the Rehabilitation of Public Transport 6.18
August 10, 2005 Pakistan The project for the Improvement of the Flood Forecasting and Warning System for Lai Nullah Basin 6.61
The project for the Renovation of Islamabad Children's Hospital 6.47
The project for the Establishment of Environmental Monitoring System 12.38
August 8, 2005 Eritrea The Project for Rehabilitation of Bridges on the Asmara-Massawa 3.93
Food Aid 2.00
August 4, 2005 India The project for the Improvement of Sardar Vallvbhai Patel Post Graduate Institute of Paediatrics in the State of Orissa 8.30
Malawi The Project for the Reconstruction of Mainroad5 Bridges between Balaka and Salima 6.91
The Project for the Groundwater Development in Lilongwe West 3.06
Nauru Non-Project Grant Aid 1.00
Angola The Project for Construction of Primary Schools in Luanda Province, Phase II 7.92
July 27, 2005 Laos The Project for the Improvement of the Vientiane NO.1 Road 20.92
July 26, 2005 Sudan Food Aid to African Countries through WFP 5.30
Kenya Food Aid to African Countries through WFP 2.50
Uganda Food Aid to African Countries through WFP 2.20
Lesotho Food Aid to African Countries through WFP 1.00
Malawi Food Aid to African Countries through WFP 2.00
Mozambique Food Aid to African Countries through WFP 2.00
July 25, 2005 Indonesia The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship 5.91
July 21, 2005 Benin le projet d'approvisionnement en eau potable dans la region rurale (Phase V) 6.02
July 20, 2005 Tuvalu The Project for the Upgrading of Electric Power Supply in Funafuti Atoll 9.25
July 15, 2005 Samoa The Project for the Renovation and Extension of Apia Fisheries Wharfand Related Facilities 7.07
The Project for Upgrading and Extension of Samoa Polytechnic 7.23
Burkina Faso Le projet de construction d'ecoles primaries 8.66
July 14, 2005 Bangladesh The Project for the Improvement of the Meteorological Radar System at Cox's Bazar and Khepupara 8.66
July 12, 2005 Zambia The Project for the Improvement and Maintenance of Lusaka City Roads, Phase III 6.79
The Project for Construction of Basic Schools in Lusaka, Phase II 6.36
The Project for Groundwater Development and Sanitation Improvement in the Northern Province 2.86
Nigeria The Project for Construction of Additional Classrooms for Primary Schools 4.86
Kirbati The Project for Rehabilitation of the Betio Port 5.21
July 11, 2005 Serbia and Montenegro The Project for the Improvement of Water Supply System in Belgrade City 7.54
Mauritania Le projet d'approvisionnement en eau potable dans la region australe 3.27
Le projet de construction de salles de classe des enseignements fondamental et secondaire de base dans les villes de Nouakchott et Nouadhibou 9.50
Nigeria The Project for Rural Water Supply in Kano State 3.56
July 8, 2005 Philippines The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship 4.45
July 6, 2005 Bolivia Proyecto de Rehabilitacion del Puente de la Amistad Boliviano-Japones 3.51
Proyecto de Equipamiento para el Desarrollo Rural en el Departamento de la Paz 6.83
Afghanistan Regional Development for Sustainable Peace (through UNDP) 18.27
The Expanded Programme on Immunization: Saving Lives of Afghan Children (through UNICEF) 5.00
The Project for Construction of Basic Education Facilities 10.22
Republic of Congo The Project for Strengthening Malaria Control and Preventing Childhood Infectious Diseases in the Republic of Congo (through UNICEF) 2.30
July 5, 2005 Ecuador El Proyecto de Desarrollo de Aguas Subterraneas en la Provincia de Chimborazo 2.70
July 1, 2005 Saint Christopher and Nevis The Project for Artisanal Fisheries Development 6.17
June 30, 2005 Jordan The project for the Improvement and Expansion of the Water Supply Networks in North/Middle Jordan Valley 20.11
June 28, 2005 Mozambique The Project for the Construction of the Chimoio Primary Teacher Training Center 9.45
June 27, 2005 Tanzania The Project for Rural Water Supply in Lindi and Mtwara Region 5.40
Myanmar The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship 4.84
The Project for Construction of the Myanmar-Japan Center for Human Resources Development 4.09
The Project for the Afforestation in the Dry Zone 2.93
Mongolia The project for Construction of the Eastern Arterial Road and Improvement of the Related Equipments 5.44
The project for Improvement of Primary Education Facilities (Phase II) 9.17
The project for Improvement of Primary Education Facilities (Phase III) 7.84
June 23, 2005 Uganda The Project for the Improvement of Traffic Flow in Kampala City 4.62
June 21, 2005 Viet Nam The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship 6.12
June 20, 2005 Guatemala Proyecto para el Abastecimiento de Agua Potable del Area Urbana del Municipio de Quetzaltenango 10.48
Proyecto de Desarrollo de Aguas Subterraneas en Areas Rurales 4.40
Ethiopia The Project for Water Supply in Southern Nations, Nationalities and Peoples' Regional State 5.17
June 19, 2005 Syria The project for the Rehabilitation of the Water Transmission Tunnels in Damascus City 3.90
June 17, 2005 Senegal Le projet d'approvisionnement en eau en milieu rural 3.55
Le projet de renforcement des capacites televisuelles de la Radiodiffusion Television Senegalaise (RTS) 7.26
Gambia The Project for Rural Water Supply (Phase II) 2.56
June 16, 2005 Cameroon le projet de construction d'ecoles primaries (Phase III) 8.89
June 15, 2005 Côte d'Ivoire The Project for Prevention of Infectious Diseases in Côte d'Ivoire (through UNICEF) 4.06
June 13, 2005 Mongolia The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship 4.07
June 10, 2005 Cambodia The Project for the Rehabilitation of the Kandal Stung Irrigation System 17.40
The Project for the Rehabilitation of Bridges along the Main Trunk Roads 8.44
The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship 3.48
The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship 1.15
The Project for Rural Drinking Water Supply in Kampong Cham Province 4.34
The Project for the Improvement of the National Road No.1 7.86
June 9, 2005 Nepal The project for Construction of Sindhuli Road (Section II: Sindhuli Bazar - Khurukot) 25.88
Palau The Project for Improvement of Interislands Access Road 3.25
June 8, 2005 Guinea Le projet d'approvisionnement en eau potable dans la region rurale de la Moyenne Guinee 5.27
Le projet d'accroissement de la production d'eau potable a Conakry 8.60
June 7, 2005 Solomon The Project for the Improvement of the Honiara Power Supply 7.06
June 6, 2005 India The Project for the Eradication of Poliomyelitis in India (through UNICEF) 5.61
China The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship 6.76
The Project for Afforestation for Conservation of Middle Stream of Huang He (Phase (II)) 3.69
June 4, 2005 Nicaragua Proyecto de Rehabilitacion de Instalaciones Escolares de la Educacion Basica y Media del Departamento de Managua 6.10
Proyecto de Rehabilitacion de Infraestructura Escolar en los Departamentos de Rivas Boaco y Chontales 7.04
Proyecto de Instalacion de Facilidades Pesqueras en San Juan del Sur 11.96
June 3, 2005 Bhutan The project for Construction of Educational Facilities 4.74
June 2, 2005 Palestinian Authorities The project for Improving the Control of Infectious Diseases and the Nutritional Status of Palestinian Children (through UNICEF) 3.44
May 30, 2005 Papua New Guinea The Project for Rehabilitation of Bridges on the Highlands Highway 8.61
Mozambique The Project for Reinforcement of Dredging Capabilities for Beira Port 21.66
May 27, 2005 Bhutan The project for Reconstruction of Bridges, Phase 2 13.02
Ethiopia The Project for Rehabilitation of Trunk Road, Phase III 48.32
Sri Lanka The project for the Construction of a New Highway Bridge at Manampitiya 10.43
May 24, 2005 Laos The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship 4.65
May 23, 2005 Bangladesh The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship 3.60
May 18, 2005 Afghanistan The Project for Construction of the Terminal of Kabul International Airport 30.00
May 13, 2005 Timor-Leste The project for Improvement of Water Supply in Same and Ainaro 10.64
May 10, 2005 Nepal Food Aid 3.50
May 8, 2005 Djibouti Food Aid 1.50
April 30, 2005 Pakistan The project for the Rehabilitation of Gates of Taunsa Barrage 51.65
The project for Improvement of Water Supply System in Faisalabad 32.28
April 26, 2005 Gambia Food Aid 1.80
April 25, 2005 Guinea Food Aid 3.50
April 22, 2005 Mongolia Food Aid 2.00
April 20, 2005 Laos Food Aid 3.00
Tanzania Food Aid 3.00
April 15, 2005 Burkina Faso Food Aid 3.00
Angola The Project for Malaria Control 2.63
Food Aid 2.50
April 14, 2005 Benin Food Aid 2.00
April 13, 2005 Cape Verde Food Aid 1.50
April 7, 2005 Maldives Food Aid 2.00
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