Official Development Assistance (ODA)

March 31, 2005
Date of E/N
(Local time)
Country Project (100 million yen)
March 31, 2005 Indonesia The project for Improvement of Medical Care of Public Hospitals in West Kalimantan Province 4.35
March 30, 2005 Egypt Grant Aid for Increase of Food Production 4.00
March 29, 2005 Armenia The project for the Improvement of Obstetrical Service 2.09
March 28, 2005 Syria The project for Development of New Water Resources for Damascus City 7.33
March 24, 2005 Pakistan The project for Enhancement of Educational Facilities at Allama Iqbal Open University 7.95
Afghanistan Non-Project Grant Aid 12.00
March 29, 2005 Armenia The project for the Improvement of Obstetrical Service 2.09
March 21, 2005 Palestinian Authorities Conflict prevention and peace building for the financial reform of the Palestinian Authority (through the World Bank) 30 million (US$)
March 18, 2005 Senegal Food Aid 2.50
Philippines Grant Aid for Increase of Food Production (through FAO) 2.00
Tanzania Non-Project Grant Aid 6.00
Sierra Leone Arms For Development 2.05
Mali Food Aid 3.00
Palestinian Authorities Food Aid (through UNRWA and WFP) 6.50
Timor-Leste Non-Project Grant Aid 3.00
March 16, 2005 Kiribati The project for Rehabilitation of the Betio Port 3.13
March 15, 2005 Cameroon Project d'Amenagement d'un Centre de Peche Artisanale 4.00
March 11, 2005 Georgia Non-Project Grant Aid 3.00
Grant Aid for Increase of Food Production 2.00
March 9, 2005 Azerbaijan Grant Aid for Increase of Food Production 2.00
Moldova Non-Project Grant Aid 3.00
Bhutan Grant Aid for Increase of Food Production 3.00
March 8, 2005 Guinea Grant Aid for Increase of Food Production 2.00
le projet d'appui au Programme Elargi de Vaccination 2.48
Yemen Grant Aid for Increase of Food Production 3.00
Liberia Community-Based Reintegration Programmes to Support Peace Building and Reconciliation in Heavily-Impacted Returnee Areas in Liberia (through UNHCR) 3.12
Madagascar Grant Aid for Increase of Food Production 3.00
March 7, 2005 Eritrea Food Aid 1.00
Grant Aid for Increase of Food Production 3.00
Nepal Grant Aid for Increase of Food Production 3.01
Sector Program Grant Aid 15.00
March 5, 2005 Burkina Faso Non-Project Grant Aid 5.80
March 4, 2005 Ethiopia Grant Aid for Increase of Food Production 4.00
Sri Lanka Grant Aid for Increase of Food Production 3.30
Solomon The project for Rehabilitation of the Domestic Tuna Fishery 9.73
March 3, 2005 Afghanistan Afghanistan's New Beginnings Programme 30.00
March 2, 2005 Democratic Republic of Congo The Project for Infectious Diseases Prevention for Children in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (through UNICEF) 3.34
Angola Grant Aid for Increase of Food Production 2.00
March 1, 2005 Timor-Leste The project for Improving Maternal and Child Health Care in the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste (through UNICEF) 1.55
February 28, 2005 Kyrgyz Grant Aid for Increase of Food Production 2.00
February 26, 2005 Niger Food Aid 3.50
Grant Aid for Increase of Food Production 3.00
February 17, 2005 Pakistan The project for the Retrieval of Sewage and Drainage System in Lahore City 12.22
The project for the Rehabilitation of Gates of Taunsa Barrage (detailed design) 1.29
February 15, 2005 Tajikistan The project for the Improvement of Medical Equipment in Diakov Hospital 4.80
Bhutan The project for Improvement of Machinery and Equipment for Construction of Rural Agricultural Road 5.21
The project for Reconstruction of Bridges, Phase 2 0.46
February 9, 2005 Kenya Non-Project Grant Aid 10.00
February 7, 2005 Morocco le projet de remise a niveau de l'Institut de formation aux engins et a l'entretien routier 3.82
February 3, 2005 Sri Lanka The project for the Upgrading of the Sewer Cleaning Equipment in Colombo City 1.46
The project for the Construction of a New Highway Bridge at Manampitiya (detailed design) 0.35
January 31, 2005 South Africa The project for Improvement of Medical Equipment for Primary Health Care Institutes in Eastern Cape Province 10.38
January 28, 2005 Mongolia Non-Project Grant Aid 3.00
January 26, 2005 Uzbekistan The project for Supply of Road Construction and Maintenance Equipment (Phase II) 9.76
Viet Nam The project for Improvement of Medical Equipment of Da Nang Hospital 3.26
January 24, 2005 Ethiopia Food Aid 2.00
Fiji The project for the Redevelopment of Fisheries Lami Jetty 5.77
January 21, 2005 Bolivia Non-Project Grant Aid 10.00
Proyecto de Rehabilitacion del Puente de la Amistad Boliviano-Japones 0.23
January 20, 2005 Honduras Non-Project Grant Aid 5.00
Kiribati The project for Kritimati Island Coastal Fisheries Development 7.39
January 18, 2005 Cambodia The project for the Rehabilitation of the Kandal Stung Irrigation System (detailed design) 0.44
Peace Building and Comprehensive Small Arms Management Programme in Cambodia (Phase II) 4.66
Nicaragua Non-Project Grant Aid 8.00
January 17, 2005 Indonesia Non-Project Grant Aid 146.00
Sri Lanka Non-Project Grant Aid 80.00
Maldives Non-Project Grant Aid 20.00
January 14, 2005 Benin Projet d'Amenagement du Port de peche de Cotonou 2.87
Kyrgyz The project for the Improvement of Program Production Equipment of the National TV and Radio Broadcasting Corporation 6.81
January 13, 2005 Bangladesh The project for Improvement of Primary Education through Second Primary Education Development Programme (PEDP II) (through UNICEF) 2.43
January 4, 2005 Mauritania Food Aid 3.00
December 28, 2004 Jordan The project for Developing Jordan Civil Defence Appliances in the South and North Regions 9.73
The project for the Improvement and Expansion of the Water Supply Networks in North/Middle Jordan Valley 0.53
Non-Project Grant Aid 40.00
December 22, 2004 Mozambique Grant Aid for Increase of Food Production (through FAO) 1.60
Haiti Grant Aid for Increase of Food Production (through FAO) 0.48
December 18, 2004 Bangladesh The project for Infectious Diseases Prevention for Children (through UNICEF) 2.39
December 15, 2004 Ghana Non-Project Grant Aid 5.00
December 8, 2004 Albania The project for Improvement of Medical Equipment on South Regional and District Hospital of Albania 2.33
Ethiopia Non-Project Grant Aid 5.00
December 7, 2004 Jordan The project for the Improvement of Solid Waste Management in the Greater Amman (Phase II) 7.43
December 6, 2004 Zambia The project for Infectious Diseases Control, Phase II 4.15
December 3, 2004 Nepal The project for Construction of Primary Schools in Support of Education for All 8.31
November 29, 2004 Nicaragua El Proyecto para el Mejoramiento de los Equipos Educativos de Enfermeria 2.42
Ecuador El Proyecto de Mejoramiento de Entrenamiento Vocacional 8.09
November 27, 2004 Laos Sector Program Grant Aid 5.00
November 22, 2004 Guatemala Proyecto de Desarrollo de Aguas Subterraneas en Areas Rurales 5.37
November 18, 2004 Cambodia The project for the Upgrading and Extension of Electricity Supply Facilities in Phnom Penh 3.59
The project for Rehabilitation of Bridgesalong the Main Trunk Roads 1.52
Sector Program Grant Aid 5.00
Bosnia and Herzegovina The project for Improvement of Medical Equipment in Primary Health Care Institutions (Phase III) 6.69
November 17, 2004 Senegal Le projet d'approvisionnement en eau en milieu rural 4.95
Le projet de construction d'un centre de peche a Lompoul 6.52
November 16, 2004 Sri Lanka Non-Project Grant Aid 8.00
November 12, 2004 Sudan Grant Aid for Increase of Food Production (through FAO) 0.55
November 10, 2004 Pakistan The project for Improvement of Water Supply System in Faisalabad 7.08
November 2, 2004 Kenya The project for Rural Water Supply 2.79
November 1, 2004 Palestinian Authorities The project for the Expansion of Immunization Program in the Palestinian Administrated Areas (through UNICEF) 2.90
October 30, 2004 Haiti The Project for the Expansion of Immunization Program (through UNICEF) 2.41
October 29, 2004 Pakistan The project for the Eradication of Poliomyelitis (through UNICEF) 11.03
Sierra Leone The project for Infectious Disease Prevention for Children 1.33
September 21, 2004 Mauritania Le project d'amenagement des Conditions de Salubrite et d'Hygiene des Produits Halieutiques a Nuakchott 10.18
September 18, 2004 Palestinian Authorities Financial Reform of Palestinian Authority through the World Bank 10 million (US$)
September 17, 2004 Indonesia The project for Enhancement of the Civilian Police 5.18
September 15, 2004 Gambia The project for Rural Water Supply (Phase II) 2.76
September 14, 2004 Madagascar Food Aid 2.00
Chad, Mali, Mauritania Grant Aid for Increase of Food Production (through FAO) 3.30
September 13, 2004 Jordan The project for Improving the Quality of Products and Increasing the Competitiveness of the Industrial Sector 9.03
Mozambique The project for Recons truction of the Xai-Xai Primary Teacher Training Center (through FAO) 7.09
The project for Improvement of the Institute of Health Science of Quelimane 9.26
September 9, 2004 Papua New Guinea The project for Rehabilitation of Bridges on Highlands Highway 4.11
August 31, 2004 Tonga The Project for Upgrading and Refurbishment of Vaiola Hospital 10.30
Ecuador El Proyecto de Desarrollo de Aguas Subterraneas en la Provincia de Chimborazo 5.20
August 27, 2004 Cameroon le projet de construction d'ecoles primaires (Phase III) 7.96
August 25, 2004 Ethiopia The project for Rehabilitation of Trunk Road, Phase III (detailed design) 1.91
Nicaragua El Proyecto de Complementacion y Ampliacion de Equipos de Construccion para la Rehabilitacion y Mejoramiento de Caminos Rurales 8.12
Laos The project for Establishment of Disastrous Weather Monitoring System 7.36
August 24, 2004 China The Project for Construction of the China-Japan Friendship Dalian Center for Human Resources Development 9.68
August 21, 2004 Afghanistan The project for Construction of the Terminal of Kabul International Airport (detailed design) 0.87
August 17, 2004 Nigeria The project for Construction of Additional Classrooms for Primary Schools 3.07
August 13, 2004 Eritrea The project for Rehabilitation of Bridges on the Asmara-Massawa Road 2.70
Guatemala The project for Improvement of Water Supply Facilities in Quetzaltenango 7.11
August 12, 2004 Gabonese Republic Le Projet d'amenagement d'un centre de peches artisanales a Lambarene 3.15
Samoa The project for Upgrading and Extension of Samoa Polytechnic 9.02
August 11, 2004 Cambodia The project for Improvement of Equipment for Demining Activities (Phase IV) 17.61
The project for Renovation of Technical School for Medical Care 7.74
The project for Infectious Disease Control 2.32
August 4, 2004 Kenya The project for Improvement of Facilities for Control of Infectious and Parasitic Diseases at Kenya Medical Research Institute 9.88
August 3, 2004 Zambia The project for Construction of Basic School In Lusaka, Phase II 6.33
August 2, 2004 Egypt The project for the Eradication of Poliomyelitis (through UNICEF) 4.13
Ethiopia The project for Infectious Diseases Prevention for Children (through UNICEF) 3.66
Sudan The project for Infectious Disease Prevention for Children (through UNICEF) 4.23
Nigeria The project for Infectious Disease Prevention for Children 5.01
July 30, 2004 Ghana The Project for Infectious Disease Prevention for Children (through UNICEF) 1.18
July 26, 2004 Indonesia The project for Improvement of Research Facilities for Biodiversity Conservation and Utilization 21.72
The project for Rehabilitation of Gresik Steam Power Plant Units 3 and 4 19.85
The project for Improvement of the Security Equipment in Major Airports and Ports Facilities 7.47
The project for Rural Water Supply in the Province of NUSA TENGGARA BARAT and NUSA TENGGARA TIMUR 2.23
July 23, 2004 Viet Nam The project for Improvement of Facilities of Primary Schools in Northern Mountain Region (Phase II) 3.44
July 16, 2004 Viet Nam The project for the Groundwater Development in Rural Part of Northern Provinces 5.02
July 12, 2004 Antigua and Barbuda The project for Construction of Fisheries Center 7.53
July 9, 2004 Kiribati The project for Upgrading of Electric Power Supply in Tarawa Atoll (Phase-II) 7.96
Myanmar The project for Afforestation in Central Dry Zone (Phase-II) 3.44
Timor-Leste The project for Rehabilitation of Power Supply in Dili 5.28
July 8, 2004 Afghanistan The project for Construction of Schools 6.77
July 6, 2004 China The project for Afforestation for Conservation of Middle Stream of Huang He (Phase II) 4.27
The project for Tuberculosis Control in Poor Areas (Phase IV) 4.05
The project for Improvement of Equipment for Reproductive Health/Family Health Training Center 2.79
The project for Improvement of Medical Care Level in the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region 11.58
July 2, 2004 Viet Nam The project for Improvement of Facilities for the Hue Central Hospital 28.25
Solomon The project for Restoration of International Airport 7.02
July 1, 2004 Malawi The project for Improvement of Domasi College of Education 5.68
Viet Nam The project for Reconstruction of Bridges in the Central District (Phase II) 9.56
June 30, 2004 Uganda The project for Rural Water Supply, Phase II 3.22
June 29, 2004 Niger le projet d'approvisionnement en eau potable en vue de l'eradication du ver de Guinee dans la region de Zinder 8.14
le projet de construction d'ecoles primaires dans les regions de Dosso et de Tahoua 3.26
Philippines The project for Human Resource Development Scholarship 5.43
Pakistan The project for Up-gradation of Plastic Technology Centre 8.04
June 28, 2004 Guinea le projet d'approvisionnement en eau potable dans la region rurale de la Moyenne Guinee 5.46
Madagascar Projet de construction des salles de classe d'ecoles fondamentales au Madagascar phase I 8.97
Projet de l'exploitation des eaux souterraines dans la region sud-ouest de Madagascar phase IV 6.51
June 25, 2004 India The project for Construction of Diarrheal Research and Control Centre 21.34
Lesotho The project for Construction of Primary Schools 10.06
Indonesia The project for Human Resource Development Scholarship 7.21
Ghana The project for Rehabilitation of Trunk Road 37.63
June 22, 2004 Mongolia The project for Improvement of Primary Education Facilities (Phase III) 8.32
June 21, 2004 Viet Nam The project for Human Resource Development Scholarship 7.27
June 18, 2004 Laos The project for Strengthening Training Institutions for Health Workers 5.46
The project for Construction of Primary Schools 4.25
Uzbekistan The project for Human Resource Development Scholarship 5.42
Macedonia The project for Improvement of Water Supply in Skopje Outskirts 6.97
Mali Projet de construction des salles de classe d'ecoles fondamentales au Mali phase III 12.80
June 17, 2004 Micronesia The project for Improvement of the Circumferential Road in the Pohnpei Island 4.72
Nicaragua Proyecto de Fortalecimiento de los Servicios de Salud y del Sistema de Referencia en los Departamentos de Chinandega y Granada 8.28
Proyecto de Rehabilitacion de Instalaciones Escolares de la Educacion Basica y Media del Departamento de Managua 5.15
Bangladesh The project for Construction of Multipurpose Cyclone Shelters (Phase V) 6.45
Benin le projet d'approvisionnement en eau potable dans la region rurale (Phase V) 2.12
Mauritania projet d'approvisionnement en eau potable dans les provinces du sud phase I 2.90
June 15, 2004 Cambodia The project for Construct ion of Cambodia-Japan Cooperation Center 4.90
The project for Construction of Primary Schools in Phnom Penh 5.09
June 10, 2004 Myanmar The project for Human Resource Development Scholarship 5.32
Burkina Faso le projet de Rehabilitation et renforcement des capacites du Centre National de Semences Forestieres et de quatre Antennes Regionales de Semences Forestieres 3.21
Egypt The project for Water Supply Development in Northwestern Part of Sharqiya Governorate 28.43
The project for Rehabilitation and Improvement of Sakoula Regulator on Bahr Yusef Canal 20.01
June 9, 2004 Zambia The project for Improvementof Living Environment for Unplanned Urban Settlements in Lusaka 4.61
The project for Groundwater Development and Sanitation Improvement in the Nothern Province 4.91
June 4, 2004 Tanzania The project for Rural Water Supply in Lindi and Mtwara Regions 7.56
The project for Infectious Diseases Control Phase II 3.02
Palau The project for Improvement of Interisland Access Road 4.46
May 31, 2004 India The project for the Eradication of Poliomyelitis (through UNICEF) 7.98
May 27, 2004 Mongolia The project for Improvement of Water Supply Facilities in Ulaanbaatar 16.27
The project for Human Resource Development Scholarship 3.68
The project for Human Resource Development Scholarship 1.69
China The project for Human Resource Development Scholarship 9.49
Bosnia and Herzegovina The project for Construction of Doboj Bridge and Modrica Bridge 10.23
May 25, 2004 Bangladesh The project for Human Resource Development Scholarship 5.15
May 21, 2004 Cape Verde du project de Developpement des eaux souterraines et d'Approvisionnement en eau dans l'ile de Santiago 6.22
Laos The project for Human Resource Development Scholarship 5.49
May 20, 2004 Mali The Project for Water Supply in the Regions of Kayes, Segou and Mopti 12.66
May 18, 2004 Cambodia The project for Improvement of Water Supply System in Siem Reap Town 15.37
The project for Human Resource Development Scholarship 5.40
Vietnam The project for Improvement of Rural Living Conditions in Nam Dan District in Nghe An Province 7.55
May 17, 2004 Timor-Leste The Project for Improvement of Roads between Dili and Cassa 14.92
The Project for Improvement of Water Supply in Dili 11.98
The Project for Reconstruction of Primary Schools and Junior High Schools 5.50
Burkina Faso Food Aid 3.00
Niger Food Aid 3.50
May 10, 2004 Marshall The project for Improvement of the Majuro Hospital 3.74
Ethiopia Food Aid 2.00
May 6, 2004 Mauritania Food Aid 3.00
April 28, 2004 Maldives Food Aid 1.60
April 26, 2004 Eritrea Food Aid 1.00
April 25, 2004 Djibouti Food Aid 1.50
April 23, 2004 Nepal Food Aid 3.50
April 19, 2004 Papua New Guinea The project for Improvement of Educational Equipment for the University of Goroka 2.79
April 16, 2004 Benin Food Aid 2.00
April 15, 2004 Democratic Republic of Congo Food Aid 3.00
April 12, 2004 Bolivia Grant Aid for Increase of Food Production 4.00
April 9, 2004 Vietnam The project for Improvement of Facilities for the Hue Central Hospital (detailed design) 1.64
April 2, 2004 Mali Food Aid 3.00
Mongolia Food Aid 1.00
Guinea Food Aid 3.50
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