Invitation to Cool Earth 50 (Summary)

May 24, 2007

[The Issue]

  • We must create a new framework which moves beyond the Kyoto Protocol, in which the entire world will participate in emissions reduction.
  • Three concerns have been raised about the endeavor to create a new framework.
    However, we can overcome all these concerns.
    1. Wouldn't endeavors to reduce greenhouse gas emissions hinder economic growth?
    2. Even if your own country takes steps to address the issue, it will not lead to the resolution of the issue on a global scale unless other countries also take action.
    3. Isn't it unfair to ask developing countries to take steps?
  • Japan has overcome serious pollution and oil crises, and reduced oil consumption by 8 percent even though its GDP has doubled. The keys for resolving the issues were advanced technologies, social mechanisms and traditions harmonious with the environment, and the solid will of our people.

[Overview of the Proposal]

  • "Today, I would like to extend an invitation to a beautiful planet, Earth in the year 2050."
  • "I am calling my initiative "Cool Earth 50," a strategy consisting of the following three pillars.
    • Pillar 1: a long-term strategy to reduce the emissions of greenhouse gases globally
      • Propose a long-term target of cutting global emissions by half from the current level by 2050 as a common goal for the entire world.
      • Present a long-term vision for developing innovative technologies and building a low carbon society.
    • Pillar 2: three principles for establishing an international framework to address global warming from 2013 onwards
      • proposition to the world "3 principles" in designing a concrete framework for addressing global warming beyond 2013.
        1. All major emitters must participate, moving beyond the Kyoto Protocol, leading to the global reduction of emissions.
        2. The framework must be flexible and diverse, taking into consideration the circumstances of each country.
        3. The framework must achieve compatibility between environmental protection and economic growth by utilizing energy conservation and other technologies.
      • we will create under international cooperation a new financial mechanism to extend support to developing countries with high aspirations.
      • we will expand the endeavor for improving energy efficiency to the entire world. we will promote international efforts to expand the use of nuclear power, as well as providing assistance such as infrastructure development.
      • we will study methods such as an integrated approach to fight pollution and global warming; emissions trading; and economic incentives.
    • Pillar 3: Launching a national campaign for achieving the Kyoto Protocol target.
      • The Kyoto Protocol Target Achievement Plan will be reviewed to ensure Japan achieves its Kyoto Protocol objective to reduce emissions by 6 percent.
      • The Government will promote its initiatives and urge municipalities and major business entities to accelerate their actions for reduction of emissions.
      • We will launch a national campaign and call for efforts and creative ideas with the motto of reducing greenhouse gases by "1 person, 1day, 1kg."
        We will solicit and adopt new proposals from the people for expanding the national campaign.


"My vision of 'a beautiful country' is also about raising a question: should we not transform our civilization in order for humanity to continue its path of development while striking harmony with the global environment. So, let us join hands and work together to make "Cool Earth" a reality."

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