
December 23, 2022

1. About the Ramsar Convention

The mission of the Convention on Wetlands of International Importance especially as Waterfowl Habitat , popularly known as the Ramsar Convention emphasizes the useful use and conservation of various types of wetlands through national actions and international cooperation, thereby achieving sustainable development throughout the world.

2. Japan's Contribution

Since becoming a Contracting Party to the Convention in 1980 through its registration of the Kushiro-wetland as the first wetland site, Japan has been making efforts to increase the number of designated Ramsar sites. In November 2021, Japan added one additional wetland, bringing the current total to 53 sites.

List of Ramsar Sites in JapanOpen a New Window

In the field of international cooperation, Japan not only contributes annually to the Convention as the third largest contributor among the Parties, but also provided voluntary contributions to developing countries, for capacity building and wetlands conservation. In 2018, the Government of Japan has contributed USD 30,000 to the Ramsar Convention to organize an advisory mission to the Government of Papua New Guinea to help promote sound environmental management in the oil and gas industries around Lake Kutubu.

3.Awards and Recognitions

In August 2015, Foreign Minister Commendation was awarded to the Kushiro International Wetland Centre for its outstanding achievements of international cooperation. 

At the 14th Meeting of the Conference of Contracting Parties (COP14) in November 2022, for the first time from Japan, Niigata City and Izumi City received Wetland City Accreditation for their exceptional efforts to safeguard wetlands and promote the importance of wetlands through their activities.

Outline of the Results of the 14th Meeting of the Conference of the Contracting Parties (COP14Open a New Window)

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