
October 12, 2020
(Photo) SUZUKI Hayato

Mr. SUZUKI Hayato

Liberal Democratic Party of Japan (LDP)
Member of the House of Representatives
Tokyo 10th Electoral District (elected twice)


Date Curriculum Vitae
August 8, 1977 Born
1996 Graduated from Senior High School at Komaba, University of Tsukuba
2000 Graduated from University of Tokyo
2002 Completed Graduate School, University of Tokyo
2002 Joined Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
2014 Resigned from Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
December 2014 Elected to the House of Representatives for the first time (47th General Election)
October 2017 Reelected to the House of Representatives (48th General Election, second term)
September 2020 Parliamentary Vice-Minister for Foreign Affairs
(Suga Cabinet)
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