Japan-United States of America Relations

April 12, 2024
Prime Minister Kishida received briefings on the small business jet aircraft (Photo: Cabinet Public Affairs Office)
Prime Minister Kishida received briefings on the small business jet aircraft (Photo: Cabinet Public Affairs Office)
Prime Minister Kishida having a tour of the production facility (Photo: Cabinet Public Affairs Office)

On April 12, commencing at 10:45 a.m. (local time; 11:45 p.m. on April 12 Japan Time) for approximately 40 minutes, Mr. KISHIDA Fumio, Prime Minister of Japan, who is visiting the State of North Carolina, the United States of America, visited the Honda Aircraft Company’s production facility and other facilities with the Honorable Roy Cooper, Governor of the State of North Carolina, the United States of America. The overview is as follows.

  1. Prime Minister Kishida received briefings from Mr. Yamasaki, President of the Honda Aircraft Company, and other staff on the small business jet aircraft developed and manufactured by the company. Prime Minister Kishida also observed a full-scale model of the new “HondaJet Echelon” and had a tour of the production facility and other facilities.
  2. Prime Minister Kishida also congratulated Mr. Fujino, former President and CEO of the Honda Aircraft Company, on his being awarded this year's Daniel Guggenheim Medal for his achievement of advanced research, development, design, and commercialization of the HondaJet.

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