Japan-Bulgaria Relations

February 26, 2019
Japan-Bulgaria-Western Balkans Workshop on Flood Risk Management

1. Japan-Bulgaria-Western Balkans Workshop on Flood Risk Management was held on 21 and 22 February 2019 in Sofia.

2. This workshop is organized as a part of the Western Balkans Cooperation Initiative, announced by Prime Minister Abe when he visited Bulgaria January 2018. This workshop was attended by officials and members from relevant ministries and institutions of Japan including Cabinet Office (CAO), Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT) and JICA and that of Bulgaria and Western Balkans. There were participants also from regional and international organization and private sectors including World Bank and Disaster Preparedness and Preventive Initiative for South Eastern Europe.

3. Participants made presentation on their disaster management policy frameworks and exchanged their views on trend of metrological hazard, infrastructure development as preventive measures, risk education for citizens and school children, as well as private sector engagement.

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