G7 Summit Video Teleconference Meeting
On Monday, March 16, from 11 p.m. for approximately 50 minutes, Mr. ABE Shinzo, Prime Minister of Japan, attended the G7 Summit Video Teleconference Meeting. The summary is as follows. With the suggestion of France, the meeting was called for and hosted by the United States, the G7 Presidency this year. This was the first G7 Summit Meeting to be held via video conference . In addition, following the meeting, the Leaders’ Statement (English (PDF) / Japanese (PDF)) was released.
1. In relation to the novel coronavirus, the participating G7 leaders exchanged views on their countries’ economic conditions and measures to prevent the spread of infections.
2. Prime Minister Abe firstly stated that the development of antiviral medicines is important to resolve the current severe situation, and that it is necessary for the G7 to concentrate their wisdom and accelerate development. He secondly suggested that the G7 should send a strong message that it will cooperate and implement sufficient necessary economic and fiscal policies amidst the negative effects on the economy. The other leaders supported these remarks made by the Prime Minister Abe.. Additionally, G7 agreed that this Summit Teleconference Meeting was extremely significant, and that such a meeting should be held again if necessary.
3. In addition, Prime Minister Abe stated that he would like to convene the Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games in their complete form as a symbol of humanity’s victory over the novel coronavirus, and the other leaders supported these remarks made by the Prime Minister Abe.
4. The participating G7 leaders confirmed that measures taken together with the international community are needed to respond to the spread of the novel coronavirus, candidly exchange their views, and agreed to continue to cooperate as the G7.
[Reference] G7 Summit Teleconference Meeting Participants
Japan: Prime Minister Abe, United States: President Trump, Germany: Chancellor Merkel, Canada: Prime Minister Trudeau, Italy: Prime Minister Conte, United Kingdom: Prime Minister Johnson, France: President Macron, EU: President of the European Council Michel and President of the European Commission von der Leyen