Major Speeches/Documents of Japanese Representatives
Permanent Mission of Japan to the United Nations
- Statement by H.E. Ambassador Yoshiyuki Motomura, Deputy Permanent Representative of Japan at the General Assembly Meeting on AGENDA ITEM 25 (a): OCEANS AND THE LAW OF THE SEA, 25 (b): DRIFT-NET FISHING, and 25 (c): FISH STOCKS AGREEMENT (December 10, 2002, UNITED NATIONS, NEW YORK)
- Statement by H.E. Mr. Yoshiyuki Motomura, Deputy Permanent Representative of Japan, at the Open Meeting of the Security Council on the Situation in Timor-Leste (November 14, 2002)
- Press Release: On Item 14: Report of the International Atomic Energy Agency 57th Session of the General Assembly by Permanent Representative of Japan Koichi Haraguchi (November 11, 2002)
- Press Release: At the Open Meeting of the Security Council on the Situation in Kosovo by Deputy Permanent Representative of Japan Yoshiyuki Motomura (November 6, 2002)
- Press Release: At the Public Meeting of the Security Council on the Strengthening of Cooperation Between the United Nations System and Central Africa in the Maintenance of Peace and Security by Deputy Permanent Representative of Japan Yoshiyuki Motomura (October 22, 2002)
- Press Release: On Item 78: Comprehensive Review of the Whole Question of Peacekeeping Operations in All Their Aspects Special Political and Decolonization Committee (Fourth Committee) 57th Session of the General Assembly by Deputy Permanent Representative of Japan Yoshiyuki Motomura (October 21, 2002)
- Statement by Ambassador Koichi Haraguchi, Permanent Representative of Japan at the Open Meeting of the Security Council on the Situation between Iraq and Kuwait (October 16, 2002)
- Press Release: At the Meeting of the General Assembly on Item 11: Report of the Security Council and Item 40: Question of Equitable Representation on and Increase in the Membership of the Security Council and Related Matters by Permanent Representative of Japan Koichi Haraguchi (October 14, 2002)
- Press Release: At the Plenary Meeting of the 57th General Assembly on the Follow-up to the Outcome of the Millennium Summit (Item 44) and Report of the Secretary-General on the Work of the Organization (Item 10) by Permanent Representative of Japan Koichi Haraguchi (October 7, 2002)
- Press Release: At the Open Meeting of the Security Council on Threats to International Peace and Security Caused by Terrorist Acts by Permanent Representative of Japan Koichi Haraguchi (October 4, 2002)
- Press Release: At the Second Committee, Fifty-seventh Session of the General Assembly by Permanent Representative of Japan Koichi Haraguchi (September 30, 2002)
- Before September 2002
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