Donations for the Great East Japan Earthquake Accepted by Japanese Diplomatic Establishments overseas
April 22, 2011
- Following the recent Great East Japan Earthquake, Japanese diplomatic establishments located overseas have been accepting donations from private associations, private individuals, governments, etc., where possible. As of April 15, the total amount of such donations stands at approximately 4.16 billion yen.
- The Government of Japan would like to express its deep appreciation for the warm support extended by the international community.
There are a variety of routes for transferring donations such as direct transfer to the Japanese Red Cross Society, transfer via the Red Cross Societies or Red Crescent Societies of other countries, etc. Accordingly, the above total amount does not indicate all donations from the countries or regions in question.
- (*This is a provisional translation. The above date denotes the date of the issue of the original press release in Japanese.)
Related Information(Great East Japan Earthquake)