Opinion Survey on the Image of Japan in India

May 8, 2009

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs commissioned a research company in India to conduct an opinion survey on the image of Japan from February 4 to 25, 2009. The following is the summary of survey results.

  1. 76% of respondents perceived the current state of Japan-India relations either as being very friendly or friendly, showing that a positive image of Japan has been established in India.
  2. Asked about which countries are important partners for India, 48%, 30%, and 14% of respondents choose the United States, Russia, and Japan, respectively. 92% of survey participants responded positively when asked whether Japan is a reliable friend of India.
  3. Respondents perceived Japan as a technologically advanced, economically powerful and peace-loving country, in descending order of the number of responses, demonstrating that there are strong public images of Japan as a country with the most advanced science and technology and a peaceful, developed nation. In terms of the image of the Japanese people, highly ranked characteristics were: diligent, efficient in management practices, and inventive.
  4. Asked about Japan’s international contributions, 61% of survey participants responded positively on the questions of whether Japan is playing an international role commensurate with its economic power. 79% of respondents perceived Japan’s economic assistance to India as beneficial, and 94% of respondents welcomed the presence of Japanese companies in India. It thus can be said that Japan’s international contributions, including economic cooperation projects, and its business activities in India, are highly regarded among the Indian people.
  5. More than 60% of respondents expressed interest in learning the Japanese language and responded affirmatively to the suggestion that more young people should study in Japan in order to gain a higher education. 78% of respondents said that they followed Japan-related media reports regularly or occasionally. Overall, these figures illustrate the Indian opinion leaders’ strong interest in Japan and the Japanese language.


2007 opinion leaders were interviewed on an individual basis in 12 major cities in India for the opinion survey on Japan. Under the commission by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the opinion survey on Japan was also conducted in India in 1986 and 2000.


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