Statement by the Press Secretary/Director-General for Press and Public Relations, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, on the Agreement on Negotiations on the Draft International Convention for the Suppression of Acts of Nuclear Terrorism

April 3, 2005

  1. The Government of Japan welcomes the news that the UN Ad Hoc Committee established by General Assembly Resolution 51/210 reached agreement on April 2 (New York time: April 1) on the negotiations on the Draft International Convention for the Suppression of Acts of Nuclear Terrorism and that the Assembly will proceed to adopt the Convention soon.
  2. Counter-terrorism is an issue that the international community should tackle in complete solidarity. The Government of Japan considers that this agreement on the draft Convention, which holds great significance in preventing terrorism using radioactive and other materials, is meaningful in demonstrating such an attitude held by the international community.
  3. In response to the expected adoption of the draft Convention at the UN General Assembly, the Government of Japan will proceed with necessary examinations toward the conclusion of this Convention, and also expects that each state will exert efforts toward that goal.

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