Assistance through the Trust Fund for Human Security for enhancing HIV resilience of communities in Thailand

November 24, 2004

  1. On November 24 (Wednesday), the Government of Japan and the United Nations (UN) decided to extend assistance of a total of 1,031,009.10 US dollars (approximately 112 million yen) through the Trust Fund for Human Security for the program "Strengthening HIV Resilience in Thailand Mobile Populations Source Communities" to be implemented in the Kingdom of Thailand by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP).

  2. This project aims at strengthening HIV resilience of people who move from rural communities to urban areas mainly for seasonal and employment reasons, recognizing that people increase their HIV vulnerability due to a) unstable social and legal status, b) poverty and the lack of resources in communities, c) the lack of moral constraints due to separation from families. Activities included in this project, which will take place in northern and northeastern provinces, are as follows:

    (1) Improving understanding of mobility-related HIV vulnerabilities of individuals, household and communities
    • Holding a project launch workshop in Bangkok
    • Arranging local community fora to raise awareness toward the effects of HIV
    • Disseminating information on HIV/AIDS prevention
    (2) Building sustainable economic resource opportunities through community-based income generation
    • Supporting community-based planning of income generating activities
    • Training for income-generation management skills
    (3) Strengthening community-based care, counseling for people living with or affected by HIV/AIDS

  3. This project is expected to support people in Thailand who move from rural communities to urban areas through the empowerment of communities as well as raising their awareness toward the effects of HIV.

The Trust Fund for Human Security was established in the UN Secretariat in March 1999 by the initiative of the Government of Japan, with total contributions of 29.0 billion yen (approximately US$ 256 million) up to the present. The Trust Fund has assisted numerous projects of UN agencies that address various threats against human life, livelihood and dignity, from the perspective of Human Security.


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