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Japan-Australia Relations
The Foreign Minister's Commendations in Honor of the 40th Anniversary of the Signing of Basic Treaty of Friendship and Co-operation between Japan and Australia
In Honor of the 40th Anniversary of the signing of Basic Treaty of Friendship and Co-operation between Japan and Australia, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will award the Foreign Minister's Commendations to the following 12 individuals and 3 groups.
The Commendations will be awarded to those who have made significant achievements in the field related to above treaty, in order to honor their achievements.
Vice President, Australia-Japan Business Co-operation Committee - AJBCC
Ian Williams
Wadaiko Player, Co-Founder of Taikoz
Ian Cleworth
CEO, Australia-Japan Business Co-operation Committee - AJBCC
David Jacobs
Professor, University of New South Wales
Chihiro Kinoshita Thomson
President, Australia Japan Society of NSW
Philip Mitchell
Shakuhachi Player, Co-Founder of Taikoz
Riley Lee
Fashion Designer
Akira Isogawa
Violinist, Australian Chamber Orchestra
Aiko Goto
Koto Player, Representative of the Australia Koto Music Institute
Satsuki Odamura
Mitsuo Shoji
Deputy Dean of Students at the ANU
Peter Hendriks
Deputy Director of the ANU Japan Institute
Carol Hayes
The Cowra-Seikei High Schools Student Exchange Committee