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G7 Hiroshima Summit
(Gifts to the G7 members)

Gifts from Mr. KISHIDA Fumio, Prime Minister of Japan, to the other G7 leaders, and those from Mrs. KISHIDA Yuko, Spouse of the Prime Minister of Japan, to the spouses of the other G7 leaders, on the occasion of the G7 Hiroshima Summit held from May 19 to May 21, are as follows.

  1. Gifts from Mr. KISHIDA Fumio, Prime Minister of Japan, to the other G7 leaders
    • Traditional Lacquer Art “Iro-Miyabi” Fountain Pen(THE SAILOR PEN CO., LTD.)
    • Maki-e Glass Wine Glass Set or Goblet Set(7th KINJO Ikkokusai)
  2. Gifts from Mrs. KISHIDA Yuko, Spouse of the Prime Minister of Japan, to the spouses of the other G7 leaders
    • Hiroshima Lacquerware “Akebono”(NAOYA TAKAYAMA)
    • KabukiGlasses(SANTEPLUS, Inc.)
Gifts to the G7 members (PDF)Open a New Window
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