As environmental issues, especially climate change, will be one of the main themes to be discussed at the Hokkaido Toyako Summit, the Secretariat will make the preparation and operation of the Summit as environmentally friendly as possible. The followings are the key measures to be taken during the Summit as environmental considerations.
At the entrance hall (1,000 m2) and outside the International Media Center “the Main” (temporary facility), there will be an exhibition and demonstration of Japan’s latest environmental technologies, as well as presentations of efforts in addressing environmental challenges. The showcase is presented in cooperation with relevant government branches and the private sector, and it will include exhibition of the cutting-edge technologies, such as fuel cells, heat pumps, solar energy, carbon fibers, reverse osmosis water treatment, etc.
There will be a demonstration space in the outdoor parking in front of the IMC for trial runs of various clean-energy vehicles (e.g. fuel cell and electric vehicles, etc.), as well as a model house displaying Japan’s latest energy and environmental technologies.
Having made thorough efforts to minimize the CO2 emission during the Summit, we will seek to offset the inevitable CO2 remains through measures such as CO2 reduction projects.
The Secretariat will enforce various environmentally friendly measures in the entire operation of the Summit, from procurement of office equipment and stationery to waste management. We will also ask the relevant bodies for their efforts in other environmental measures.
The IMC “the Main” was constructed bearing in mind the 3R (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) principle from the earliest stage: in the use of materials and equipment, and in choosing the construction method. The IMC also utilizes environmental technologies such as solar panels, green walls, snow cooling system, reuse of wood materials, among others.
Further Information[PDF]
New generation vehicles (such as fuel cell buses) will be used as shuttle buses between the Summit Meeting venue (the Windsor Hotel Toya), the International Media Center (Rusutsu Resort) and the delegations’ hotels (Toyako-onsen). Hybrid and electric cars will be used for transporting delegation members and Secretariat staff. Refueling of these vehicles will be done at temporarily constructed hydrogen and CNG fuelling stations and through fast battery chargers. The use of biofuel is also being considered.