● Elected of new officers to the Executive Committee;
●Adopted the Strategic Plan 2008-2012, the Long Term Funding Strategy, and the revised Constitution and Manual of Procedures;
● Approved the FAAPPD Three-Year Plan and Budget;
● Approved the audited accounts of the Forum;
● Received the reports of the Executive Committee and National Committees.
● pledged to exercise their oversight responsibility to break the silence around gender discrimination and to promote sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights;
● expressed their determination to increase budget allocation to at least 10 per cent of national budgets and development assistance budgets for population assistance, and;
● committed to review laws and practices that still restrict access to sexual and reproductive health. They also committed to concrete systematic actions to implement the ICPD PoA, including empowering young people, strengthening the health systems and addressing climate change and emerging population issues.
The support from the Japan Trust Fund for inter-country NGO and parliamentary activities (JTF) facilitated the participation of parliamentarians from Asia, Pacific and Central Asia to the conference.
*This support has also been contributing to the following;
- 1-1-4. Meilleure participation des institutions régionales;
- 2-3-2-[3] Support the international efforts to achieve universal access to reproductive health services;
- 5-2 Encourager la coopération triangulaire, dans le contexte de la coopération intra-africaine et de la coopération Asie-Afrique, en reconnaissant le rôle important de l'UA/du NEPAD et des REC |