● Increased knowledge on problems/challenges facing MPs in developing countries with regard to ODA processes
● Acquiring monitoring and evaluating tools and techniques for aid implementation from donor countries/agencies, in particular UNFPA
● Sharing of best practices and lessons learned in policy formulation and legislation for population and development issues through practical advice and support
● Endorsement of Recommendations from the outcomes of the project as an advocacy and policy tool
● Strengthening of partnerships among recipient- and donor MPs and aid agencies, including the South-South cooperation, through improved information-sharing and peer learning
● Creation of mechanisms and de facto guidelines for parliamentarians’ implementation in a 3 year span
● Involvement of Japanese MPs to augment the number and influence of JPFP members on Japan’s ODA policy and population-related programmes
*This support has also been contributing to the following;
- 1-1-4. Meilleure participation des institutions régionales;
- 2-3-2-[3] Support the international efforts to achieve universal access to reproductive health services;
- 5-1 Transférer efficacement les savoir-faire et techniques, partager les connaissances et expériences, et promouvoir les recherches conjointes en Afrique et entre l'Asie et l'Afrique
- 5-2 Encourager la coopération triangulaire, dans le contexte de la coopération intra-africaine et de la coopération Asie-Afrique, en reconnaissant le rôle important de l'UA/du NEPAD et des REC |