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外務省案内 渡航関連情報 各国・地域情勢 外交政策 ODA
会談・訪問 報道・広報 キッズ外務省 資料・公開情報 各種手続き
トップページ 外交政策 地球環境
Address by Mr. Shinichi Kitajima,
Director-General, Economic Affairs Bureau,
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan
at the opening ceremony of the 31st Session
of the International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO)

Madame Chair, Honorable Ministers,
Executive Director
of the International Tropical Timber Organization,
Distinguished guests and Representatives,
Ladies and Gentlemen,

Madame Chair,
 On behalf of the host Government, it is a great pleasure for me to address the opening ceremony of the 31st Council Session of the International Tropical Timber Organization.

 First of all, I would like to extend my heartfelt welcome to all of you who have assembled here to participate in this session.

Madame Chair,
 Japan has the oldest wooden architecture existent in the world, namely, Horyuji Temple in Nara Prefecture. Horyuji Temple was founded in 607, burnt down in 670 and rebuilt around 708. The recent scientific analysis indicates that the main cypress pillar of its five-storied pagoda was harvested in 594. This cypress was born in 241. Considering that the Roman Empire was divided in 395, the Frankish Empire was founded in 486 and the Sui Dynasty unified China in 589, you can tell how old it is. This episode symbolizes a long history of Japanese utilization of timber and the important role timber has played in Japanese architecture. Currently, approximately 13 million hectares of forests disappear every year in the world. Sustainable forest management has been an important global agenda which should be addressed in an urgent and cohesive manner.
 As you are aware, the ITTO, has strived to make compatible both promotion of tropical timber trade and conservation of tropical forests. It is remarkable that this organization, with a compact Secretariat and for a considerably short period, has implemented over 500 pre-projects, projects and activities and formulated various policy guidelines which contribute to the sustainable tropical forest management.

Madame Chair,
 As a major issue during this Council Session, the New ITTO Action Plan from the year 2002 to 2006 is going to be discussed. The New Action Plan could inherit the basic framework of the current Action Plan so that the ITTO will continue to steadily implement pre-projects, projects and activities for sustainable forest management, in particular, towards the achievement of Objective 2000. Building on this basis, the Action Plan could incorporate new elements in reflection of recent developments in the ITTO. These elements may include illegal logging, mangroves and transboundary forest conservation.

 With regard to the issue of illegal logging, "Forest Law Enforcement and Governance: East Asia Ministerial Conference" was held in Bali, Indonesia last month. The Ministerial Declaration issued at the Conference calls for "immediate action to intensify national efforts, and to strengthen bilateral, regional and multilateral collaboration to address violations of forest law and forest crime, in particular illegal logging, associated illegal trade and corruption, and their negative effects on the rule of law." Japan welcomes this Declaration as a positive development and is willing to make every possible effort to implement actions indicated in the Declaration. Japan hopes that the ITTO will make valuable contributions to this end. At this juncture, we highly appreciate the Report entitled "Achieving Sustainable Forest Management in Indonesia", submitted to this Council by the Technical Mission led by Dato' Dr. Feezailar Bin Che Yeom. Japan is willing to do its best to cooperate in this regard. In considering future ITTO actions in this area, we should bear in mind the welfare of local communities. We should also take into account the role expected of the ITTO to address the needs of those countries which are severely affected by illegal logging and have appealed for the ITTO's assistance.

 On mangroves, I hope that the ITTO will set out the work plan for the conservation, rehabilitation and utilization of mangroves and further its activities in this area.

 Concerning the transboundary initiatives, a good number of projects are in progress and the ITTO has already covered over 8 million hectares of transboudary areas. Given these developments, it may be opportune for the ITTO to assess the role of these transboundary projects in enhancing the ITTO's objectives.

Madame Chair,
 Japan, as the largest donor to the ITTO, has positively supported the ITTO's activities since its establishment. Currently, Japan is undergoing drastic economic and fiscal structural reforms and facing a very tight budget situation. In fact, Japan's total ODA for next fiscal year is expected to be cut by 10%. We will make our utmost efforts to continue our support to the ITTO. Simultaneously, however, we hope that other sources of funding will be explored in a more positive and serious manner to support the ITTO's funding base. The ITTO could explore this possibility through its linkage with bilateral ODA schemes, other international and regional organizations and private organizations. For example, JICA, Japan International Cooperation Agency, offers various schemes for Japan's bilateral cooperation in the forestry field. We hope to see enhancement of linkage between the ITTO and JICA, which may be mutually beneficial.

Madame Chair,
 The ITTO, as a most successful international commodity organization, has been able to get wisdom from all over the world and to play a pioneering role in the global agenda on sustainable forest management. It has been a great honor for Japan indeed to provide a venue, for the world's outstanding experts, to convene and to conduct highly intellectual exchange of views.

 I would like to take this opportunity to pay my high tribute to the Executive Director of the ITTO and his staff for their devoted efforts to organize this session.

 My gratitude also goes to the staff of the Liaison and Coordination Office for International Organizations in Yokohama City for their invaluable support for the activities of the ITTO.

 I would like to conclude by wishing the ITTO further success.

 Thank you.


外務省案内 渡航関連情報 各国・地域情勢 外交政策 ODA
会談・訪問 報道・広報 キッズ外務省 資料・公開情報 各種手続き