
- Total grand budget from the Japan Trust Fund is US$ 95,713. From that amount, about US$ 48, 503.14 has been used by OIKE, a local community-based organization currently implementing adaptation activities. Remaining balance is US$ 47, 209.86. OIKE facilitated a training workshop on agro-forestry attended by 20 participants, including 15 women. As a result, local communities are now able to engage in agro-forestry activities before the rain commence in all earnest. Specific activities being supported are soil conservation, water harvesting and hand-made wells.

- The remaining funds have been allocated to the Consulting Entrepreneurs Solution (CES) to explore such climate change coping strategies as awareness building interventions, water security, irrigated vegetable production, improved dry land crop production, flood and drought resistant crops and new crops, and energy efficient stoves and agro-forestry.

Burkina Faso

- Achievements include capacity development programmes featuring training/information workshops for 54 government and industrial stakeholders and industry-related private sector, including five women, in Bobo Dioulasso, the country’s second largest city. In terms of important operations of the Designated National Authority (DNA), a General assembly and project approval meeting were held. International advocacy was strenghtened in the framework of Burkina Faso’s DNA and Project coordinator participating in COP15.

- Assessment studies in key sectors, including a feasibility study on a biogas capture and valorization of Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) project are under way.