- Needs assessment and mapping of 164 (23 in the Horn of Africa; 141 in the Great Lakes Region) NGOs and CBOs and other stakeholders in Burundi, Central African Republic, the Democratic Republic of Congo(DRC), Kenya, Somalia, Sudan(southern Sudan), Rwanda and Uganda completed. In addition, 27 UN and government institutions have been visited and sensitised of the project.

- Conflict prevention and peace building training manual (English and French) printed and 68 copies distributed during the Training of Trainer workshops;

- Four Training or Trainer workshops conducted with a total of 68 participants from 59 NGOs and CBOs, 5 government ministries and 1 UN agency (UNDP). The following thematic areas have been covered:

* Concepts of culture of peace
* Understanding conflict
* Responding to conflict
* Concepts of peace and peace building
* Conflict sensitivity in peace building and development interventions
* Development basic skills for peace building and conflict resolution
* Conflict resolution approaches
* Planning for peace building

- Conflict prevention and peace building step-down training guide (English and French) developed and 19 English copies distributed

- Step down training workshop held in Kenya and Rwanda and 98 NGOs/CBOs staff benefited from training,

- Conflict prevention and peace building networks established in 8 countries (Burundi, Central African Republic, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Kenya, Somalia, Sudan(southern Sudan), Rwanda and Uganda

- Project website (www.pbafrica.org other site) launched, further development in progress; the project will link more than 150+ NGOs/CBOs in the Horn of Africa and the Great Lakes Region ;

- Mid-Term review conducted jointly (UNESCO – PEER, JCCP and partner CSOs)

- Project newsletter in English and French, Project DVD produced and disseminated,

The targeted beneficiary countries in the project were originally nine. But due to some difficulties with Eritrea (mentioned in the Mid-Term Review), only eight countries are benefiting from the project namely:Burundi, Central Africa Republic (CAR), Democraric Republic of Congo (DRC), Kenya, Rwanda, Somlia, Sudan (southern Sudan), and Uganda.