Rwanda: Rwanda Peace Academy(RPA)

Support to the establishment of the Rwanda Peace Academy consists mostly of capacity building through training and curriculum development, networking and infrastructural rehabilitation to host the Peace Academy. The implementation and delivery of the project, which was launched in February 2009, has been hampered by the delay in the recruitment of an international technical advisor. With the conclusion of the process and an offer made to the successful candidate, the project implementation will be normal in 2010. January to March 2010: A Project Steering Committee meeting was convened on January 11, 2010 at the Ministry of Defense and adopted the 2010 Annual work plan. Preparations are under way for the launch of the Rwanda Peace Academy in May 2010. The Rwanda Peace Academy/Ministry of Defense have finalized a draft organizational structure as well the Academy’s legal statutes to be approved by the competent organs before promulgation into law by parliament.