(vi) Technical Assistance (total: 8 projects, 4 countries,JICA trainings in Japan)

Sudan: Strengthening Mathematics and Science Education in Southern Sudan (SMASESS)
Sudan: Capacity Building Project for the Implementation of the Executive Programme for the Agricultural Revival
Sudan: Improvement of Food security in Semi-arid Regions of Sudan Through Management of Root Parastic Weeds
Sierra Leone: Capacity Development for Comprehensive District Developments in the Northern Region of Sierra Leone
Uganda: Development Study on Rural Road Network Planning in Amuru District of Northern Uganda
Uganda: Development Study on Community Rehabilitation and Development for Promoting Return of IDPs in Northern Uganda
Burundi: Study for Ports Masterplan
Burundi: Project for Establishing Digital Topographic Database for Bujumbura City
JICA trainings in Japan : JICA trained 259 participants from 9 post-conflict / conflict affected countries in 109 courses.