Japanese grant aid projects through UNICEF in 2008, after TICAD IV (Total: 9 projects, 9 countries, JPY 4.135B)

The Project for Infectious Diseases Prevention for Children in Angola (through UNICEF): JPY449M on 6 June 2008 
The Project for Infectious Diseases Prevention and Control for Children in the D.R.C. (through UNICEF): JPY399M on 20 June 2008
The Project for Infectious Diseases Prevention for Children in Nigeria (through UNICEF): JPY836M on 20 June 2008
The Project for Infectious Diseases Prevention and Control for Children in the Republic of the Sudan (through UNICEF): JPY618M on 12 August 2008
The Project for Polio Eradication Initiative in the Republic of Chad (through UNICEF): JPY218M on 20 October 2008
The Project for Infectious Diseases Prevention for Children in The Republic of Zimbabwe (through UNICEF) JPY221M on 23 Jan. 2009
The Project for Support to Child-Friendly Environments through Community Participation in Western Province, JPY670M to Rwanda (through UNICEF) on 30 January 2009
The Project for Support to Child-Friendly Environments through Community Participation in the Savanes, Kara and Maritimes Regions (through UNICEF), JPY458M to Togo on 3 February 2009
The Project for  Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases (through UNICEF), JPY266M to Sierra Leone on 11 February 2009