Djibouti "Project to strengthen the refferral system for Somali and Ethiopian", JPY 0.03B to Dibouti on 10 Feb. 2010 |
Zambia "Project for the Measures against HIV/AIDS in the Chipapa", JPY0.028B to Zambia on 14 Oct. 2009 |
Zambia "TB/HIV Community DOTS with people centered approach in Zambia Phase Ⅱ", JPY 0.0041B to Zambia on 9 Feb. 2010 |
Tanzania "Project to Supply Wheel Chairs for the Handicapped in the Nursing Home in Dar Es Salaam", JPY0.006B to Tanzania on 12 Aug. 2009 |
Central African Republic "Microcredit Pour L'Autonomie Financiere Des PVVS", JPY 0.004B to CAR on 24 Feb.. 2010 |
South Africa "Mobile Library Project in South Africa", JPY 0.008B to South Africa on 22 Feb. 2010 |