(iv) Grant Contract for Grant Assistance for Japan NGO Projects in 2009 (6 projects, 5 countries, JPY0.17B)

Djibouti "Project to strengthen the refferral system for Somali and Ethiopian", JPY 0.03B to Dibouti on 10 Feb. 2010
Zambia "Project for the Measures against HIV/AIDS in the  Chipapa", JPY0.028B to Zambia on 14 Oct. 2009 
Zambia "TB/HIV Community DOTS with people centered approach in Zambia Phase Ⅱ", JPY 0.0041B to Zambia on 9 Feb. 2010
Tanzania "Project to Supply Wheel Chairs for the Handicapped in the Nursing Home in Dar Es Salaam", JPY0.006B to Tanzania on 12 Aug. 2009
Central African Republic  "Microcredit Pour L'Autonomie Financiere Des PVVS", JPY 0.004B to CAR on 24 Feb.. 2010
South Africa "Mobile Library Project in South Africa", JPY 0.008B to South Africa on 22 Feb. 2010