(i) Exchanged Notes of Grant Aid Cooperation in 2008 (Total: 20 projects, 19 countries, JPY 8.069B)

The Project for Infectious Diseases Prevention for Children in Angola (through UNICEF) JPY 449M on 6 June 2008
The Project for Extention of the Expanded Program on Immunization in Madagascar JPY 228M on 12 June 2008
The Project for Infectious Diseases Prevention and Control for Children in the D.R.C. (through UNICEF) JPY 399M on 20 June 2008
The Project for Infectious Diseases Prevention for Children in Nigeria (through UNICEF) JPY 836M on 20 June 2008
The Project for Improvement of Infrastructure and Equipment of Training Schools for Health Personnels in Mozambique JPY 1.05B on 4 July 2008.
The Project for Prevention of Infectious Diseases IV in Cote d'lvoire JPY 298M on 9 July 2008
The Project for Infectious Diseases Prevention and Control for Children in the Republic of the Sudan (through UNICEF) JPY 618M on 12 August 2008 
The Project for Polio Eradication Initiative in the Republic of Chad (through UNICEF) JPY 218M on 20 Oct. 2008
The Project for HIV/AIDS Control in Tanzania JPY230M on 19 Nov. 2008 
The Project for Malaria Control in Niger JPY410M on 21 January 2009
The Project for Infectious Diseases Prevention for Children in the Republic of Zimbabwe (through UNICEF) JPY 221M on 23 January 2009
The Project for Improvement of Health Infrastructure in the region of Tambacounda et Kedougou (Detailed Design), JPY 63M to Senegal on 27 January 2009
The Project for Rehabilitation of the Liberian-Japanese Friendship Materning Hospial, JPY364M to Liberia on 27 January 2009
The Project for HIV/AIDS Control in Kenya JPY 335M on 28 January 2009
The Project for Support to Child-Friendly Environments through Community Participation in Western Province, JPY 670M to Rwanda (through UNICEF) on 30 January 2009
The Project for Support to Child-Friendly Environments through Community Participation in the Savanes, Kara and Maritimes Regions (through UNICEF), JPY 458M to Togo on 3 February 2009
The Project for Reinforcement of Vaccination System, JPY 146M to Mali on 6 February 2009
The Project for  Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases (through UNICEF), JPY 266M to Sierra Leone on 11 February 2009
The Project for Improvement of Health Equipments in Bujumbura Mairie Province to Burundi, JPY 230M on 20 February 2009
The Programme for Support to Village Environment through Community Participation (throuth UNDP), JPY 585M to Mozambique on 18 March 2009