The Project for the Rehabilitation of Irrigation System in Culango in Benguela, JPY 0.01B to Angola on 16 December 2009 |
The Project for the Sustainable Agricultural Production System for Women in Kuchi, Kuando-Kubango JPY 0.01B to Angola on 19 March 2010 |
The Project for Water Development to Enhance Food Security along the Trunk Road in Bosoke Jatti Kebele, Oromia JPY 0.009B to Ethiopia on 16 March 2010 |
The Project for Improving Agricultural Production and Marketing System in Gambella Zuria Woreda and Itang Woreda, Gambella JPY 0.009B to Ethiopia on 16 March |
The Project for Improving Transportation of Fish in Palmeira JPY 0.005B to Cape Verde on 1 March 2010 |
Projet de construction d'un hangar de stockage, de traitement et de conservation du riz NERICA a Kougouleu JPTY 0.01B to Gabon on 6 March 2010 |
Projet de Mise en Place D'une Unite de Fabrique de Glace du Centre des Agro-Eieveurs et Pecheurs de L'arrondissement de Maga, JPY 0.01B to Cameroon on 10 December 2009 |
The Project for Construction of Mango Processing Training Center JPY 0.008B to Gambia on 11 March 2010 |
Projet de Developpement Agricole dans le Domaine de la Riziculture Par L'augmentation de la Capacite Technique et Commerciale, JPY 0.01B to Cote d'Ivoire on 13 October 2009 |
Projet de Construction de Centres de Formation en Conditionnement des Viandes de Betail dans le Department D'issia, JPY 0.005B to Cote d'Ivoire on 9 December 2009 |
The Project for Chakohwa Small Farmer Permaculture Programme for Food Security JPY 0.005B to Zimbabwe on 16 March 2010 |
The Project for Construction of Masingini Irrigation Infrastructures in Mkoani District, Pemba, JPY 0.009B to Tanzania on 23 October 2009 |
The Project for Agro-Industrial Development in Oyo West Local Government Area in Oyo State JPY 0.01B to Nigeria on 25 March 2010 |
The Project for Provision of Freshwater Aquaculture Equipment in Uis JPY 0.008B to Namibia on 23 March 2010 |
Projet d'appui au maraichage dans les communautes de pecheurs JPY0.01B to Benin on 16 March 2010 |
Projet d'appui a la constitution de banques cerealieres et les infrastructures de leur conservation JPY 0.009B to Benin on 16 March 2010 |
The Project for Construction of Farmers Hostel at Chikwina Day Training Centre in Nkhatabay District, JPY 0.005B to Malawi on 21 January 2010 |
Projet de construction de ferme piscicole a Gouenso JPY 0.008B to Mari on 24 March 2010 |