(ii) Grant Contract for Grant Assistance for Grass-roots Human Security Projects in 2009 ( 18 projects, 14 countries, JPY 0.15B)

The Project for the Rehabilitation of Irrigation System in Culango in Benguela, JPY 0.01B to Angola on 16 December 2009
The Project for the Sustainable Agricultural Production System for Women in Kuchi, Kuando-Kubango JPY 0.01B to Angola on 19 March 2010
The Project for Water Development to Enhance Food Security along the Trunk Road in Bosoke Jatti Kebele, Oromia JPY 0.009B to Ethiopia on 16 March 2010
The Project for Improving Agricultural Production and Marketing System in Gambella Zuria Woreda and Itang Woreda, Gambella JPY 0.009B to Ethiopia on 16 March
The Project for Improving Transportation of Fish in Palmeira JPY 0.005B to Cape Verde on 1 March 2010
Projet de construction d'un hangar de stockage, de traitement et de conservation du riz NERICA a Kougouleu JPTY 0.01B to Gabon on 6 March 2010
Projet de Mise en Place D'une Unite de Fabrique de Glace du Centre des Agro-Eieveurs et Pecheurs de L'arrondissement de Maga, JPY 0.01B to Cameroon on 10 December 2009
The Project for Construction of Mango Processing Training Center JPY 0.008B to Gambia on 11 March 2010
Projet de Developpement Agricole dans le Domaine de la Riziculture Par L'augmentation de la Capacite Technique et Commerciale, JPY 0.01B to Cote d'Ivoire on 13 October 2009
Projet de Construction de Centres de Formation en Conditionnement des Viandes de Betail dans le Department D'issia, JPY 0.005B to Cote d'Ivoire on 9 December 2009
The Project for Chakohwa Small Farmer Permaculture Programme for Food Security JPY 0.005B to Zimbabwe on 16 March 2010
The Project for Construction of Masingini Irrigation Infrastructures in Mkoani District, Pemba, JPY 0.009B to Tanzania on 23 October 2009
The Project for Agro-Industrial Development in Oyo West Local Government Area in Oyo State JPY 0.01B to Nigeria on 25 March 2010
The Project for Provision of Freshwater Aquaculture Equipment in Uis JPY 0.008B to Namibia on 23 March 2010
Projet d'appui au maraichage dans les communautes de pecheurs JPY0.01B to Benin on 16 March 2010
Projet d'appui a la constitution de banques cerealieres et les infrastructures de leur conservation JPY 0.009B to Benin on 16 March 2010
The Project for Construction of Farmers Hostel at Chikwina Day Training Centre in Nkhatabay District, JPY 0.005B to Malawi on 21 January 2010
Projet de construction de ferme piscicole a Gouenso JPY 0.008B to Mari on 24 March 2010