The Project for Sustainable Agricultural Development for the Returned IDP and Refugees in Caiundo, JPY 0.01B to Angola on 10 March 2009 |
The Project for Sustainable Agricultural Development for War-Widows in Quitexe, JPY 0.01B to Angola on 11 March 2009 |
The Project for Sustainable Agricultural Development for the Returned IDP and Refugees in Andulo, Bie, JPY 0.01B to Angola on 24 March 2009 |
The Project for Sustainable Agricultural Development for the Returned IDP and Refugees in Chitato, JPY 0.009B to Angola on 24 March 2009 |
The Project for Improving Agricultural Productivity through Promoting Animal Traction, JPY 0.005B to Uganda on 27 February 2009 |
The Project for The Establishment of a Vocational Training Facility for Environmentally Friendly Agriculture in New Valley, JPY 0.009B to Egypt on 4 November 2008 |
The Project for Self-reliance Support for the Women’s Group in East and West Harerge Zones, Oromia, JPY 0.010B to Ethiopia on 15 October 2008 |
The Project for Establising Milk Processing Center in Haramaya Woreda, East Harerge Zone, Oromia, JPY 0.010B to Ethiopia on 20 February 2009 |
The Project for Sustainable Management of Natural Resources and Promotion of Enset Development in Tokke Kutaye Woreda and Tikur Inchini Woreda, Oromia, JPY 0.009B to Ethiopia on 11 March 2009 |
The Project for Construction of Community Centre at Asuotiano, JPY 0.008B to Ghana on 14 January 2009 |
The Project for Construction of Jatropha Oil Press Facility at Puriya, JPY 0.008B to Ghana on 4 March 2009 |
The Project for the Development of Community Agriculture in Upper Guinea, JPY 0.01B to Guinea on 17 March 2009 |
The Project for Enhancement of Function of Local Common Facility for Agriculture and Poultry, JPY 0.003B to Zambia on 31 March 2009 |
The Project for Renovation of the Rokupr Agricultural Research Center, JPY 0.01B to Sierra Leone on 12 February 2009 |
The Project for Community Livelihoods Enhancement, JPY 0.009B to Zimbabwe on 25 February 2009 |
The Project for Betterment of the Livelihood of Women through Adoption of Improved Salt Processing Technologies in Ebonyi State, JPY 0.01B to Nigeria on 23 March 2009 |
The Project for Construction of Storage Houses and Drying Rooms in Five Villages of the Toviklin Locality, JPY 0.009B to Benin on 13 March 2009 |
The Project for the Extension of the Tazara Association Landing stage, JPY 0.009B to Madagascar on 5 March 2009 |
The Project for the Rehabilitation of the Khettara Ait Yaacoub, JPY 0.01B to Morocco on 7 January 2009 |
The Project for the Rehabilitation of the Irrigation System in the Zag Oasis, JPY 0.004B to Morocco on 7 January 2009 |
The Project for Construction of Agro Processing Training Center in Voinjama, JPY 0.01B to Liberia on 30 January 2009 |