(ii) Grant Contract for Grant Assistance for Grass-roots Human Security Projects in 2008 (21 projects, 14 countries, JPY 0.182B)

The Project for Sustainable Agricultural Development for the Returned IDP and Refugees in Caiundo, JPY 0.01B to Angola on 10 March 2009
The Project for Sustainable Agricultural Development for War-Widows in Quitexe, JPY 0.01B to Angola on 11 March 2009
The Project for Sustainable Agricultural Development for the Returned IDP and Refugees in Andulo, Bie, JPY 0.01B to Angola on 24 March 2009
The Project for Sustainable Agricultural Development for the Returned IDP and Refugees in Chitato, JPY 0.009B to Angola on 24 March 2009
The Project for Improving Agricultural Productivity through Promoting Animal Traction, JPY 0.005B to Uganda on 27 February 2009
The Project for The Establishment of a Vocational Training Facility for Environmentally Friendly Agriculture in New Valley, JPY 0.009B to Egypt on 4 November 2008
The Project for Self-reliance Support for the Women’s Group in East and West Harerge Zones, Oromia, JPY 0.010B to Ethiopia on 15 October 2008
The Project for Establising Milk Processing Center in Haramaya Woreda, East Harerge Zone, Oromia, JPY 0.010B to Ethiopia on 20 February 2009
The Project for Sustainable Management of Natural Resources and Promotion of Enset Development in Tokke Kutaye Woreda and Tikur Inchini Woreda, Oromia, JPY 0.009B to Ethiopia on 11 March 2009
The Project for Construction of Community Centre at Asuotiano, JPY 0.008B to Ghana on 14 January 2009
The Project for Construction of Jatropha Oil Press Facility at Puriya, JPY 0.008B to Ghana on 4 March 2009
The Project for the Development of Community Agriculture in Upper Guinea, JPY 0.01B to Guinea on 17 March 2009
The Project for Enhancement of Function of Local Common Facility for Agriculture and Poultry, JPY 0.003B to Zambia on 31 March 2009
The Project for Renovation of the Rokupr Agricultural Research Center, JPY 0.01B to Sierra Leone on 12 February 2009
The Project for Community Livelihoods Enhancement, JPY 0.009B to Zimbabwe on 25 February 2009
The Project for Betterment of the Livelihood of Women through Adoption of Improved Salt Processing Technologies in Ebonyi State, JPY 0.01B to Nigeria on 23 March 2009
The Project for Construction of Storage Houses and Drying Rooms in Five Villages of the Toviklin Locality, JPY 0.009B to Benin on 13 March 2009
The Project for the Extension of the Tazara Association Landing stage, JPY 0.009B to Madagascar on 5 March 2009
The Project for the Rehabilitation of the Khettara Ait Yaacoub, JPY 0.01B to Morocco on 7 January 2009
The Project for the Rehabilitation of the Irrigation System in the Zag Oasis, JPY 0.004B to Morocco on 7 January 2009
The Project for Construction of Agro Processing Training Center in Voinjama, JPY 0.01B to Liberia on 30 January 2009