Nuclear Disarmament and Non-Proliferation
Testimony of Hibakusha (atomic bomb survivors)
April 12, 2023
- Japan, as the only country which has ever suffered atomic bombings, continues to actively support its atomic bomb survivors, the Hibakusha, to share their stories with the people of the world.
- With this objective, the Government of Japan has started to introduce to countries around the world and the young generation the first-hand experiences of the tragic consequences of the use of nuclear weapons by translating their stories into English and other languages, in cooperation with the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and the United Nations.
Mr. Hideo Tsuchiyama
Ms. Kayano Tsutsui
(formerly Kayano Nagai)【Nagasaki】
Mr. Chuujitsu Hayashi
Mr. Shigetaro Murakami
Mr. Chuichi Nishikawa
Mr. Takusuke Uesugi
氏名 | 題名 | 言語 | |
1 | 坂元 浪男 Mr. Sakamoto Namio |
被爆体験記 My Atomic Bomb Experience |
Chinese (PDF) , English (PDF) , French (PDF) , Japanese (PDF) , Korean (PDF) , Russian (PDF) , Spanish (PDF) |
2 | 川並 順吾 Mr. Kawanami Jungo |
戦後六十年 60 Years after the War |
Chinese (PDF) , English (PDF) , French (PDF) , Japanese (PDF) , Korean (PDF) , Russian (PDF) , Spanish (PDF) |
3 | 山口 義孝 Mr. Yamaguchi Yoshitaka |
被爆体験記 My Atomic Bomb Experience |
Chinese (PDF) , English (PDF) , French (PDF) , Japanese (PDF) , Korean (PDF) , Russian (PDF) , Spanish (PDF) |
4 | 本多 千年 Mr. Honda Chitoshi |
原爆 Gembaku (The Atomic Bomb) |
Chinese (PDF) , English (PDF) , Japanese (PDF) , Korean (PDF) |
5 | 野口 八男 Mr. Noguchi Hachio |
原爆想ひ出の記 A Diary of My Atomic Bombing Memories |
Chinese (PDF) , English (PDF) , Japanese (PDF) , Korean (PDF) |
6 | 吉冨 安美 Ms. Yoshitomi Yasumi |
私の原爆体験記 A Memoir of my Atomic Bombing Experience |
Chinese (PDF) , English (PDF) , Japanese (PDF) , Korean (PDF) |
7 | 奥村 アヤ子 Ms. Okumura Ayako |
Chinese (PDF) , English (PDF) , Japanese (PDF) , Korean (PDF) |
8 | 下平 作江 Ms. Shimohira Sakue |
戦争さえなければ If Only that War Had Never Occurred |
Chinese (PDF) , English (PDF) , Japanese (PDF) , Korean (PDF) |
9 | 安井 幸子 Ms.Yasui Sachiko |
わが家の原爆体験記 The Experiences of my Family in the Atomic Bombing |
Chinese (PDF) , English (PDF) , Japanese (PDF) , Korean (PDF) |
10 | 島崎 治郎 Mr.Shimasaki Jiro |
九死に一生を得て Narrowly Escaping Death |
Chinese (PDF) , English (PDF) , Japanese (PDF) , Korean (PDF) |
11 | 田中 常松 Mr.Tanaka Tsunematsu |
私の被爆体験記 My Experiences of the A-bombing |
Chinese (PDF) , English (PDF) , Japanese (PDF) , Korean (PDF) |
12 | 川口 弘子 Ms.Kawaguchi Hiroko |
母への想い Sentiments for My Mother |
Chinese (PDF) , English (PDF) , Japanese (PDF) , Korean (PDF) |
13 | 下竹 千代子 Ms.Shimotake Chiyoko |
忘れたくても忘れられないあの夏の出来事 Unforgettable Event That Summer |
Chinese (PDF) , English (PDF) , Japanese (PDF) , Korean (PDF) |
14 | 宮地 稔雄 Mr.Miyachi Toshio |
よかったのう Lucky You |
Chinese (PDF) , English (PDF) , Japanese (PDF) , Korean (PDF) |
- Contact details for enquiries about using these testimonies
- Director of Nagasaki National Peace Memorial Hall for the Atomic Bomb Victims
7-8 Hirano-machi, Nagasaki City 852-8117, Japan
TEL: +81(0)95-814-0055 FAX: +81(0)95-814-0056 E-mail: