Opening Special Feature Japanese Diplomacy in 2018 Seen through Photographs (May-September) Japanese Diplomacy in 2018 Seen through Photographs (May-September) Visit to Japan by the Premier of China and the President of the ROK, Japan-China-ROK Trilateral Summit (May, Tokyo; Photo: Cabinet Public Relations Office) (Chapter 2-1-7) The Eighth Pacific Islands Leaders Meeting (PALM8) (May, Fukushima Prefecture; Photo: Cabinet Public Relations Office) (Chapter 2-1-6) Foreign Minister Kono's visit to Brazil, welcome reception hosted by Nikkei representatives (May, Brazil) (Chapter 2-3-3) Prime Minister Abe's visit to Russia, Japan-Russia Summit Meeting (May, Russia; Photo: Cabinet Public Relations Office) (Chapter 2-5-1) Ceremony to present an Akita Inu “Masaru” to the Russian skater Alina Zagitova (May, Russia; Photo: Cabinet Public Relations Office) Prime Minister Abe's visit to the U.S., Japan-U.S. Summit Meeting (June, U.S.; Photo: Cabinet Public Relations Office) (Chapter 2-2-1) G7 Charlevoix Summit (June, Canada; Photo: Cabinet Public Relations Office) (Chapter 3-2-2) U.S.-North Korea Summit (June, Singapore) (Chapter 2-1-2) Foreign Minister Kono's visit to Poland, Japan-Poland Foreign Ministers' Meeting (July, Poland) (Chapter 2-4-1) Visit to Japan by the Secretary of State of the U.S. and the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the ROK, Japan-U.S.-ROK Foreign Ministers' Meeting (July, Tokyo) (Chapter 2-1-2) Foreign Minister Kono's visit to France, Signing of the Japan-France Acquisition and Cross Servicing Agreement (ACSA) (July, France) (Chapter 2-4-2) Signing ceremony for the Japan-EU Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) and the Strategic Partnership Agreement (SPA) (July, Tokyo; Photo: Cabinet Public Relations Office) (Chapter 2-4-2; Chapter 3-3-1) Foreign Minister Kono's visit to Russia, Japan-Russia Foreign and Defense Ministerial Consultation (“2+2” Ministerial Meeting) (July, Russia) (Chapter 2-5-1) Visit to Japan by the UN Secretary-General (August, Nagasaki City; Photo: Nagasaki City) (Chapter 3-1-5) Fourth Conference of States Parties to the Arms Trade Treaty (August, Tokyo) (Chapter 3-1-4)