Section 5. Promoting Mutual Understanding Between Japan and Other Countries


The interdependence of the international community is growing each year and, with the development of an informationoriented society, an increasingly finer information network has spread over the world.

With the recent marked rise in Japan's position in the international community, it has become very important for Japan to provide other countries with accurate information and knowledge about itself and its trends as well as to keep itself fully aware and informed of world developments. Accordingly, Japan always makes an effort to keep nations informed about it self and its policies, thereby deepening the knowledge and understanding of this country abroad.

It is also important for Japan to promote cultural exchange and deepen mutual understanding and friendship among peoples in order to maintain and develop its relations with other nations on a long-term and stable basis.

For this reason, Japan has concluded cultural agreements and arrangements with no less than 32 countries' so far and, in FY1982, held consultations on cultural exchange with the United States, China, Australia, the Netherlands and Finland. Japan also carried out various cultural exchange programs through the Japan Foundation, a special juridical body under the purview of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. They included exchange of persons, assistance to Japanese language studies and research on Japan, performing arts and exhibitions, donation of books, publication assistance, and audiovisual projects. In addition, Japan, giving special importance to cooperation for promotion of culture and education in the developing countries, provided cultural grant aid to 16 countries (18 cases) in FY1982. Japan also extended financial cooperation to the University of British Columbia in Canada and the Aspen Institute for Humanistic Studies in the U.S. and cooperated in UNESCO's projects for preserving historic relics.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs conducts domestic publicity activities and extends cooperation to the mass media for the purpose of providing the Japanese people with accurate information and deepening their knowledge and understanding of the international situation and Japan's foreign policy, thereby obtaining their greater understanding of and support for Japan's diplomatic efforts.

Japan can consolidate the basis of its foreign policy by gaining broad understanding and support from the people of Japan and other nations. With growing expectations placed on Japan by other countries, there will inevitably be a growing interest in developments within Japan. In these circumstances, public information and cultural exchange activities are taking on increased importance as an essential element of Japan's foreign policy. Japan is now directing its efforts toward an expansion of such activities.


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