Public Symposium A better path to peace: dynamic collaboration between peacekeeping and peacebuilding
November 22, 2010
- Public Symposium “A better path to peace: dynamic collaboration between peacekeeping and peacebuilding” is to be held on Wednesday 1 December, 2010 at the United Nations University.
- The aim of this symposium is to promote in-depth discussions on peacekeeping and peacebuilding, an area to which Japan attaches much importance. Ms.Sadako Ogata, President of Japan International Cooperation Agency, Dr. Mutrif Siddig Ali Alnimeiri, State Minister of Humanitarian Affairs, The Republic of the Sudan, Mr.Ouch Borith, Secretary of State, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Kingdom of Cambodia, Mr. Le Roy, Under-Secretary-General for Peacekeeping Operations, UN, are among the speakers/panelists who will be participating in the symposium.
- The symposium consists of three sessions: a review on UN discussions on peacekeeping and peacebuilding; voices from the field on this subject and the challenges thereof; and the way ahead for the international community’s efforts to support peacekeeping and peacebuilding.
Date/Time: 1 December, 2010(Wednesday) 10:00am-5:00pm (Registration 9:30am-)
Venue: U Thant Hall, United Nations University
Admission: free
Registration: please send an e-mail titled “Symposium Registration” to with the following information: ①Name,②Occupation,③Contact information(phone/fax, e-mail address).
Host: Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Japan / United Nations Information Centre
Related Information (Japan and the United Nations)