Statement by the Minister for Foreign affairs of Japan on the Refusal by the Government of the Republic of Korea of the Government of Japan's Proposal on the Institution of Proceedings before the International Court of Justice by a Special Agreement

August 30, 2012

  1. Regarding the Takeshima dispute, on August 21, the Government of Japan (GOJ) made proposals to the Government of the Republic of Korea (ROK) about instituting proceedings before the International Court of Justice (ICJ) by a special agreement and conciliation based on the "Exchange of notes concerning the settlement of disputes between Japan and the Republic of Korea." On August 30, the ROK Government replied to the GOJ by a note verbale refusing these proposals.

  2. The GOJ considers that, in order to settle the Takeshima dispute in a calm and peaceful manner based on international law, it is appropriate to take actions such as instituting proceedings before the ICJ by a special agreement. The GOJ had expected that as an important member state of the United Nations (UN), advocating "Global Korea," the ROK Government would accept our proposals and make its claims squarely before the Court. It is therefore extremely disappointing to receive the ROK-side's response which contains no concrete counterproposal to resolve the Takeshima dispute.

  3. The GOJ intends to continue taking appropriate actions in resolving the Takeshima dispute in a calm and peaceful manner based on international law, including referring the dispute to the ICJ on its own.
    • (*The foregoing is a translation of the Japanese original. The date indicated above denotes the date of issue of the original statement in Japanese.)