Departure of Japan Disaster Relief Team (Japan Self-Defense Forces Unit)

January 21, 2010

  1. On January 20, the Government of Japan decided to dispatch a Japan Self-Defense Forces unit to carry out disaster relief activities (medical activities) with regard to the earthquake calamity in Haiti. This team is comprised of approximately one hundred Self-Defense Forces personnel, including about forty medical personnel, fourteen of which are medical officers.
  2. This team, as a Japan Disaster Relief Team, departed from Narita Airport on a chartered aircraft at 9 p.m. on January 21. They will arrive in Miami, the United States around 1 p.m. on January 22 (JST), and will head for Haiti afterwards.
  3. After arriving in Haiti, this team will go to Leogan (approximately forty kilometers west of Port-au-Prince) and carry out medical activities, taking over the medical activities from Japan Disaster Relief Team (Medical Team) currently working on there.