Statement by the Press Secretary/Director-General for Press and Public Relations, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, on the Ratification of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT) by the Democratic Republic of Congo
September 30, 2004
- On September 28, the Democratic Republic of Congo deposited its instrument of ratification of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT) with the United Nations. As the Democratic Republic of Congo is one of the countries whose ratifications are required for the entry into force of the Treaty (Annex II countries), Japan highly values and welcomes its ratification as an action to give impetus to the international nuclear non-proliferation and disarmament.
- To facilitate the early entry-into-force of the Treaty, Japan has made active approaches particularly to non-ratified Annex II countries including the Democratic Republic of Congo. Taking the opportunity of the UN General Assembly on September 23, the Government of Japan co-hosted the CTBT Friends Ministerial Meeting together with Australia, Finland and the Netherlands (representative of EU) at the UN Headquarters, and the foreign ministers issued the Joint Ministerial Statement urging ratification by the remaining countries. Japan considers the ratification by the Democratic Republic of Congo as a sign of these international efforts, including that of Japan, being taken into account.
- Upon the decision by the Democratic Republic of Congo, Japan intends to continue to urge the remaining 11 Annex II countries to ratify the Treaty as early as possible for the early entry-into-force of the Treaty and will also continue its diplomatic efforts to further promote nuclear non-proliferation and disarmament.
Related Information (CTBT)
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