Ratification of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT) by Bangladesh

March 8, 2000

  1. Japan wholeheartedly welcomes the decision made by Bangladesh to deposit the instrument of ratification of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT) with the UN Secretariat. The decision is very encouraging as a positive, far-reaching signal for global nuclear disarmament and nuclear nonproliferation.

  2. To facilitate the early entry-into-force of the Treaty, Japan has so far made approaches by dispatching high-level missions to the countries whose ratifications are required for the entry-into-force of the Treaty, but which have not yet ratified the Treaty. Japan appreciates Bangladesh for having received and discussed this matter with Adviser to the Minister for Foreign Affairs Nobuo Matsunaga in January this year, as well as Special Assistant to the Minister for Foreign Affairs Yoshitomo Tanaka in February.

  3. Japan intends to continue urging the other countries that have not yet ratified the Treaty to do so at an early date.


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